Sabbath 130745120

Dear Friends,

We are now in the wars of the Fifth and Sixth Trumpets (see No. 141C). The world will be pulled to pieces in the next six months and the NWO of the Beast will be established and rule for 42 months. (see The Empire of the Beast (No. 299A)). They will then seek to destroy the Religious Whore (see the Whore and the Beast (No. 299B)). The Globalists are seeking to destroy the national sovereignty and self sufficiency of the nations. The media is reporting that it may well have been the French/US that blew up the Pipeline of Nord Stream 2. That will destroy the welfare of the sick, old and destitute. They are pushing Putin to the wall and the Russians will retaliate. It is all downhill from here.  The most likely scenario is that the nuclear exchange will occur over the next few months and God will then intervene. It could even happen over this month. Christ would then come at Passover as he did at Gilgal. Most probably God will send the Witnesses on the Sanctification of the Simple and Erroneous (No. 291) on 7 Abib or 28 March 2023. Keeping this Fast on 7 Abib, as did Christ and the Apostles is important to the church. The Sanctification will avail much in the despatch of the Witnesses. If the Witnesses come on the Sanctification of the Simple and Erroneous in 2023 (28 March), then the 1264th day would be on the Day of Trumpets in 2026 (11 September). We at CCG are narrowing in on this sequence.  It is at Abib that Israel was brought to Gilgal (the rolling) and circumcised as the Body of Israel and it was after the induction of the nation into the body of Israel the conquest of the Holy Land began with Jericho. Christ appeared, as Captain of the Army of the Lord, to Joshua at Jericho and gave instructions for the conquest (see the Fall of Jericho (No. 142). In this case the Witnesses will commence the rolling away of the sin of the world and will punish the disobedient. They will convert Judah and abolish Hillel from the earth and begin to enforce God’s Calendar (No. 156). They will cleanse the Churches of God of judaisers and demons, keeping Hillel (No. 195C). Those that do not repent will be refused entry to the First Resurrection (No. 143A).  They then will repent for entry to the Millennium or die and face the Second Resurrection (No. 143B).                                             

Remember that the Witnesses will preach at Jerusalem for 1260 days from the Temple Mount and then they will be killed on the last day and then lie dead on the streets for 3.5 days. The world will celebrate rather than repent. On the morning of the 1264th day Messiah and the Host will arrive, commencing the resurrection of the Witnesses and the Churches of God over the ages, and commence to subjugate the planet. This will then cause Armageddon (No. 141E and No. 141E_2) to be before Atonement 2026 at the commencement of the Jubilee year. Over the Jubilee the entire world will be subjugated and forced to keep the Law of God (L1) and God’s Calendar (No. 156). All false religion will be exterminated. Only the Holy Seed will be left alive (Isa. 6:9-13) and go into the Millennium (see End of False Religion (No. 141F).

The Witnesses, whom the church believes will be Enoch and Elijah, will restore the nexus of the law of God. As God has said He will send the prophet Elijah, before the great and terrible day of the Lord, to deal with the families of the nations, or he will strike the earth with a curse (Mal. 4:5). The only other person taken by God is Enoch and the Churches of God over two millennia have held these to be the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11:3ff, with the exception of the Sardis system, under Armstrong. Even the RC prophets believed it would be them. (see also The Witnesses (No. 135) and 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D)).

All the Churches of God have to do to be in the First Resurrection is get rid of the Ditheism (076B), Binitarianism and Trinitarianism (No. 076) and get rid of Hillel and the postponements (195C and 195), and stop attacking, defaming and backbiting one another; then keep the Law of God in the Holy Spirit (117)  and in brotherly love.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General