Sabbath 7/12/42/120

Dear Friends,

We are coming up to the New Year which is the New Moon of the First Month of the Year Abib and the start of the Sanctification process.  The sequence concerns the Sanctification of the Nations (No. 077) which represents the final period of the Last Days when God will act to deal with the sins of the nations.

The world is concerned at its failure to explain the problems with society.  The Pope has recently expressed concern that the society is regressing to evil and has to be changed. So also are the other religious systems who cannot explain the collapse of the society into social evils. They even went to the trouble of signing an agreement over the formation over the One Universal Apostolic Church which included the Adventists, Anglicans and other Trinitarian factions. The Adventists declared their Trinitarian penetration by the Jesuits and their adoption of its heresy in 1978. This agreement was prophecy occurring before our eyes. The Empire of the Beast (No. 299A) is about to turn on the Whore and the Whore is being forced to congregate with her harlot daughters as stated in prophecy (cf. The Whore and the Beast (No. 299B)).

What these religions do not realise is that they are not acting in accordance with God’s instruction to us as a people and as enshrined in the Law and the Testimony (Isa. 8:20).

The Trinitarian religions are not Christian.  They are Baal worshipping Sun Cults that came from the Middle East and worship on Sundays and keep Christmas and Easter (No. 235). They worship the Triune God which they brought into Christianity as Binitarianism from the worship of Attis in Rome and then superimposed the Triune System onto it from the beginning of the Third century as Modalism and then as the Trinity as it was developed by the Cappadocians for the council of Constantinople in 381 and then as ratified at Chalcedon in 451 CE (cf. Binitarianism and Trinitarianism (No. 076)). To do this they had to misrepresent Scripture and forged important texts of it in the Receptus and incorporated the forgeries into the KJV (e.g. 1Jn 5:7; Forgeries and additions/Mistranslations in the Bible (No. 164F). The actual Bible Texts contain no basis for the Trinity whatsoever.  These same Sun and Mystery cults brought in the doctrine of Heaven and Hell.  This was the way that the early church could tell an apostate Baal worshipper from a True Christian.  If they said that when they died they went to heaven one knew immediately they were not Christians (cf. Justin Martyr, Dial. LXXX; also Heaven, Hell of the First Resurrection (No. 143A)).  Both the Bible and the Koran speak of the First and Second Resurrections of the Dead to what the Koran refers to as the Gardens of Paradise (cf. The Second Resurrection of the Dead and the White Throne Judgment (No. 143b)).  God’s Plan of Salvation (No. 001A) is perfect.  No one will be lost unless it is their own insubordinate will.

The Bible is quite clear that the elohim of Israel is the subordinate elohim of Psalm 45:6-7 and Hebrews 1:8-9 who is High Priest of the Order of Melchisedek we know as Jesus Christ (cf. Commentary on Hebrews (F058);  Gen. 48:15-16; Acts 7:51-53; 1Cor. 10:4).

Very soon the Wars of the End will come to a completion. We will see the Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C) cause many of the world sinners to die in the bio-chemical War of the Fifth Trumpet and the thermonuclear War of the Sixth Trumpet.

Then God will intervene with the arrival of the Two Witnesses Enoch and Elijah as explained in Wars of the End Part II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D). They will deal first with the Jews and the Churches of God. They will especially stamp out Mystical Kabbalism from Judah and the Sardis and Laodicean systems of Ditheism (No. 076B) or Binitarianism or Trinitarianism (No. 076) (cf. above). They will also stamp out the Hillel false calendar of post temple Judaism.  Anyone practicing these heresies will be struck dumb and inflicted with the plagues as a first warning and then killed if they do not repent.

When the Witnesses are killed by the Beast power and lie in the streets of Jerusalem for 3.5 days then Messiah and the Host will appear and they will be resurrected and taken to Christ and the entire First Resurrection will be translated and taken to Jerusalem to be with Christ to prepare for the millennial reign as explained in prophecy (Rev. Ch. 20). With Christ and the Host they will take over the earth and send the Fallen Host to Tartaros and then stamp out the military forces and apostate leadership of the world as explained in Wars of the End Part III: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E).  The entire world will not accept Messiah except those of the elect who are called and chosen and faithful of the final Philadelphian system. The world will march against the Messiah as they opposed and killed the Witnesses (Wars of the End Part IIIB: War Against Christ (No. 141E_2)).

After many years of anticipation many of the Sardis system who have been deceived into believing Herbert Armstrong was Elijah? (No. 233) will refuse to accept the Witnesses. They will oppose the Witnesses and refuse to repent of their Ditheism, Binitarianism and Trinitarianism and refuse to reject Hillel and keep God’s Calendar (No. 156). They and their ministry will be given a chance to repent under the Witnesses.  If they do not repent they will then be stricken with the plagues of Egypt and unless they repent they will be allowed to die or killed at the Return of the Messiah. If they repent they will miss the First Resurrection and will face the Tribulation but they stand a chance of living into the Millennium with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who will also miss the First Resurrection due to their heresy, and the Adventists still alive who did not repent in time.
Then the Messiah and the Host will stamp out all false religion from Pseudo Christianity, Pseudo Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Animism and the Atheists to all other infidel systems (Wars of the End Part IV: End of False Religion (No. 141F)). There will be no person left alive who does not keep the Fourth and all other commandments (Ex, 20; Deut. 5; Surah 4:154).  The entire planet will revert to the Food Laws (No. 015) of Leviticus ch. 11; Deuteronomy ch.  14; Surah. 3:093).

There will be no negotiation and no discussion. The world will do as it is told and obey God’s Laws (L1) or those people will die and be retaught in the Second Resurrection with the rest of the resurrected world after the Millennium.

Between now and the end of the Vials under Messiah the conflicts will not end and the majority of the world will die. That will be solely because they refuse to keep God’s Laws. One third will die under the Wars of the Trumpets and another quarter under the pestilence that follows. Then they will continue to die under the Witnesses and the wars of Messiah and the Vials. This will be taught by the servants of the demons as a good thing because the world is overcrowded.

In the sanctification period ahead we will pray for the world and the Churches of God especially as the Sanctification of the Temple of God (No. 241) and on the Seventh of Abib we will fast for the Sanctification of the Simple and Erroneous (No. 291). Our predecessors kept the fast of 7 Abib for hundreds of years from Christ and the Apostles and this fact we ascertain from the Sardis trained bishops of Irenaeus and Hippolytus trained under Polycarp and Polycrates as discussed in 291 above.

Prepare now for the New year and the Sanctification period and for the Passover where we renew our covenant with God in the Passover sequence and the Lord’s Supper. Remember there was no doubt that Christ, as the Angel and Elohim at Sinai, meant what he said and would and did kill those who disobeyed.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General