Tabernacles 40/120 (2017)

Dear Friends,

Well we are now at the Feast of Tabernacles.  We hope everyone had safe travel and that you are all together and enjoying the Feast atmosphere with one another.

This Feast of Tabernacles is designed as an intensive learning episode on the faith of the Churches of God as based in the doctrines as expressed in the Seventh Century under the church in Arabia and the trials and persecutions and the victories through which it went in its process ultimately leading to its own corruption which in turn lead to its destruction and its correction in the last days.

The Church under Christ and the apostles was Unitarian based entirely on the Bible and the Laws of God as they emanated from the Nature of God. The structure of the Scriptures is God breathed and is issued under direction of God through the Holy Spirit in His servants the prophets.  Each one is directly inspired by God.  Nothing is added to it unless under the direct inspiration of God.  We know that the church was corrupted by the Binititarians and Ditheists of the worship of the god Baal or Hubal and his consort Ashtoreth or Easter for which the pagan festival is named. The last eras of the Churches of God began to teach this Ditheist and Binitarian doctrine of the nature of the god Baal (see the paper Ditheism (No. 076B)).  They have all been measured and rejected as was their leader (see the paper Measuring the Temple (No. 137) Distortion of God’s Calendar in Judah (No. 195B) and Hillel, The Babylonian Intercalations and the Temple Calendar (No. 195C)).  Every priest that teaches Sunday worship of the “Lord” (Baal) and the goddess Easter is a devotee of the false god Baal and his consort (see the paper Binitarian and Trinitarian Misrepresentation of the Early Theology of the Godhead (No. 127B)). So also every Imam or Sheik that teaches that God’s Calendar has no intercalary month and rotates wildly through the years is an infidel and does not understand the Koran and its meaning regarding the Babylonian Intercalations that were in use at Mecca when the Surahs were given (see the paper Hebrew and Islamic Calendar Reconciled (No. 053) and God’s Calendar (No. 156)).

Anyone who teaches that Christ is a co-equal and co-eternal God with Eloah the One True God, who created Christ and the other elohim, is at base an infidel. Such false teachers will be destroyed at the return of the Messiah by Christ himself and the prophets and apostles whom he leads at the Resurrection. It is precisely for that reason that the Sardis and Laodicean systems are declared dead and spewed out of God’s mouth.  It is only the Philadelphian system that is permitted to correct the world and warn of the Messiah and the wars of the Middle East and at Jerusalem in the last days as we see from Revelation 3:9. This is the last era with the lampstand of God and the Key of David and responsible for explaining the final Mysteries of God (see the paper Pillars of Philadelphia (No. 283)).  

This episode is part of that process of instruction under Jeremiah 4:15-16. It has not been undertaken since the deaths of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and the death of the leaders of the Churches of God in Mecca and Al-Maddinah (Medina) and into Iraq and Iran. The Pergamos era was the last of it in the Middle East and Asia. The Thyatirans did a magnificent job in Europe and throughout the world up until the Reformation but they were punished and persecuted and died in the hundreds of thousands. These aspects are covered in the texts General Distribution of the Sabbath-keeping Churches (No. 122) and Role of the Fourth Commandment in the Historical Sabbath-keeping Churches of God (No. 170).

Before we go to the feast we should familiarise ourselves with the structure of the Koran and read the Commentary on the Koran: Prologue (QP); The Introduction to the Commentary on the Koran (Q001) and the Pillars of the Faith (No. Q001A).

Understanding the structure of the Koran and the Scriptures is important to salvation in the Last Days. The false teachers of the Hadith and pseudo Islam generally teach the doctrine of Baal or Hubal regarding “Heaven and Hell” and teach these illiterate peasants that do not read the Scriptures or the Koran that they go to heaven and if they die in jihad they enter heaven and are given 72 virgins. More insanely, the incredulous fools think that Eloah or Allah would support such insanity.  Do you not know that the resurrected elect will be like the angels in heaven and neither marry nor be given in marriage.  They will be equal and have no sexual relations at all ever (Luke 20:36).

For an overview of the Surahs to date the Qur’an is listed as follows:
Section 1:
Surahs 1 and 2: The Heifer (Q002)
Surah 3: The Family of Imran (Q003)
Surah 4: Women (Q004)
Surah 5: The Table Spread (The Feast) (Q005)
Surah 6: Cattle or Livestock (Q006)
Surah 7: The Heights (Q007)

This first element deals with the purpose of the Calling and the elect of the Faith from the Sanctification of the elect as the Temple of God under the Adamic or Reddish Heifer of Sanctification who was Messiah and who became High Priest of the order of Melchisdek and Priest of the Temple of God (see also Commentary on Hebrews (F058)).

Q3 “The Family of Imran”  deals with the selection of the patriarchs and prophets and the establishment of the law of God and the priesthood under the sons of Jacob as Israel as “He shall rule as God” determining the destiny of mankind and the elect as its priests.

Q4 “Women” is a work on the place of women and their rights in the elect.  It was revealed at Al-Maddinah from the end of the third year to the fifth year there. It appropriately ties women into their place in the elect and ensures their rights as explained in the text.

Q5 “The Table Spread” deals with the next phase of the elect as the Church of God and their responsibilities for the “Lord’s Supper” pursuant to the First Sacrament of Baptism following on to the Bread and Wine and Footwashing at the “Lord’s Supper” at the Passover as the Second and continuing sacrament of the Faith.

Q6 “Livestock” Deals with mankind and their responsibilities in order to become the Elect as the Sheep of God and their responsibilities to one another. It really describes the sheep and the Goats in the progress in the faith to the Resurrections.

Q7 The Heights takes its name from words in verse 46 “And on the Heights are men who know them all by their marks.” This text often is used to term the Surah as “Purgatory” (e.g. Rashad Khalifa) as the general theme is that of those who oppose the will of God from Satan on down through the ages and of Divine Guidance. They are thus removed from the First Resurrection and sent to the Second Resurrection which requires them to wait for another thousand years until after the Millennium. Hence the Trinitarian pseudo-Christian concept of Purgatory in being in a position of waiting for judgment is introduced.

The concept of the plan of Salvation and the operation of Freewill is thus introduced.

Section 2: Responsibilities and Repentance under the Prophets.
Surah 8 deals with the Tithing responsibilities to war widows and orphans and ties the tithe of the Third year as the poor dues to the ratio of the spoils of war at 20% which is the poor due of the Third year. Commentary on the Koran: Surah 8 (No. Q008).

The sequence then goes on to the requirement for repentance at Surah 9
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 9 (No. Q009)
Then the text lists the sequence of the prophets which demonstrates the requirements for repentance in each of the areas of the sons of Noah and then of Shem.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 10 (No. Q010) “Jonah” was given as it is the only sign given to the Churches of God from the Messiah and will be until the Messiah comes again (see the paper Sign of Jonah and the History of the Reconstruction of the Temple (No. 013)).
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 11 (No. Q011) “Hud follows the sequence in the sons of Shem in Arabia and the Middle East generally to A’ad and then Salih to the Thamud and so on.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 12 (No. Q012) “Joseph” deals with the life story of Joseph and his part in the plan of Salvation.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 13 (No. Q013) “The Thunder” then goes on to the subject of Divine Guidance in the Laws of God and their effect on the laws of Nature.
Section 3: Pergamos and the church in Arabia.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 14 (No. Q014)  “Abraham”  Then goes on to isolate the sequence of prophets to the establishment of Ishmael in the valley of Mecca .  The fact that the sequence follows on to the Al Hijr which deals with the sequence of the Arab rulers is no accident.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 15 (No. Q015)  “Al Hijr” deals with the rule of Arabia and the wars of the Last Days under the sequence of the sons of Amalek as we see from the text.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 16 (No. Q016) “The Bee” then deals with the sequence from God’s Providence to mankind in the Creation and His guidance as a necessary part of it. It thus follows that rejecting God’s laws is folly.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 17 (No. Q017) “The Children of Israel” or the “Night Journey” then takes the plan on to the identification of Jerusalem as the central place of the Children of Israel ruling under the Messiah from the First Resurrection. 
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 18 (No. Q018) “The Cave” then takes the church on to the First era at Ephesus and then Smyrna and to the Pergamos era in Revelation 2.  This is an important text in explanation of the eras of the Seven Churches and Hadithic Islam understands none of it.
Section 4:  The church in Arabia and the rise of Islam.
The next section begins with the flight of the church to Abyssinia and their refuge under the Sabbatarian Church there. This sequence is to be studied at the Feast and goes on until the Sabbath after the end of the Feast.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 19 (No. Q019) “Maryam” being the mother of Messiah was given to establish the bona fides of the church in Arabia with the Negus (or King) and the churches in Abyssinia, which it successfully achieved.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 20 (No. Q020) “Ta Ha” was used to call Omar who was to become Caliph and later restore Jerusalem and clean the Temple Mount of rubbish put there by Trinitarian “Christians.”
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 21 (No. Q021) “The Prophets” deals with the sequence of the prophets and their fit into the Scriptures and the faith of the Churches of God.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 22 (No. Q022)  Surah 22 Al Hajj is given the name “The Pilgrimage” from the assumption that the text in verses 26-38 refers to a pilgrimage to the idolatrous house in Mecca as a central place of worship, which it cannot do.  The text actually refers to the Feasts of God of the Bible texts and the requirements of the laws of God. The Churches of God, after the fall of the Temple in 70 CE, saw the dispersion of the Jews. From the move of the church to Ephesus the feasts were kept wherever the church decided that God was to place His hand as the place of worship and that would continue until the Return of the Messiah and the re-establishment of the Temple at Jerusalem. All nations will send their representatives to Jerusalem under the Messiah or the nations will be punished and destroyed (Zech. 14:16-19). Abraham had determined the early place of worship by the naming of the place as Bethel or the House of God.  He also allocated the centrality of worship at Jerusalem with the tithing to Shem as priest of Melchisedek (No. 128).  He also dedicated Beersheba as the “well of the oath” where he swore the oath of the covenant.  God had sworn through the prophet Zechariah that Jerusalem was the centre of worship and would be under the Messiah at his return. Zechariah Chapter 2 shows that the One True God sends the Messiah to Jerusalem to redeem it from the idolaters in the Last Days and the Bible is absolutely clear that the world will be run from there forever as will be the universe run from there after the Second Resurrection and the Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B).
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 23 (No. Q023) “The Believers” The text of “The Believers” refers to the church and its structure. The texts from the previous Surahs follow on to the prophets and their tasks and prophecies. They continue on to the Believers of the Saints of the Elect in the Churches of God.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 24 (No. Q024) An-Nur, “Light” derives its name from verses 35-40.  It is deemed to be descriptive of the Light of God “as it should shine in the home of followers” as Pickthall deems it; the greater part of the Surah being legislation for the purifying of home life.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 25 (No. Q025) “The Criterion” Surah 25 deals with the Criterion of Right and Wrong which deals with the preparation of the Body of the Faith.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 26 (No. Q026)  Ash-Shu’ara “The Poets” takes its title from verses 224ff. where the difference between poets and a prophet is pointed out. The text carries on from the previous Surah dealing with the criterion of the elect as the true believers and the leaders of the faith in prophecy. The elect live by faith and never lie no matter what the reason.  The poets are referred to as they are those who say things they often do not mean. The pagan Arabs believed the work of poetry and its inspiration to be the work of the jinn or demons.
Commentary on the Koran: Surah 27 (No. Q027)  “The ant”  Refers to the ant who represents the prophet of the Last Days warning of the Coming of the Messiah, which is the army of Solomon as the Temple of God.

Surah 27 is the sermon of Sabbath after the feast and the texts of the New Moon and following Sabbath are Surah 28 “The Story” regarding the struggles of Moses and Surah 29 “The Spider” dealing with false beliefs. Surah 30 “Romans” will be the message for 28 October dealing with the prophecies of the Romans as revealed under Daniel and Ezekiel.

Week by week we will slowly reveal the faith to the adherents of Islam so that they understand what it is with which they will be faced very soon, both through the witnesses foretold by God and then by the Messiah and the Risen Elect as the Army of God.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General.