Atonement 10/07/45/120

Dear Friends,

On this Day of Atonement of the 45th year of the 120th Jubilee we come together in prayer and fasting to consider the last phase of the Completion of the Sign of Jonah (No. 013B) over the years from 45 to 49 of the 120th Jubilee. This is the Third year of the Last Sabbath Cycle and great change is about to come upon the world. We are about to enter the War of the Sixth Trumpet covered in the sequence of the Wars of the End: Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C). The Russians under Putin are having difficulties and the Globalists are forcing them into a phase which will see the Russians resort to nuclear exchanges. The Globalists will force the world into the war that will kill a third of mankind (Rev. 9:18) and they have stated that is where they are being forced and have quoted the Bible text. The Chinese have declared support for them. China’s allies (e.g. North Korea) are being prepared for war. Once this conflict occurs we can expect God to send the Witnesses to the Temple Mount. (see No.135 and 141D). If the exchange is to occur this coming month then we can expect the Messiah at Passover 2026 (see also Fall of Jericho (No. 142)). If it does not occur until as late as Passover 2023 we can expect Messiah at Trumpets 2026, for the Jubilee, declared at Atonement.

The theology of Atonement (No. 138) is important and it is also important to study the division into the Priest Messiah of Aaron and the King Messiah of Israel (see Azazel and Atonement (No. 214)). Christ was originally the Priest Messiah in 30 CE and now he will come as the King Messiah of Israel to take over the world and establish the Millennium for the Kingdom of God (see City of God (No. 180))

Once the Witnesses arrive on the Temple Mount they will deal with Rabbinical Judaism and convert them. Those that do not repent will die.  The Hillel Calendar will be destroyed and they will restore the Temple Calendar as God’s Calendar (No. 156). Those resisting will be removed from Israel. Those that do not repent in the Churches of God will not enter the First Resurrection (No. 143A) and if they continue to resist they will not enter the Millennium and will be consigned to the Second Resurrection (No. 143B). If they persist they will face The Second Death (No. 143C).

God will intervene very soon. Prepare yourselves.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General