New Year 43/120
Dear Friends,
This is the New Year of the 43rd year of the 120th Jubilee. It falls right in the middle of the Worldwide Corona Virus Pandemic. The church is recommended not to travel anywhere at all. We are required to go outside of our dwellings for the Feast of the Passover and Unleavened Bread. However we must quarantine ourselves and not take unnecessary risks as far as exposing the families to the disease. It is more important that we also begin the Sanctification of the Temple of God (No. 241)). Remember that we are the Temple of God (cf. Man as the Temple of God (No. 282D)). Our Sanctification period extends to the Churches of God and then to prayers for the world. On 7 Abib we are to Fast for the Sanctification of the Simple and the Erroneous (No. 291).
God is about to deal with the nations now and bring them into captivity under the Messiah as we prepare them and ready the world for the Two Witnesses. We have given the Warning of the Last Days (No. 044) and prepared them for the Two Witnesses (No. 135) and their place in the Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C) and Wars of the End Part II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D). We will face the 1335 days in the sequence as follows:
1260 Days of the Witnesses, Four days lying dead in the street =1264.
30 Days of the Eradication of the UN and NWO at Armageddon = 1294
40 days for repentance under the Vials (Wars of the End Part III: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E) and the Wars of the End Part IIIB: War Against Christ (No. 141E_2).
Then on the 1335th day we see the end and preparation for the Treble Harvest of 2025. The wars are then over until 3025 CE. Men will cease dying by force of arms except for wilful insubordinations and disobedience to the Laws of God (L1).
Anyone who disobeys God’s Laws (L1) and God’s Calendar (No. 156) will be put to death by order of the Host. Any one that does not keep the Sabbaths and the New Moons and the Feasts will be put to death forthwith (Ex. Ch. 20; Deut. Ch. 5; Isa. 66:23; Zech 14:16-21). The games will be all over then. (cf. Wars of the End Part IV: End of False Religion (No. 141F). Men will obey God’s Law or die. There will be only one Church of God left on the planet.
It is now time to prepare for the end. It is now time.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General