Sabbath 27/3/42/120

Dear Friends,

Today we continue on with the program of identifying and exposing the true doctrines of the Churches of God that are under attack in some way, and in this case it is the doctrine of the Pre-existence of Christ (No. 243).   One of the Churches of God (SD) has a branch (the General Conference), that teaches that Christ had no preexistence outside of the womb of the Virgin Mariam.  The rest of the COG (SD) has gone from Binitarianism to Trinitarianism but this group, formed in the late Twentieth Century, maintains this Radical Unitarian heresy. It has managed to form a small group in Brazil (from the US) which has tried to join CCG but seems not to understand the basis of their error and hence they have been refused entry to CCG. There is also another group in Ukraine which is Unitarian and agrees with CCG doctrines but refuses to take wine at the Passover, indulging in grape juice, seemingly not comprehending what Christ said about the taking of his flesh and blood; and they also have been refused entry until they repent of this self righteous and heretical doctrine.

In the paper under study (i.e. 243 above) we see the creed of the Goths, under Ulfilas their bishop, that they brought into both Italy and Spain in the Fourth Century.  Those conflicts are covered in the paper the Unitarian/Trinitarian Wars (No. 268) that was the subject of study last Sabbath.

The Roman Catholic Church also seems to have lost sight of this doctrine and that Christ was the Angel of the Presence that gave the Law to Moses at Sinai and revealed the Law and also spoke through the Patriarchs and Prophets over the centuries and to the apostles in the Churches of God.  This aspect has been examined in the paper The Bible (No. 164) and the inspiration of Scripture has also been explained.

The corruption of the churches has been ongoing over the two millennia so that as few as possible are able to enter the kingdom of God. Satan has worked incessantly to limit the Body of Christ that enters the First Resurrection (No. 143A) at the return of the Messiah. God has allowed this to limit the elect to the called and chosen (cf. Predestination  (No. 296)).

God has stated through the Messiah to the Apostle John in Revelation Chapter 3 that there is only one era out of the last three that will enter the Kingdom of God and that the other two of the Sardis and Laodicean eras are dead and spewed out of His mouth. Only The Philadelphian will enter the First Resurrection (cf. Pillars of Philadelphia (No. 283)). These aspects and the place of the Wise and Foolish Virgins are explained as part of the Mysteries of God (No. 131) and part of being Born Again (No. 172).  It should therefore be a matter of urgent priority for all those seeking salvation that claim membership of the Churches of God to determine what doctrines must be kept and what doctrines, if kept, will exclude them from the Body of Christ.

If you are not interested and are comfortable with a Ditheist/Binitarian or Radical Unitarian Messiah and keep the Hillel Calendar or no calendar at all  then you are destined for the Second Resurrection and you have only yourself to blame. Relying on an heretical ministry will not save you. You will all be in the Second Resurrection with the Pagans, Talmudic Jews, Hadithic Muslims and Buddhists and Hindus and Antinomians and Atheists and Agnostics and all those not part of the First Resurrection at the return of the Messiah. Simply repent and be baptized and obey the Laws of God and the testimony and faith of Christ (Rev. 12:17: 14:12).

Wade Cox
Coordinator General