New Moon 01/03/42/120

Dear Friends,

Today is the New Moon of the Third Month and this year it is the 44th day of the Omer Count to Pentecost or the Feast of Weeks. As this is the Sabbath Year and the Reading of the Law it is appropriate that we look at the place of the Law of God in our calling and conversion.

The place of the Holy Days and Feasts in the faith is critical to the faith and our salvation.  Pentecost is determined by the Wave Sheaf Offering (No. 106B). Since Judah was dispersed from Israel and the Temple destroyed in 70 CE they have played with the Calendar and issued the modern calendar heresy under Hillel II in 358CE and amended it in the Twelfth Century under Maimonides (cf. Hillel, The Babylonian Intercalations and the Temple Calendar (No. 195C); God’s Calendar (No. 156) and also the Hebrew and Islamic Calendar Reconciled (No. 053)).  No Jew or person keeping Hillel since it began in 358 CE or before under the postponement systems after the dispersion and the destruction of the Temple and in the Churches of God since its adoption in 1946 under Armstrong has ever kept a Holy Day on the correct days except by accident and sometimes not even in the correct months. So also the Muslims have never kept the calendar since the fall of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and the deaths of Ali and Hussein and the establishment of the Hadith (cf. Sabbath in the Qur’an (No. 274)). So also God has established the Church for His purpose (cf. God and the Church (No. 151)).

We will discuss why God does not permit the keeping of the Temple Calendar and the keeping of the Holy  Days as a punishment for the idolatry of His people. That is why Judah is not allowed to keep the Temple Calendar and why the Churches of God in the offshoots and the SDAs are not allowed to keep the Temple Calendar and due to their antinomianism the JWs are not allowed to keep the Calendar or even the Sabbath.  Due to their Ditheism (No. 076B) or Binitarianism and even the Trinitarianism (cf. 127B) of the Armstrong offshoots God will not allow the COGs to keep the Temple Calendar and refuses them entry to the First Resurrection (No. 143A). God does not negotiate with heretics (cf. also Revelation Chapter. 3 and Pillars of Philadelphia (No. 283)).  The theology and prophecy is contained in Isaiah chapter 1 and explained in the paper Connection between the Nature of God and the Temple Calendar (No. 156E). This will be issued for Pentecost.

It is not a voluntary choice.  If you do not understand the Nature of God and the nexus of the Law coming from that Nature you are forced to keep the Hillel abomination or something else and are consigned to the Second Resurrection and the Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B). There is nothing we can do about it and those people will also face the Tribulation. It is not our choice.  The choice we have is to understand the Nature of God and that there is only One True God and that Christ is not a true God. Christ is the mediator appointed by that One True God who is his God and Creator (Prov. 30:4-5; Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:4-7). We all are required to understand that there is only One True God who is Eloah whom no man has seen or ever can see and who alone is immortal (1Tim. 6:16). He sent Jesus Christ (Jn. 17:3).  We have to understand that the Law of God is based on the Two Great Commandments The First Great Commandment (No. 252) and the Second Great Commandment (No. 257) and from these two depend all of the law and the prophets.  If we do not speak according to the Law and the Testimony, there is no light or truth in us (Isa. 8:20).  It is from the Nature of God that the Love of God is expressed through the Law of God (cf. Love and the Structure of the Law (No. 200) and also Distinction in the Law (No. 096))

So also is Sabbelianism a forbidden heresy in that it again claims Christ as God and ignores the Father as True God. Those espousing it are consigned to the Second Resurrection.

It is important that we understand the Laws of God (L1) and our responsibilities under the Law.  We have to prepare ourselves to inherit the Kingdom of God and to do that we must understand the structure of the Law. In order for us to better understand we are given the Tenth Commandment so that we can see how we are to keep the Law on a spiritual plane. We have explained the problem in the paper Law and the Tenth Commandment (No. 263).

The lusts of the flesh follow from the ubiquities of the mind. It is written: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, nor his wife, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is his. In Exodus 20 the house precedes the wife unlike the text in Deuteronomy which has been corrupted by the RC Trinitarians to split it into two commandments so the Second Commandment can be merged with the First and allow idolatry in the Trinitarian system and yet still retain the Ten Commandments. It is from the Tenth Commandment that spring all the lusts of the flesh and the sins of mankind.  Only through the Tenth do we understand the Law and a breach of the Tenth is a breach of the Law entire. Without the Holy Spirit (No. 117) consequent to Repentance and Baptism (No. 052) we are unable to keep the Laws of God (L1) save among those selected by God as His servants, such as the prophets and apostles, before Messiah made it available to all mankind including the Gentiles, as part of the Plan of God.

If you breach the First Commandment by elevating Christ to a co-equality and co-eternity with the One True God you are not permitted to keep God’s Calendar (No. 156) and you are consigned to the Second Resurrection unless you repent. There is no negotiation and no avoidance.

We must all realise that God removed Judah after giving them 40 years trial and opportunity to repent before He sent a Roman army, on I Abib 70 CE, in to destroy the Physical Temple and send Judah into captivity. Only those who accepted Christ as the Messiah and repented and were baptised and received the Holy Spirit from 30 CE were allowed to be saved and enter the First Resurrection. We became the Temple of God (cf. Rule of the kings Part IIIB: Man as the Temple of God (No. 282D)). 

No person who was a Jew was allowed to enter the First Resurrection at the Return of the Messiah unless they repented and were baptised and received the Holy Spirit from 30 CE onwards, as part of the Church of God.  They were not allowed to keep the Temple Calendar and thus were never allowed to keep the Feasts or Holy Days (cf.  Hillel, Babylonian Intercalations and the Temple Calendar (No. 195C)). They also lost responsibility for the Oracles of God (No. 184) which was passed to the Churches of God. They were sent into the dispersion for 40 jubilees or 2000 years and were allowed to go through the Holocaust in WWII due to their rejection of the Messiah and Salvation was given to the Gentiles.  In similar vein the Sardis and Laodicean eras were given over to a strong delusion and they adopted Ditheism and Binitarianism and Trinitarianism (as above) and were thus not allowed to keep the Temple Calendar as prophesied by Isaiah in chapter 1. So those that adopt these heresies are sent to the Second Resurrection unless they repent. This repentance must occur at the very latest under the Witnesses in the first year or so and they will be sent to the Church of the Philadelphians as prophesied by God to the churches in Revelation 3:9 to be baptised and taught before the Coming of the Messiah.  If they do not they will not be in the First Resurrection and all those who do not, including the offshoots of the WCG system, and all Sardis and Laodicea who do not repent will go through the Tribulation or Hour of Trial mentioned in the text and they will be consigned to the Second Resurrection. Anyone keeping Friday or Sunday and Christmas and Easter (No. 235) and thinks they are going to heaven has no hope and will repent or die not being able to enter the millennial system.

Study the papers in the Wars of the End Series, Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C); Part II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D); Part III: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E); Part IIIB: War Against Christ (No. 141E_2); Part IV: Restoration for the Millennium (No. 141F); Part V: Preparing the Elohim (No. 141G).

It is important that we realise that this sequence cannot be avoided. The only way out is through repentance and baptism and change from false doctrines. Scripture cannot be broken and the Sardis and Laodicean systems are dead and spewed from the Mouth of God. Do not tempt God because you are comfortable with your friends in a social club at present. You will not be so comfortable soon and when it is too late to repent and keep the Feasts of God according to the Temple Calendar for at least a complete year you have missed the First Resurrection and then you are a human repenting in anguish through the Tribulation or you are dead. Repent.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General