Christian Churches of God
No. CB6_2
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
(Edition 2.0 20100301-20240602)
In this lesson we will review the creation of Adam and Eve and the consequences of their actions for themselves, all mankind and the planet.
Christian Churches of God
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Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Goal: Children will understand the beginning of the creation of man on the planet and the positive and negative choices Adam and Eve made.
1. Children will learn how Adam and Eve were created.
2. Children will understand three things that make mankind different from animals.
3. Children will learn how Satan led Eve astray and what the consequences were for her not listening to God’s commands.
4. Children will learn what the result of sin was for mankind and the planet.
5. Children will learn who is currently in charge of the planet and how long he was given rulership of the earth.
God's Sacred Calendar (No. CB20)
The Creation of the Family of God (No. CB4)
God's Plan of Salvation (No. CB30)
Memory Verse:
Genesis 2:16-17 And the Lord God commanded the man,
‘You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; 17but of the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you
eat of it you shall die. NRSV
Open with prayer.
Lesson on the paper Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (No. CB6)
Activity associated with the lesson.
Close with prayer.
1. Read through the paper unless it is read as a sermonette with the children present.
Children’s questions are in bold.
This is a general review of the material covered in the paper Adam and
Eve in the Garden of Eden (No. CB6).
Q1. Who
created Adam and how old was Adam at creation?
A. It was God through the council of the Elohim, Gen.1:26-27 who created Adam in the Garden of Eden. Elohim is a plural word and includes both the One True God and the being(s) who act for him. Adam is believed to have been created at 20 years old which is the age when we become an adult. (Taken from The Companion Bible, Appendix 50)
Q2. We learned in Lesson CB 5 (In the Beginning) that God took a rib from Adam and created Eve. What was God instituting when He gave Eve to Adam?
A. God was instituting the marriage covenant. In marriage, husband and wife combine to complement each other. They are to form a family and bring children
up to know and love the One True God and to follow in His ways (Deut. 6:7-8).
Q3. Who taught Adam and Eve about God’s Law? (Jn. 1:18; 5:37)
A. Adam and Eve were taught the Law of God by the Angel who is known as the “Word of God” Jn 1:18, Jesus the Christ. Jesus Christ the man was the word of God, he was the spokesman of God the Father; speaking as the Father commanded him. (Jn 5:37 tells us no one has seen the Father or heard His voice).
Q4. In what way are animals different from humans?
A. Animals behave instinctively while humans have the capacity to think and reason and decide what they are going to do. God also made animals after their own kind but humans were made in the image of God and given the opportunity to become sons of God through the Holy Spirit which was added to mankind’s mind.
Q5. Are the angels given the freedom to choose as mankind has been given?
A. In Jude 6 we learn that the angels were given the choice to follow God’s law or disobey just as mankind was given the choice to obey or disobey.
Q6. What do humans and animals need to keep their physical bodies functioning?
A. Both animals and humans need air to breathe, and a heart constantly pumping blood through the veins. Even this breath and blood circulation must be refuelled by food and water from the ground.
Q7. Where was the Garden of Eden located?
A. God planted the Garden east of Eden per Gen.2:8-15. It was located in the Middle East, including what is now the area of Israel and north to the Tigris-Euphrates basin.
Q8. Why does mankind need the Holy Spirit? (2 Pet. 1:3-4)
A. In 1 Pet. 1:3-4 we learn that we need the Holy Spirit so that we can know God and grow to be more like Him and partake of His divine nature.
Q9. In the Garden of Eden, God made all different kinds of trees, but there was one tree God told Adam and Eve they were not to eat. What was the tree called and what did God say would happen to them should they eat of this tree?
A. The tree was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God told them when you eat of this tree you will surely die. (Gen. 2:16)
Q10. Was God testing Adam and Eve by giving them a choice to obey or disobey His
command to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
A. Yes, this was designed to be a test of man’s obedience. God had created man and woman to enjoy fellowship with Himself and with each other. Their disobedience alienated them from God and each other.
Q11. If they took from the forbidden tree, what commandments would they be
A. They would be breaking the Eighth Commandment which says: You shall not
steal. Also if they desired to take something that belonged to someone else,
they would break the Tenth Commandment which says: You shall not covet.
Q12. What does the tree of the knowledge of good and evil represent?
A. This tree represents Satan and the system he wished to use to deceive the first humans. This tree produced knowledge of both good and evil. Evil is in effect sin, which is the transgression of God’s law. All the other trees produced only good. This knowledge of good and evil leads to actions contrary to those commanded by God and contrary to His nature.
Q13. There was another tree in the middle of the Garden. What did the Lord God
call this tree?
A. The tree
was called the tree of life in Gen. 3:22-24.
Q14. What does the tree of life represent?
A. This tree represents God-given spiritual knowledge which then would have led to eternal life. This spiritual knowledge is revealed through God’s Spirit and shows us the way of love to God and love to man.
Q15. Who deceived Eve and who led Adam to disobey God?
A. In Gen. 3:5-6 Satan spoke with the woman and deceived her, holding out the promise of divinity or “you will be like God” (knowing good and evil). Eve manipulated her husband into sinning. Adam had a responsibility to his wife, to lead and be strong and he was not.
Q16. When Adam sinned, what tree was closed to Adam and Eve and all their
A. In Gen. 3:22-24 we see it was the tree of life that was shut off from Adam and Eve. They could not receive the Holy Spirit. It would take the second Adam (Jesus Christ) to come and pay the penalty of every person’s sins so humans could be forgiven and then have access to the Holy Spirit.
Q17. Did God know all of this was going to happen?
A. Yes, we see from I Sa. 46:10,Psa. 147:5 and Mat. 24:36 that God knows everything. He set up a perfect plan for His family before He ever started to create. God in His wisdom and mercy has allowed man to die so he can be brought back to life in the Second Resurrection.
Q18. What were the consequences for Eve when she decided to take of the
forbidden fruit and disobey God’s command? (Gen 3:16)
A. God told the woman that she would have pain in bearing children, and that her husband, who she desired, would rule over her.
Q19. Because Adam and Eve believed Satan instead of God and took of the forbidden
fruit, what is the result of their sin for mankind and the planet?
A. The effects of their sin is that man and woman could have had life, but now have death; could have had pleasure, but now have pain; could have had abundance, but in Gen. 3:17 we see that working the earth would be extremely hard work. Instead of being with God in perfect fellowship, we are now turned from God and are in conflict. That simple wrong act changed the life of every human being.
Q20. We live in a country where there are rules and laws that we must live by. What are God’s rules and laws that He has given mankind to follow? (Rom. 13:8-10)
A. God’s Laws and His government are love. His ten commandments summarise that people must first of all love God by obeying Him, worshipping Him, praying to Him, trusting Him and keeping His Sabbath holy (first four commandments). Next to those laws follow the laws that people should love other people as Rom. 13:8-10 states (fifth through tenth commandments).
Q21. God has allowed Satan to rule over the earth for a set period of time. Does
anyone know how long Satan will be ruling over the earth?
A. Satan has been given 6,000 years to rule over the earth, but he wasn’t given the power to force anyone to sin. Satan has power only to try to lead or tempt people. In the end, Satan’s time will be cut short.
Q22. How old was Adam when he died?
A. In Gen. 5:5 we see Adam lived to be nine hundred and thirty years old.
Q23. What happens to us and the spirit God has given to us when we die?
A. The Bible tells us from Ecclesiastes 12:7 that the spirit returns to God who gave it. We know from scripture this is not a conscious being or angel, for the dead know nothing and they have no memory. (Eccl. 9:5) However, the position held throughout the Bible is that there is a future resurrection when we will be reunited with that spirit.
Q24. How many resurrections are there?
A. There are two resurrections known as the first resurrection and the second resurrection. The first resurrection: From this resurrection the millennial rule of the saints will begin. Only the righteous are in the first resurrection. The second resurrection: This is the Last Great Day, or the Day of Judgment. This resurrection is the final process of the reconciliation of the planet to God.
Q25. What would have happened to Adam and Eve if they would have obeyed
A. If Adam and Eve had obeyed they would not have died and they would have gone on to become spirit beings.
Activity options
Tree of Life (Attached):
● 2 pieces of poster board or space on a wall for copies of the pictures of the trees. Using the attached picture as a guide, Draw the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil on the two pieces of poster board. (If poster board is not available, you can make a copy of the trees and use the pieces of paper).
● Write the following words on paper and cut them out (large enough to hold a piece of tape on the back). Color code the categories so the children can associate the words with the category (colors below are suggestions, but use what you have). You could also use the drawing templates of the fruit and gifts in the Appendix to the lesson.
Five Centralities (purple): Holy, Righteous, Goodness, Perfect, Truth
Fruit of the Spirit (dark blue): Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control
Gifts of the Spirit (light blue): Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discerning Spirits, Speaking in Tongues (Languages), Interpretation of Tongues (Languages)
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (red): Sin, lying, cheating, murder, evil, self-righteousness, stealing, envy, breaking the Sabbath, using God’s name in vain, idolatry, disception (etc).
Have the children begin to create the Tree of Life by placing all of the Centralities, Fruits and Gifts onto the appropriate spot on the tree. Place all of the cut out words in a bowl and have the children pick out a word and place it where it goes. The roots of the tree contain the five centralities of God (Holy, Righteous, Goodness, Perfect, Truth) and on the branches hang the fruits and gifts can be disbursed under the tree. Discuss how this tree represents God’s way of life.
Contrast this to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Have them fill in the “fruit” and “gifts” with characteristics that are contrary to God’s way of life Prov. 6:16-19.
Through this activity we are able to help the children learn and see the blessings and benefits of knowing and obeying the One True God verses being deceived by Satan which leads to sadness and misery for the individual and those around them.
man shaped cookies:
Using your favorite cookie recipe, make
Adam and Eve cookies. Use a gingerbread
man cookie cutter. On half of the
cookies, using a knife, cut a “slice” for Adam’s missing rib.
Art Trees:
Children can make
the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and
evil out of aluminium foil, pipe cleaners, cardboard,
etc. As they are creating their trees, you can discuss the differences between
the two trees. You can also reference
healing trees in Ezekiel 47, palm trees as used in the temple, etc.
plate snake:
Children color or paint a paper plate, once dry the adult draws the lines to cut on in spiral shape. The snake can be hung outdoors and we see how it moves in the wind.
with prayer.
Appendix: Activity Examples