New Moon 01/04/47/120

Dear Friends,

This is the New Moon of the Fourth Month called Tammuz (named for the god Dumuzi) of 47/120.  This fourth month bears the name Tammuz, the Hebrew version of the Sun God idolatry for the religious system of the Sun and Mystery Cults. The system is based on the god Sin and the goddess Easter or Ishtar that has that penetrated Israel from Egypt and at the Exodus and has corrupted Israel with Baal worship ever since. We examined this system before Pentecost in Ascents of Moses (No. 070) and also The Golden Calf (No. 222). It falls on 6 June 2024 which is the 80th anniversary of the D Day Normandy Invasion in WWII. This is not a coincidence. Also the Six-Day War was over this date. 
It was for this sin that God commanded Christ to order Moses to kill the 3000 Levites who were involved in the heresy and sin. This punishment was to look forward to the latter days as Israel and Judah had never rid themselves of this heresy and are corrupted to this day with the Babylonian systems both in the festivals of Sunday, Christmas and Easter in Israel and in the Babylonian Calendar in Judah and among the 20th century offshoots of the Churches of God.

God has said what He is to do in the Last Days in the eradication of false religion at the 1260 days under the Witnesses and then at the Return of the Messiah and the establishment of the millennial system for that one thousand year reign of the Messiah and the Host of the elect of the First Resurrection (No. 143A). God will not permit any part of the Babylonian system of the Sun and Mystery Cults to remain on the planet from the return of the Messiah in the near future. The process is detailed in Revelation chs 14-22 (F066iv; F066v). So that we can come to grips with this prophecy and what is before us that will be the study for this New Moon and then we will go on to study the Babylonian corruption of Israel, Judah and the Churches of God in the Last Days. Then we will deal with the horrors of the Babylonian Calendar system and how it has corrupted the Churches of God and the nations to this day and what is to happen to the religious systems that are corrupted by it. 

The Purpose of Mankind
We know that God had intended for mankind to become Elohim (No. 001). He had set a plan into motion that would enable that to take effect (see Nos. 001A, 001B, 001C). The creation of mankind had two purposes. One was to make man as elohim and the other purpose was as a proving ground for the elohim host to develop their responsibilities for a weaker system of beings. Satan objected to their creation and rebelled and thus was given rulership of the earth for the six thousand years of the Adamic creation to test the creation. At the end of that period the replacement elohim we know as Christ was to take over the earth and rule the planet with the elect of the First Resurrection for the Seventh Millennial period as the Sabbath of Messiah.

God set up a series of Laws that flowed from His very nature and established a covenant with man that assured man that if they kept the Law and the Testimony and the Calendar that flowed from the Laws of God (L1) then we would become Elohim (see No. 152). Christ spoke of this at John 10:34-36. He said of this text in Psalm 82:6 (F019iii) that Scripture cannot be broken. To enable this as a test of obedience and ability to carry out the Will of God, He enabled Satan to test mankind over the entire six thousand years. 

Satan set up a system on the planet designed to mislead and test mankind and prove they were not fit and proper people to become Elohim and be entrusted with the creation. Satan thus established a continuous false religious system all over the earth that would entrap mankind into destroying the Laws of God and the God's Calendar and system. He established the Sun and Mystery Cults from Babylon and Samaria and established the system based on the Day of the Sun and using the Solstice at 24/25 December and the Festival of the goddess Easter or Ishtar (Heb. Ashtoreth) consort of Baal (see No. 235).  Satan managed to mislead and destroy the majority of the world with polytheist gods and reincarnation systems and theories in Hinduism and Buddhism and in witchcraft and communion with the demons.  He penetrated and corrupted Christianity from the Second Century en masse and by the Fourth Century had made it a cesspit of the Sun and Mystery cults, worshipping a triune God with a mother goddess figure and multiple gods based on the alleged Saints based on a heaven and hell doctrine and an immortal soul based on the lie “you shall not surely die”  (see No. 092). By the Fourth century in Rome the priests of Attis were complaining that the Christians had stolen all their doctrines.  In spite of these false doctrines there were many of those predestined by God to be part of the elect (No. 296) who managed to avoid being ensnared by Satan and the Fallen Host and kept the covenant despite massive persecution but in the nation of Israel and the world and especially as the saints in Rev. 12:17 and 14:12 (F066iii, iv). These people kept the Laws of God and the Temple Calendar continually except for the last half of the Twentieth Century under Sardis and Laodicea, where Sardis kept the Jewish Hillel system of 358 CE, and Laodicea kept nothing but pagan systems. They are both consigned to the Second Resurrection (No. 143B).

God had given the calendar to Adam and the Patriarchs and then on from Noah to Abraham and to Israel and on to Christ and the Churches of God (see Nos. 156, 156H at ). Both Israel and Judah were sent into captivity and dispersed because of their wilful refusal to obey the Laws of God and the Testimony of the Prophets and Christ and the Churches of God.  The Temple was destroyed in 70 CE and the Jews dispersed in accordance with the prophecy of Daniel chapter 9 and the Sign of Jonah (No. 013). Judah has incorporated the Babylonian system of intercalations and corrupted the Temple Calendar completely. For that reason it was dispersed and its people will be made hewers of wood and drawers of water in the system under Messiah as we see in Ezekiel (see F026ix, x, xi, xii). So also the only Levites serving in that Temple will be the sons of Zadok. The Churches of God in the Sardis system under Dugger and Armstrong imported the Hillel system of Judah invented in 358 CE into the Sardis Churches of God (SD) and then later into the RCG/WCG system of Armstrong from 1940-46.  This was done in spite of the fact that God had allowed Judah to be punished in the Holocaust with six million dead because they were sinning and outside of the protection of the Seal of God.

End of this Age.
Satan knows his time is up and that he will go to the pit of tartaros in end 2027 at the 120th jubilee completing his reign as god of this earth in which he blinded the minds of the unbelievers to prevent them from seeing the light of the gospel of Christ who is the likeness of God (2Cor. 4:4). Christ and the Host will come and end these false religious systems over the next four years.  The sequence is covered in the No. 141 series.
Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C)
Conduct of the War of the Sixth Trumpet (No. 141C_2)
  WWIII, Holocaust II and Nuremberg 2.0 (No. 141C_3)
 Conflict for Control of the Beast (No. 141C_4)
Wars of the End Part II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D)
The Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2)
The Wars of the End Part III: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E)
Wars of the End Part IIIB: The War Against Christ (No. 141E_2). 
Wars of the End Part IIIC: UFOs and Aliens (No. 141E_2B)
Wars of the End Part IV: The End of False Religion (No. 141F)
Wars of the End Part IVB: End of the Age (No. 141F_2)
Wars of the End Part V: Restoration for the Millennium (No. 141G)
Wars of the End Part VB: Preparing the Elohim (No. 141H)

God enabled the expansion of Israel and the world under the blessings of Abraham's Legacy for 400 years (No. 212J).  That period ended in Kislev 2023 and was signified by the 400th Thanksgiving in the US. From the year 2024 God will allow Satan to deal with mankind and all those that failed the test and did not keep the Law and the Testimony and the Calendar flowing from that Law but who kept Satan's systems including Sunday, Christmas and Easter of the Sun and Mystery Cults and of Witchcraft and also the Pagan religions around the world including Hinduism and Buddhism.  These people will be given the chance to repent and go into the millennial system under Christ or perhaps even make the First Resurrection (No. 143A). However there is very little time to achieve that goal. Those that do not repent will die and go to the Second Resurrection (No. 143B) at the end of the Millennium.

God will now, from this year after Pentecost and the beginning of the Fourth month, commence to eradicate all false religion from the earth. That will be accomplished by Satan and the Demons against all of their systems that do not have the Seal of God and are under the protection of the Covenant. They will establish the Empire of the Beast (No. 299A) in its final form. That will occur from and with the War of the Sixth Trumpet(see No 141C). Under that System Satan will turn the Beast system on the Trinitarian Whore and her harlot daughters and eradicate them (No. 288; 299B; F066v). God is under no obligation to protect these people as they abused His Laws and adopted the idolatrous systems of the Sun and Mystery Cults of Sunday, Christmas and Easter and persecuted and murdered the Saints of Rev. 12:17 and 14:12. So also is it with the other systems that stemmed from the Sun and Mystery Cults of the Babylonian systems in Asia and elsewhere.

The Repentance of Judah.
From the War of the Sixth Trumpet, God will send the Two Witnesses, Enoch and Elijah, to the Temple Mount (No. 135; No. 141D) in order the deal with Judah and bring them to repentance so that they will have repented of their idolatry and their adoption of the Babylonian system under Hillel and using the postponements under their idolatrous and blasphemous traditions (see Nos. 195, 195C). Judah has to be prepared for the Messiah so that no nation or tribe can exalt itself against Judah. The systems of Talmud and the Oral Traditions and the Hillel system will be abolished. Those refusing to repent will be removed from the Promised Land. That includes the Sephardi and Ashkenazi systems. There will be no Trinitarian or non-Messianic systems in the Promised Land at the Return of the Messiah (Nos. 210A, 210B; 141E.  All modern Islam will return to the Original Islamic systems established under the prophet in the Church of God in the Middle East. Sharia will be eliminated and the Sabbaths and New Moons enforced on pain of death (Isa. 66:23-24). All Feasts will be restored, and all nations will send their representatives to Jerusalem at Tabernacles each year as required by Zech. 14:16-21.

The Repentance of the Churches of God: In Sardis:
The Churches of God in all the Sardis offshoots will see Hillel eliminated under the Witnesses. If they have not repented in a timely fashion they will not enter the First Resurrection, if indeed they are even accepted to be there due to their spiritual condition. Once they have corrected their heretical doctrines on the nature of God they will then be permitted to keep the Temple Calendar (No. 156) and have a chance at living on into the Millennium under Messiah.

In Laodicea:  The Laodicean system was spewed from the Mouth of God in accordance with Rev. 3:16-17. That occurred when they continually uttered false prophecy and failed to keep the Calendar of God with their Sabbaths, New Moons and Feasts as required under the law. The SDA system was very feeble indeed despite its wealth. The JW system abandoned all attempts at keeping the Law of God and indeed taught that it had been done away and reverted to the Sunday system teaching that God's Calendar also did not require to be kept, yet strangely enough still tried to teach that its people would go into the millennial system. They had, however, garbled that with a doctrine that some of their leaders (a notional 144,000) would go to heaven but only they knew who they were. Their bizarre doctrines will require them to repent completely by the return of the Messiah even to have a remote chance of surviving into the Millennium. Those in Sardis and Laodicea, even if you keep the feasts under Hillel, you are not under God's protection as those feasts fall outside of the Temple Calendar and as such are not under the protection of God. In 2024 Judah and the churches keeping Hillel are a month out and they will face the Wrath of God. Their Pentecost actually falls in the Fourth Month in Tammuz.

Israel and the World
Israel has been corrupted entirely as has the world and will be faced with the sword, pestilence and death until it repents as will the entire world. It will not repent until it faces the Witnesses and the Messiah. Those who will not repent will commence to die under the Witnesses and the priests of the false systems will die progressively commencing from the Churches of God and then into their heretical systems of the Sun and Mystery Cults. Satan and the demons will commence to kill them progressively from now until their total elimination and the demons go to the pit.   Remember, if you are in a false system then you are under Satan and do not have the Protection of God in the Hand of God (No. 194B). We have entered the final four-year phase of the Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2); Great Tribulation 141D_2 - PART 1 ( and Great Tribulation 141D_2 - PART 2 ( Your survival depends on your obedience to God, His Laws, and the Covenant keeping the Calendar of God. Ignore that at your peril. We must keep the faith.

All Sabbath Message videos can be found here on Rumble.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General