Sabbath 24/7/43/120

Dear Friends,

We are all coming back from the feast and we are all reporting a great feast.  Even though we were all scattered far and wide, we were able to communicate together and the international services enabled us all to communicate and so also to discuss the Commentary on Daniel (F027) and the further commentaries on Daniel issued for the Feast. We also have updated this Commentary on Daniel which should provide further studies. 

As a result of the Commentaries we will publish an Epilogue for Daniel for this Sabbath. I hope that we are all able to see the importance of the prophecies.  It should also be obvious now to most of us as to why the people claiming to be Christians simply do not understand and fail to make serious commentaries especially on the areas that enforces the Laws of God and the aspects of God that show the Nature of the One True God.

It is now clear as to what the aspects were that Daniel was told were shut up and sealed until the Time of the End. It is now being explained in the Last Sabbath Cycle of the end of this age.  We were set aside in 1994 from 1 Abib to explain the Mysteries of God to the world in these Last Days as we were tasked to do under the prophet Jeremiah over 2600 years ago (Jer. 4:15-27) (Warning of the Last Days (No. 044))..

We are about to go into the last period of the 42 months under the Empire of the Beast (No. 299A) and the 1260 days of the Witnesses (No. 141D). If you are a Jew then you have to repent and revert to keeping God’s Calendar (No. 156) and not Hillel (No. 195C). If you are a member of the Churches of God that are  still keeping Hillel then you are in grave danger of the Second Resurrection.  You have been under measurement since 1987 and it is getting almost too late for you, if you are one of the Armstrong Offshoots, much less one of the COG (SD), or the SDAs, or JWs (cf. Measuring the Temple (No. 137)).

It cannot be emphasised enough that all of you have never kept a Holy Day or Feast on the right days and even in the right months except by accident. You will not be asked to explain yourselves until you find yourself in the Second Resurrection (No. 143B), before some of the elect that you thought were below you, if you knew any of them at all.

Do not be foolish. Do not throw away your salvation by being deceived and following ministers under the Hillel Calendar or no calendar at all. None of the world is going anywhere other than as a human before the elect in the Second Resurrection in a thousand or so years from now. Certainly no one is going to heaven or anywhere near it. We are not going to God; He is coming to us in 3127/8.

Pray for each other and keep your friends informed.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General