Sabbath 24/02/43/120
Dear Friends,
This Sabbath is the 35th day of the Omer Count. We are watching the world unravel and now we are watching the Globalist move to establish the NWO. Our billionaires are supporting China so their trade can go on unhindered and they are selling their nations out to be part of the NWO. How is all this allowed? We can see the mechanics and philosophy in the paper The Problem of Evil (No. 118). We have been through this problem before. In WWII the conservative UAP sold us out under Menzies and they sold AU pig iron to the Japanese and we got it all back in bullets. Then they wished to give the north to the Japanese over the Brisbane Line matter and the ALP was elected to replace these wealthy traitors and remained in power throughout the war. Then the Australian voters voted the reformed Conservatives as the Liberal Party under Menzies simply to end rationing. We defeated the Japanese and then helped them to success in peace after the war. So also we helped China and sold them all they needed to become a world financial and manufacturing power and now they try to destroy us and attempt to coerce us and other nations from demanding an open investigation into their production of the Corona Virus. The Globalist Media publishes their propaganda over the Virus for the CCP and the Globalists. We can believe nothing they say or print. This will develop into the War of the Fifth Trumpet.
We will face these terrible pressures and war until the New World Order (NWO) is established under the Globalists and with the Wars of the King of the North and the coming of the Witnesses (cf. Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C)). It is at that time that God intervenes and sends the prophets Enoch and Elijah as the Two Witnesses (cf. Wars of the End Part II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D)). At the end of the 1260 days the Witnesses will be killed and their bodies will lie in the streets for 3.5 days and on the morning of the Fourth Day Messiah will appear in the skies and the First Resurrection (No. 143A) will commence. Then Messiah will bring the nations down to Megiddo and will destroy their armies and then the elect will subjugate all nations and bring them to repentance (cf. Wars of the End Part III: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E)).
The world powers will not accept the Messiah and the Loyal Host. The demons will be sent to the pit yet even then, when their demons are in the pit, the servants of the demons will continue and the false doctrines set among the nations by the demons and their servants even down to the Sardis and Laodicean eras of the Churches of God will march against Messiah and they will make war against Christ (cf. Wars of the End Part IIIB: War Against Christ (No. 141E_2)). Instead of going to heaven when they die, which their false religions teach, they will be buried in the grave for 1000 years until they are resurrected to the Second Resurrection (No. 143B). The world false religions established by the demons will be destroyed by the Loyal Host. The beginning of the destruction will start with the Churches of God and Rabbinical Judaism. Their false calendars of Hillel among the Jews and the Churches of God will be destroyed and their people will either repent or be destroyed and sent to the Second Resurrection. These false systems have the dubious honour of never keeping God’s Calendar (No. 156) on the correct days, except by accident, and often not even in the correct months. Islam has also not kept the calendar correctly since the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs (cf. Becca and the Four Rightly Guided Calphs (No. Q0001D)). The Witnesses will kill the leaders of the Sardis and Laodicean systems and those that do not repent before they die will themselves be killed and face the Second Resurrection (No. 143B) along with their idolatrous sycophants. To survive they must all repent and become part of Philadelphia as explained in Revelation Chapter 3. Those that think Armstrong was part of the Philadelphia system are fools and must repent. The last of the offshoots took the name that it is living but all were dead (Rev. 3:1).
Repent and go out of Sardis and Laodicea and become part of the Philadelphian system.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General