Pentecost 42/120
Dear Friends,
This weekend is the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost. Judah never keeps it correctly on the correct days. Fortunately the Churches of God still keep it in the Sabbath and First day of the week but often they keep it in the incorrect month and never as a feast out of their gates under the Law of God (cf. Law and the Fourth Commandment (No. 256)).
This Pentecost we have issued the papers Establishment of the Church under the Seventy (No. 122D) and also the paper Connection Between the Nature of God and the Temple Calendar (No. 156E). You will see from 122D how the church was established from Britain to India under the Seventy apostles of Luke 10:1,17 and the subsequent leaders of the Churches of God including the churches in Arabia. From that text we will perhaps understand and see the sheer extent of the mission of the Seventy and how many actually died for the faith in many not so pleasant ways.
It is also important to see the distribution of the Tribes in Europe as outlined in the paper The Unitarian/Trinitarian Wars (No. 268).
We see from both the papers how God removed all authority and responsibility from Judah and consigned them to the Second Resurrection over the Forty Jubilees until they repent at the end of the age and under the Two Witnesses and the Messiah.
We should not grieve for the Churches of God that are not permitted to enter the First Resurrection (No. 143A) because they will not repent. Until they realise there is one True God they are consigned to the Second Resurrection and the Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B). There is nothing they can do about it and it is like talking to Balaam’s donkey in many ways. Except, you can get a response in the Holy Spirit out of the mouth of the donkey. Out of them it will merely be regurgitation of ministerial fabrication.
Study also the papers The Deity of Christ (No. 147) and Predestination (No. 296) to encourage us in the goal that lies ahead of us. For those of us that are called we were predestined from before we were formed in the womb and God knew our capacities and our frailties and called us when it was time, knowing we would not fail. He called us and in these last days He placed us in the Church of the Philadelphians, knowing that two entire eras would fail and only a select few that He had understood and predestined would be called out, and placed with us as Pillars of Philadelphia (No. 283). Remember that Revelation chapter 3 shows that God is omniscient and He gave us this prophecy over 1900 years ago.
We were called into the church of brotherly love and we are expected to demonstrate love of our neighbours and show thereby we love God (cf. Love and the Structure of the Law (No. 200)).
Pray for those who are to be called out and given to us for the preparation for the First Resurrection and our place in the millennial system. May God grant us safe travel.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General