Sabbath 10/9/41/120
Dear Friends,
Over the recent weeks since the publication of the Wars of Amalek Series we are getting some interesting reactions to the series. One reaction, which in the past has been typical of many, is that we are publishing these papers and it merely serves to depress people. Others say that the series dealing with Messiah and the subjugation of the planet do not reflect the Messiah they had been taught and the Messiah we depict is harder than Messiah will really be. (Cf. Wars of Amalek Part 1; Part II; Part III; Part IV; Part V.)
When some of our ancestors stood at Sinai and Christ was there with Fire and Smoke and warned the people not to come near or they would die, they did not doubt for one minute that the being that would later become Christ would not kill them if they did not do as they were told. The Apostles and members of the church in the First century knew that it was Christ at Sinai (1Cor. 10:4; Acts 7: 30-43).
It was Christ that sealed Noah and the family in the Ark and then proceeded to kill the ancient world in the flood. It was Christ that sent Israel into captivity and it was Christ that killed the First-born of Egypt. It was Christ that subjugated Egypt and destroyed Pharaoh’s host in the Red Sea. It was Christ that gave God’s Law to Israel under Moses and it was Christ that enforced it with the death penalty. He ordered the death of the man gathering sticks on the Sabbath as an example to the people. It was Christ that ordered the deaths of the people at Jericho and in the Holy Land when it was occupied (The Fall of Jericho (No. 142)).
It was Christ that ordered the punishment of Israel when they sinned and he used the Philistines and the Syrians and the Assyrians and the Chaldeans to invade and subjugate them when they refused to obey God (Samson and the Judges (No. 073)). It was Christ that killed the Syrian horde, using their own soldiers. It was Christ that ordered the 70,000 killed when David numbered Israel.
It was Christ that sent Israel into captivity under the Assyrians by 722 BCE and then Judah into captivity under the Babylonians. He restored them again at Jerusalem, and then dispersed them under the Romans until these last days in the Restoration.
He permitted the Time of Jacob’s Trouble and killed untold millions over the last days and will kill over one third of the earth before the Witnesses, after we have completed this warning, and then over half the planet when he arrives because the people of the planet simply will not do what he says. Two entire church eras will be refused entry to the First Resurrection (No. 143A) and consigned to the Second Resurrection of the Dead and the Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B) simply because they will not follow Scripture and do as they are told. The entire WCG system has been scattered and will face the Second Death because they choose to believe the lies and keep Hillel rather than simply repent and follow the Laws of God (L1). The Adventists will be destroyed because of the heresies of White and the ministry, as has the JWS been rejected in their entirety. If you wish to live then repent and obey God.
Instead of heeding our warnings they would rather defame us or pretend we are irrelevant despite
God’s warning in Jeremiah 4:15-16. Had the Assyrians done that to Jonah they would have been destroyed in 40 days, yet they repented. The youths that ridiculed Elisha were killed by a bear on the spot. Yet the modern WCG and Adventists systems pretend that they are safe and will be taken to a Place of Safety (No. 194) or worse still “raptured” to heaven to “Read the books” in an investigative judgment, when no such thing exists in Scripture, outside of earth (cf. Millennium and the Rapture (No. 095)). These ministers will be slaughtered in toto unless they repent before it is too late. Follow them and you will face the Second Death.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General