Sabbath Message 23/12/36/120

Dear Friends

It was obvious that we had to produce a paper via a Sabbath Message that dealt with the sequence of the creation. This sequence is summarised as follows.

1. Eloah decided to create and become an extended family of sons of God as Elohim. He used the power of the Holy Spirit to tie all these sons together, both Christ and Satan and the other Morning Stars and all the sons of God. He had them be present when He created the earth (Job 38:4-7). Thus all the sons of God were created before the physical creation of the earth by God in the beginning.

He did not want robots so He gave them the power to sin and disagree expressing an idolatrous mindset outside of His will.

They were all created at one time and placed in ranks and with differing powers. They are all sons of God and Christ had nothing to do with their creation. Christ was one of them (as we see from Ps. 45:6-7; Heb. 1:8-9). The texts attributing creation to Christ are of this age and kosmos and the offices of the administration and are incorrectly translated to disguise the fact.

It was this error, elevating Christ above the other sons of God making him a co-equal, co-eternal God, which was behind the Binitarian heresy that insinuated itself into the WCG, and it was never repented of or indeed understood by many of the people inducted there. It is still with the offshoots today and is the greatest problem they face in repenting. It is rampant in the offshoots everywhere. It is the biggest single problem people face in the offshoots in repentance and understanding Bible doctrine and in qualifying for the First Resurrection.

There is no specific scripture that states that the entire elohim were created at the one time; it has to be deduced from the Scriptures dealing with the creation. It was all done by God and one God created them all as per Malachi 2:10, where the Father is the one God who created us. Christ is listed as being one of the 1000 (Job 33:23) and thus we deduce that there were at least 1000 that were central to the core of the Sons of God. It is perfectly logical to assume that in His act of Creation God created all the elohim together as a factor of His Omniscience and His Plan. Paul says that One God created all things and the Trinitarians inserted the words "by Jesus Christ" in the Receptus in Ephesians 3:9 to re-assert the Binitarian/Trinitarian heresy in the Reformation.  The RSV does not include the inserted words and Bullinger makes the note that it is an inserted text and that the texts omit the words.

2. The Morning Star of this planet was Satan and his Host. He took a third of the Host including part of the Aion system in rebellion. The earth became Tohu and Bohu and the Solar system was damaged. It was not created that way as we see from Isaiah.

3. In accordance with God's plan, which caused the rebellion in the first place, He sent the Elohim under Christ to restore the earth under this age, which is what is occurring in Genesis. That was the task of Christ and the loyal Host but what was to become the fallen Host still had access to the throne of God and the creation in Adam.

4. God knew through His divine Omniscience that Satan would continue to rebel with the fallen Host and that Adam and Eve would sin and He developed a plan of salvation to deal with the fact. He knew Christ would have to be sent to bring salvation to both the heavenly Host and the human Host and lay down his life for that purpose. God developed the sacred calendar to explain that plan and gave it to the patriarchs. That is why Adam and his sons, Cain and Abel, sacrificed and Abel's sacrifice was greater than Cain's and so Cain killed his brother. The first sacrifice for sin was performed by Christ when Adam sinned and he killed animals and made clothes from their skins. This pointed to his incarnation as the Messiah.

5. God planned ahead to the entire age of the rule of Satan and saw what was to happen. He set aside the prophets and patriarchs before they were born and set aside the line of Messiah in Judah from the very beginning. Every single one of the elect from the first of the prophets down through Messiah and the Apostles and the churches of God were known and selected before they were formed in the womb and their works were ordained. God knew the entire creation and its works before one of them were formed (cf. Jer. 1:5). A being that does not know all the future cannot be God. He saw their sin and planned to overcome it and bring good out of the evil.

6. Paul explained to the Church at Rome what was involved in this prescience. God predestined those of the creation to His plan and purpose from the beginning. He predestined them to be chosen and then called when it was their time. Many are called but few are chosen. Those who come to the faith but were known not to be ready were given the Holy Spirit and then when they failed they simply went back into the world and what understanding they had is taken away from them. He calls those He wants and who He knows will succeed at the time that is right for them to be called knowing they will not fail. He then proceeds through the Holy Spirit to bring them to baptism as a repentant adult. Once they are baptised the Holy Spirit works in them and not just with them as it was prior to baptism. This then is the process of justification under Jesus Christ. This justification of the elect which began with Christ and the prophets leads to the glorification of the elect in the First Resurrection (cf. Rom. 8:28-30).

7. Satan began his false system after he failed to corrupt all mankind before the flood and God took Noah and his family and began again. Satan then commenced a religious system based on the Sun and its system and began again at Babel. God dispersed the nations so that they would not destroy the earth before the 6000 years given to Satan. They were dispersed and their DNA altered and their languages confused; hence Babel as the confusion of tongues.

8. This system of Sunday worshipping polytheists was then to run forward under Satan to the end of this age. Not one person who serves under this system can enter the kingdom of God in the First Resurrection unless they repent and leave that system and are baptised as an adult by authorised officers of the churches of God. Christ does not lose these people if they are given to him by God. The called but not chosen do not count except in the Second Resurrection where they are re-educated and given their place in the plan of salvation.

9. Over the span of the churches of God there were seven eras symbolised by the seven lampstands representing the seven spirits of God in the ten sequences of the Temple. The ten sequences are Messiah, the Seven Churches and the Two Witnesses that stand before the god of this world, Satan (2Cor. 4:4), at the end of the age. Every person that wishes to be part of the elect as the saints are required to keep the Commandments of God and the Testimony or Faith of Jesus Christ (Rev. 12:17; 14:12). Thus no Sunday worshipping Trinitarian and non Sabbath-keeper can enter the First Resurrection. That is why Satan has given them the illusion and delusion of Heaven and Hell and Antinomianism.

10. Of the seven church eras in Revelation 2 and 3, three are now defunct. The third or Pergammos era was exterminated by the Muslims in the beginning of the Twentieth century. The greatest of the Modern age was the Thyatiran and they were persecuted unmercifully by the Trinitarian Sunday worshipping system and almost wiped out with the Jews in WWII. They will be given no further burden as they have done more than enough.

11. Of the last three eras two are judged and cast out of the elect and the First Resurrection. These are the Sardis system which came out of the Reformation and formed the Anabaptists and the Sabbatarians of Europe that went in large part to the US. They failed to keep the calendar and the nature of God intact. They became Binitarians, Ditheists and finally Trinitarians and are collapsing now at the end of this age. The marker church of the Sardis system was given the name that it was Living but it was dead. There has never been a church so presumptuous and self-righteous as to name itself the Living Church of God except the Global Church when it renamed itself Living. This was the Sardis system and its founders came out of the system they themselves identified as Sardis. The Laodicean Church was set up from the Sardis in the Nineteenth century and in the Twentieth century became completely apostate and never kept the Feasts of God despite being given every opportunity to do so. They were indeed lukewarm. They are spewed out of the Mouth of God. The churches are explained in the paper Role of the Fourth Commandment in the Historical Sabbath-keeping Churches of God (No. 170) at

12. The last church is the Philadelphian which lasts until the Two Witnesses come and its ministry assists in the baptism of those converted under the Witnesses. This church is given an open door and the world hears the system prior to the Witnesses dealing with it. Judah will be made to bow down to these people and acknowledge that the Messiah has loved us. This group is comprised of those who have exited the other two groups and all those who repent of Judah and the Sun and Mystery cults. The story of these churches and the end days is told in the paper The Witnesses (Incl. the Two Witnesses) (No. 135) at

13. The two Witnesses restore the Nexus of the law of God and begin to deal with the nations. Prior to the coming of the Messiah they will face the religious system of the god of this world and its leaders. They will call fire down from heaven on the nations that fight against them and they will inflict fire and drought on all who disobey them. They will inflict the plagues of Egypt and many will die. So many that the populace will cry to God in anguish and seek to kill these two on a repeated basis for the entire 1260 days. On the afternoon of the 1260th day they will be allowed to be killed. The entire world that are not part of the elect will throw a great party like unto a Christmas and Easter party celebrating their death and exchanging presents. The leaders of the NWO in Jerusalem will not permit their bodies to be buried and they will lie in the streets for 3.5 days. On the morning of the fourth day they will be resurrected and the whole world will see them. Then the Messiah will stand on the Mt of Olives and they will be sent to greet him as he descends. The elect of the First Resurrection will be ready. Those alive will await the resurrection of the dead in Christ and then they will all be taken to Jerusalem to establish the government of God on this earth.

14. Messiah will come with the Host to subjugate the planet. Satan and the Fallen Host will all be confined to the pit of Tartaros for 1000 years. The entire world will be run from Jerusalem. The false prophets of the Sun system including the two now in Rome will be killed. The antichrist system will likewise be killed and destroyed. Christ is not this effeminate long haired chap portrayed by the Sun Cults on this Sun Cross. He will come to deal with these false religious leaders. He will also deal with those unrepentant rabbinical leaders in Judah. They will repent or die. Then the elect of the Host will be sent out to deal with all nations, who will not repent until they suffer the entire wrath of God (see the paper Wars of the Last Days and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141B)). There will not be one stone left upon another of these false churches and idols and nor will the earth be allowed to keep any calendar other than the calendar kept at the Temple of God at Jerusalem. The New Moons will be kept Holy and the calendar will be according to the conjunction. The Sanctification process according to Ezekiel will be restored and the Feast will be kept in three seasons a year.

The Jubilee is in 2027 and the year begins from Atonement 2026 to Atonement 2027. All of these things will be established (with the exception of the actual construction of the Temple) by the treble harvest year. The 6000 years of the cursed earth will be completed by 2027. Satan, according to the understanding of the churches of God will be in Tartaros sometime between 2018 to 2025 for the Thousand years from the date of imprisonment and then they will be released to test the earth again prior to the Second Resurrection of the Dead (see the paper The Second Resurrection of the Dead and the Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B)).

This has been the continued understanding of the churches of God except for the errors made in WCG and the SDAs. Pray that the churches of God have their eyes opened to understand the structure and the Nature of God so that they may keep the Calendar and the Law and as many as possible can enter the First Resurrection. This will also be issued as a paper and as an Introduction to the work The Law of God Vol. 3: The Calendar and the Plan of Salvation.

Wade Cox                                                                                                        
Coordinator General