Sabbath 24/12/33/120

Dear Friends

In spite of the terrible events occurring during these last weeks, especially in the Middle East, we need to take time out to focus on our personal spiritual needs. Passover and the days of Unleavened Bread are rapidly approaching and if we have not planned ahead for this very important Feast period we can find ourselves not as fully prepared as we should be.

Traditionally the women spend a lot of time house cleaning and ensuring all leaven is removed from the premises before heading off to their assigned Feast site. Sometimes, so much time is spent cleaning that they do not take enough time focusing on their spiritual condition and cleansing the Temple, which we are, often arriving at the Feast in a state of exhaustion.

We do not need to wait until 1 Nisan to commence the cleansing process. The removal of leaven is a must, being critical in the keeping of the Commandment, but the spiritual cleansing is equally important. There are many papers that deal with the spiritual meaning of the Passover period and a list of these is attached at Appendix A. Some of these may be part of the Feast Services or pre-Feast Services.

Take the time now to assess your situation and plan your activities accordingly. Ensure you take the time to pray and read your Bible and the papers.

Is there anyone you still need to make peace with?  (Mat. 5:24) If so deal with it now. Don’t wait for a person to come to you – you take that first step. The day before the Feast is too late!

Look at your pantry now and assess what leaven you have that needs to be used before 14th Nisan. Organising the pantry early will make the final de-leavening much quicker and easier.

Confirm your travel and accommodation arrangements and costs. If driving, don’t forget the safety check on your vehicle. If something needs fixing it might take time to do it or to get that spare part. Again, don’t leave it until the last moment.

Think about your offering and Feast expenses. Your second tithe is an ongoing matter and should be set aside all year to ensure you have the funds for each Feast period and those who are financially able may wish to assist those who are in more difficult circumstances. Feast Coordinators and Caterers should provide an estimate of costs to those attending to assist them to assess and manage their finances for the period.

If the necessary physical activities are planned, prioritised and started early there will be less stress at the last minute and one’s spirituality will be better dealt with.  It is good to arrive at the Feast ready to fellowship and enjoy meeting old and new friends and ready to feast both physically and spiritually before God in joy and thanksgiving.

As we have so many new churches inducted again this year we should do the basic papers yet again over the feast Period. The program will be reissued. Long standing churches will be given another study program relating to the Bible and the Koran. We will issue the Commentary on the Koran progressively after the Feast.  

Wade Cox
Coordinator General


Passover Papers for Study

3 April 2011 1 Abib New Moon/New Year: Sanctification of the Nations (No. 77)
9 April 2011 7 Abib Sanctification of the Simple and Erroneous (No. 291)
FAQs on Ezekiel Chapters 36-48 and the Sanctification of the Temple (No. 292)
16 April to 23 April 14 – 21 Abib Passover and Unleavened Bread
(Remember the Lord’s Supper and the Passover Meal are held at dark on the previous evenings)

P66 Feast Organisation: (for Coordinators)
Passover Calendar 2011 (A_P2011)
Preparing for the Passover (No. 190)  
Procedures for the Lord's Supper (No. 103B)
Preparation for the Passover Meal on the Night of Watching (No. 93)
Passover Questions and the Reasons for Our Faith (No. 51)
Seven Days of the Feasts (No. 49)
The Lord's Supper (No. 103)
The Death of the Lamb (No. 242)
Offering (No. 275)
The Passover (No. 98)
Significance of the Footwashing (No. 99)
Significance of the Bread and Wine (No. 100)
The Night to be Much Observed (No. 101)
The Old and the New Leaven (No. 106a)
The Wave Sheaf Offering (No. 106b)
The Seven Great Passovers of the Bible (No. 107)
The Ascents of Moses (No. 70)
Keeping the Feasts (No. 56)
I Thirst (No. 102)
Timing of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection (No. 159)
The Purpose of the Creation and the Sacrifice of Christ (No. 160)
Eating Together in Worship (No. 267)

Papers for Children’s Study Periods

God's Sacred Calendar (No. CB20)
The Sabbath Day (No. CB21)
God's Holy Days (CB22)
The Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (No. CB33)
Song of Moses (No. CB98)
Who is God? (No. CB1)
Who is Jesus? (No. CB2)
Moses and the Exodus (No. CB16)
The Ten Commandments (No. CB17)