New Moon Message by Wade Cox

New Moon 1/6/26/120

Dear Friends,

This New Moon is the New Moon of the Sixth Month. This month Moses was on the mountain at Sinai with the Angel of the Presence. This being was the spokesman for the One True God who was to become Jesus Christ. Moses received the details of the Law which was to guide Israel and the entire world through the years ahead, and which would ultimately control and guide the world under the Millennial reign of Christ and the elect until they reached the end of the physical existence of mankind. Man was to be made a spiritual being and granted eternal life and thus immortality. We are to become Gods as Christ was granted that glory and eternal life by God before us (Zech. 12:8 and the paper The Elect as Elohim (No. 001)).

Remember Moses had come down at the end of the fourth month to find Israel in sin and the tablets of the Law were broken. He slew the unfaithful leaders, some three thousand in number, and returned up the mountain to speak again with Christ and receive a new set of tablets and the full explanation of the Law of God in its entirety from the mouth of Jesus Christ himself.

It was the exposure to the glorification that God had given Christ in power as His representative to humans that illuminated Moses and made him glow with a radiance that was visible to all when he returned from speaking with him. This was the reason that the Angel of the Lord was spoken to by Gideon who said: “Alas O Lord God (Adonai Yahovah) forasmuch as I have seen an angel of the Lord face to face.” And the Lord said unto him, “Peace be unto thee; fear not thou shalt not die.” Gideon knew that in full glorification a man would die, and many had died when confronted with such a being in power. Gideon built an altar there and called it Yahovah shalom meaning the Lord gives peace. The being seen by Moses and Gideon both was the Prince of Peace who spoke for Yahovah Shalom who was Yahovah of Hosts and the One True God.

This is now the sixth month and the last New Moon before the sacred Seventh Month of the Sacred Year. Next New Moon will be the Day of Trumpets that heralds the final return of Christ and the acceptance of Israel of the Laws of God. It is in this month that Israel made repentance and restored itself to God and the Law.

When the Messiah returns to save those who eagerly await him, it will be a very sad day for many people who espouse what they think is Christianity. The Gnostic doctrines of heaven and hell have penetrated society to such an extent that they do not recognise what they do and believe for the pagan system it is. They worship on the day of the sun. They keep Christmas and Easter. Even their so-called public holidays are all on days of human sacrifice in the USA yet God is on their lips, but which god? Many other nations are similar. The religion of Australia is now hedonism. No nation, including Talmudic corrupted Modern Judaism as Israel, keeps God’s Calendar (see the paper God’s Calendar (No. 156)). No nation keeps the correct Sabbaths and New Moons, and the Feasts of the Passover and Unleavened Bread, of Pentecost and the Day of Trumpets, of Atonement nor the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day. If they did, they would understand and turn and be saved. The Calendar mirrors the plan of salvation and the worship on the correct days will help in an understanding of the Law. If we do not keep the correct days, God turns our feasts into mourning and misunderstanding. Our sacrifices are not acceptable.

Judaism has likewise corrupted the Sabbaths of the Jubilees since the fall of the Temple. They are in captivity and will stay shut off from God until they turn and repent. Judaism and Islam must repent and be baptised and have hands laid on for the receipt of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ the Messiah for salvation, and until they understand that fact and follow the injunctions of the prophets they will continue to be shut off from God.

The problem is that mainstream Christianity has also so corrupted the word of God and the teachings of the Bible that they likewise must turn and repent and be baptised and thus saved. The Sabbaths of the Lord must be kept, not the Sunday system of the pagans. No infant baptism is valid. Those facts disqualify most of the mainstream.

Why are people so blind? The fact is that a corrupt and perverted ministry leads them. The priests teach for hire as it was of old (Mic. 5:5). It is so even among the churches of God.

Even among the elect some ministers have said that they do not have to teach our doctrines, as we do not pay their wages. Does a priest of Melchisedek, which priests we are, have to be paid to speak the truth in doctrine on Sabbaths? Can we buy salvation? Did not Simon Magus receive rebuke from Peter for trying to buy the Holy Spirit? If it could not be bought how can one who teaches the Law in the spirit of God be bought? A labourer is worthy of his hire. However, we cannot be paid to teach the truth on Sabbaths and obey the Laws of God and the doctrines of the Church. It is for this reason that no man now is paid for what he does on Sabbath. If the Church employs him, it is for what he does during the week. He is then prevented from sitting on a governing body of the Church in any nation. I see ministers moving about like whores from church to church taking their travelling circuses with them. They neither know the truth themselves nor allow those who follow them to understand. They seek influence and power over the body of Christ and attain neither in the long term.

Remember this fact. Christ gave the Law to Moses under command from God. It is for that reason that it is immutable. It is administered in mercy and in justice but it does not change. It is for that reason that the so-called “Christians” seek to deny that Christ had pre-existence and gave the Law to Moses. For if he gave the Law to Moses, and as Christ said not one jot or tittle will pass from the Law til heaven and earth pass away, then it is valid today and, as we know from Scripture, it will be enforced during the millennium.

It is for this reason that the Gnostic based sects calling themselves Christian, deny that Christ gave the Law. They used to teach that it was given to Moses by an evil god but that propaganda has passed away. Now they simply claim that the Law is done away. Many of them falsely claim that it was the Law that was nailed to the cross in Colossians 2:14. Any one with any knowledge of Scripture knows that it was the Chierographon or bill of indebtedness under the Law that was paid for us by Christ, being nailed with him to the stake or stauros. He was not nailed to a cross (see the paper The Cross: Its Origin and Significance (No. 39)).

In the same way vegetarians sought to and still seek to deny the plan of God and the Law in the millennial system to be established on earth. Ellen G. White of the Adventists taught that the Millennium was to be in heaven and the earth was to be occupied by Satan alone roaming a desolate planet. She had to do that because the Bible, both Old and New Testament, shows clearly that the earth will be populated for the thousand years and that we will be resurrected to be with Christ at Jerusalem and eating meat. We will be rulers over the earth. We will be a kingdom of priests. To whom are we all these things? To cockroaches inhabiting a desolate planet? The Bible does not say that. To justify their false doctrine, the Adventists cite Jeremiah 4:23 which says the earth is to become tohu and bohu or without form and void or desolate. Yet they do not go on to verse 27 which says: “For thus hath the Lord said, ‘The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.’” Jeremiah chapter 5 goes on to explain the matter. God repeats that he will not make a full end of Israel (Jer. 5:18) even though He brings a mighty nation whose language they know not against them from afar. They, like the Pentecostals they distance themselves from, have invented a quasi rapture where they all get whisked off to heaven instead of being made to fix up the mess they have made of the planet and to do as they are told once and for all. The doctrines are examined in the paper The Millennium and the Rapture (No. 95). Nothing has changed since Justin Martyr wrote to the Roman Senate in 154 CE and said in his dialgue: "When you come across people who say they are Christian and that when they die they go to heaven, do not believe them. They are not [Christians]." Justin goes on to explain that we believe in the resurrection of the dead and that at Christ’s return we will govern the world for a thousand years at Jerusalem with Christ where the Temple will be rebuilt and refurbished (cf. Dialogue with Trypho Ch. 80). The fact that one keeps the Sabbath is not enough to guarantee salvation. Vegetarianism especially is a doctrine of demons aimed at destroying the mental capacity of mankind by the elimination of myelin in the nervous system and the destruction of the brain, especially in the young causing irreversible brain damage especially through the use of soy products (see also the papers Vegetarianism and the Bible (No. 183) and Balance (No. 209) and look at the web site in the health sections for information on the dangers of vegetarianism and soy products).

Our task is to repent and bring the nations to an understanding of the requirement for the repentance. This month represents that process and the build up to the mighty confrontation between Christ and the god of this world when Christ returns. Satan is then confined to the bottomless pit of Tartaros for a thousand years. It is we who control the earth for the Millennium. Once our present job is done the witnesses will stand in Jerusalem. They will witness for 1260 days clothed in sackcloth. The world will seek to kill them but cannot do so until the days of their prophesying are over. They will lie in the streets for 3 and one half days and the world will rejoice. It is only at the end of the three and one half days that the world will finally realise that it is too late and it is really happening. The Messiah is back. Then we will all be resurrected and go to Jerusalem to be with the Lord forever. The New World Order will really begin then and only then. What poses as the New World Order before it is a demonic fake to control the earth and eliminate the faith. It will fail and be destroyed with the systems of the god of this world when he is confined to the pit.

If these warm and fuzzy Pentecostals tell you that you will be “raptured” and go to heaven, do not believe them. They will face the full horror of what they have done and, if you blindly follow them, you will be there to tell them all about it; for as long as you live that is, unless you repent. If you are standing there watching Christ come down and take up residence, you have missed the boat. The elect will be resurrected first and then with those who are alive they will go to Jerusalem as spirit beings to rule the planet. You will be part of the cleanup team if you are not there with Christ. You will be told what to do and when to do it. The systems of this world will be brought down and the entire system of land ownership and housing, and commerce and trade and manufacturing, and administration and justice will be changed and brought into line with the Bible. The children of the tribes of Israel and the elect allotted to them will be identified and set aside and sent to Israel to take up their inheritance. Israel will become a nation at the centre of world worship and rule. The unbaptised young of the elect will become a nation of kings and priests to the rest of the world. No one will be allowed to harm them in that process (Look also at the papers The Resurrection of the Dead (No. 143) and Judgment of the Demons (No. 80)).

So now during this month we should all think about and study the details of the return of the Messiah and the establishment of the millennial system. We should be with Christ, as Moses was, preparing for the restoration of the planet. We have a short time to accomplish the work of the end days in proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of God as a warning to all nations and then the end will come.

Remember the world is not going to end. It is going to be badly damaged and then we will put it back together and make it run as it was supposed to run according to the Laws of God as given to us by Jesus Christ.

Every one will be given a chance to repent. If they do not repent and turn to the Lord they will be resurrected and re-educated in the Second Resurrection with everyone else who has ever lived. Remember the world does not need to go through this process of destruction. If we all repent now we can be saved. We do not need to destroy most of the life on the planet. Scientists admit now that Global Warming is happening much faster than they anticipated. It is now admitted that the problems described will happen within the lives of the children now in school. What we said in 1997 in the paper Global Warming (No. 218) is finally admitted to be happening now. We were correct and perhaps conservative. While the false prophets of the other churches were proclaiming that our world would fall apart over Y2K we were concentrating on the real issues of prophecy both in the environment and with the wars of the end (see the paper The Last Thirty Years: The Final Struggle (No. 219)).

Remember God works according to His Calendar and to His plan. The Calendar reflects the plan. The Sacred Year reflects the sequence and the Jubilees measure the implementation. We are created in time and space as physical entities but the spirit world is not so created. The things that are seen are made from the things that are not seen and this is our faith and by which we obtain a good report (Heb.11: 1-3). The physical is based on the spiritual. The heavens declare the glory of God being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead (Rom. 1:20).

You by faith declare the glory of God and by faith prepare for the coming of the Messiah who comes to save us who eagerly await him. This next time he does not come to deal with sin. Next time he comes to stamp out the systems that were created by sin. We are saved by his intervention at the command of God who sends him. Our job is to prepare for the implementation of government. Like a newly elected government and presidency we stand in waiting for our inauguration, which comes with the one who is both our Chief Justice and Legislator who proclaims our inauguration and supervises our administration. We were selected before the creation of the world. We were predestined, or, chosen to be called. Having been chosen, we are called each in their proper time. Once called, we are justified through faith in the Holy Spirit being conformed to the image of Christ. At the return of Christ we are glorified having been justified through faith (cf. Rom. 8:29-30). Our sins are forgiven us and we are able to overcome so that we enter the kingdom of God by faith being the elect through keeping the Commandments of God and the Testimony or Faith of Jesus Christ (Rev. 12:17; 14:12).

Each one of us is given the same and better privilege than Moses was given by being able to go before the throne of Grace and ask for whatever we think proper in the name of Jesus Christ and it will be granted us. This Sixth Month (Elul) of the Sacred Year reflects that fact and that process.

Wade Cox

Coordinator General


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