Christian Churches of God

No. 131z




The Mysteries of God

(Edition 1.1 19950819-19981214)

This paper is summary of how the Mysteries of God are revealed are revealed to the elect and their responsibilities under the Law.




Christian Churches of God



(Copyright ã 1995, 1998 Wade Cox)

(Summary by Diane Flanagan, Ed. Wade Cox)

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The Mysteries of God

The Holy Spirit gives understanding to the elect and makes them stewards of the Mysteries of God (1Cor. 4:1-5). The Holy Sprit works with an individual before baptism (see the paper Repentance and Baptism (No. 52)). Upon baptism the Holy Sprit is given to the individual after repentance and on belief in the One True God.

The understanding of the Mysteries of God is not restricted to a ministry, but rather it is given to individuals who display the qualities listed in Titus 1:7. It is our relation with the One True God that determines how the Holy Spirit will work with us. Initially the individual is instructed in the Mysteries of God. The process continues with the individual living in the world by the laws of God and than being prepared to teach the world the Law of God.

This is what the Scriptures are referring to regarding the reference to milk and meat (1Cor. 3:1-23). We are not to remain babes, but progress to partaking of the spiritual meat of the gospel (Heb. 5:5-14). We are to grow in grace and knowledge. It is unacceptable after baptism to withdraw from the service of the living God (Lk. 9:620).

The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins deals with our responsibility to prepare ourselves with the Holy Spirit as the bride of Christ (Mat. 25:1-13). The parable of the Talents follows immediately after the parable of the Virgins (Mat. 25:14-30). It focuses on our work within the Kingdom of God. Both aspects are interrelated.

What we do individually is also related to what we do collectively. Our responsibilities are physical and spiritual. If we do not support the work we are not part of the work. If we do not support the work of God financially, as we are able, we are robbing God (Mal. 3: 7-12). For specifics on tithing see the paper Tithing (No. 161).

We are to follow the truth and not be followers of individuals. We are to put all slander, malice, guile and envy away from us

(1Pet. 2:1-5). We are told to be productive and fruitful (Tit. 3:13-14). The work of God is not of any man (1Cor.1:29). We are told to take care how we build on the foundation of God (1Cor. 3:10-15). Each person must build on the sound doctrine of God.

The Mysteries of God are revealed in stages

The Mysteries of God are revealed in phases. The first phase focuses on understanding who the One True God is. We must understand the relationship between the law and sin and the need for baptism and God’s saving grace. As we progress we gain an understanding of God’s ‘Plan of Salvation’. We also learn a basic understanding of who spiritual Israel is and a historical sense of the Bible. Generally the elect gain an understanding of these basic tenets before they move to a deeper understanding of the concepts. The process is ongoing and we receive a deeper understanding of things as we obey God’s law (Prov. 16:3).

The primary phase gives a basic message to non-members. Yet there are some aspects that it is inappropriate to give to a non-member because it brings them under judgement before their time. We know this from Christ’s example of speaking in parables (Mat. 13:10-17; Mk. 4:10-20). The word of God is also withheld from those who would misuse it (Mat. 7:6). Below is chart that summarizes the phases.

Phase 1: Milk

1. Called to the primary understanding of the Bible:

a. Primary notions of the Godhead. The Father is God.

b. Christ as Messiah in the Incarnation and died to save sinners.

c. The Holy Spirit is the power of God, through which we become one with God.

2. Understanding of the history of the Bible and Israel:

a. The patriarchs.

b. The physical salvation from Egypt.

c. The spiritual salvation in Messiah.

3. The nature and role of Prophecy in both Old and New Testament:

a. Patriarchs and Moses to the Judges.

b. Kings to the Minor Prophets.

c. The New Testament prophecy from Christ to Revelation.

4. Christian Living:

a. Individual.

b. Family.

c. Societal.

5. The aspects of development in the Faith:

a. Responsibility to God in personal relationships.

b. Support of the Church in its work.

These basics have to be mastered before true progress can be made.

The secondary phase develops the first phase to a higher or deeper level within the elect. We gain the deeper understanding of the New Moons and how they are essential within the ‘Plan of God’. We have an understanding of the coming of Messiah and the establishment of the millennium. The spiritual parallel to the history of Bible is viewed not only in physical terms but also applied spiritually. The understanding of and transfer of power is traced from history and applied to the responsibility of the individuals and the nations.

Everything within the Bible is there for a reason. It is up to each individual to use God’s Holy Spirit and obey God’s Law in order to more perfectly keep His Laws and gain deeper understanding

The Host of heaven did not understand all things of God (1 Pet. 1:12)

God’s Spirit will be poured out in the last days and the Mysteries of God will be expounded and man and Host will see the wisdom of God demonstrated.
