Christian Churches of God

No. 268z




The Unitarian/Trinitarian Wars


(Edition 1.2 19980918-2004007009)

When Constantine came to power he attempted to unify the empire under one system and he sought to do that through Christianity. The desire for political power through religion will ultimately bring the planet to total ruin.





Christian Churches of God





(Copyright ã 1998, 2004 Wade Cox)

(Summary edited by Wade Cox)


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The Unitarian/Trinitarian Wars

After the Edict of Toleration of Milan in 314, Emperor Constantine, in order to unify the empire under Christianity, supported the Roman faction in the mistaken belief they were the major sect. It became evident that the Athanasians (later Catholic) were in conflict with the Arians in matters of doctrine.

Constantine convened the Council of Nicea in 325 CE to consolidate the Athanasian position and with the presence of a cohort of Roman troops; the principal Unitarians were arrested and exiled. Arius’s writings were burned, and his enemies, the Athanasians, i.e. the Roman faction of the Church, supplied any future references to his works or beliefs. The Nicean Creed was in fact of the Council of Constantinople in 381. Trinitarian Christianity thus gives an incorrect continuity by its reference to the Creed as Nicean.

In 318 CE the Emperor ordered the Bishop of Rome, Sylvester, to confer with the bishops from the East who were of the family of Jesus Christ. The Roman Church ordered their extermination (see paper No. 232).

By 328 CE Constantine realised the Athanasians were not the major sect, and he recalled the Unitarian leaders from exile.

The problem with the Unitarian Christian system was that it followed the Bible tenets, and was not concerned with the control of nations. As the nation obeyed God so it was blessed. The empire was concerned with world domination, and the converts to the church in Rome were also imbued with this mentality.

For the Church to attain such domination they syncretized all manner of pagan systems, such that persons following biblical tenets were persecuted, and educated opposition had to be destroyed, as in the Holocaust.

Constantine was baptised a Christian by the Unitarian Eusebius of Nicomedia in 329 CE. The Unitarians were the oldest faction with the original doctrines of the apostolic church, and that fact should never be forgotten. The full power and importance of this is far older and greater than the Roman Catholic Church.

Based on the pagan theology of the Triune god, in 381 CE the Trinity and Trinitarianism came into existence in the Church.

If it is true that the Arians believed Christ created the Holy Spirit, then both factions were wrong.

Over the centuries, Unitarians have been "converted" by force. The British were converted at Whitby in 664 CE by threat of force from the Anglo Saxons, after the conversion of the latter in 597 CE.

The controversy in simple terms was refusal by the Unitarians "to worship three Gods" (ERE, Vol. 1, p.782).

What emerges is that the Church comprised two factions who were bitterly opposed, and who both denied their faith in a lust for power.

Being the official state religion and exercising civil and military power, contrary to biblical instruction, doctrine had to be promulgated to justify the actions of the Athanasians.

The tribes of Europe including the Vandals, Alans, Sarmations, Suevians and Alamanni in the East, and the Franks, the Burgundians and the Lombards in the West were granted lands in the empire.

The fluctuations in the ensuing wars saw amalgamations, disintegrations and movements of the tribes, so that Unitarianism became widespread. The Sabbath-keeping Unitarian Church was to continue among the tribes of France, Northern Italy and Europe, and was called by different names in different areas. The Trinitarians seek to diminish the extent of the Unitarian influence by this ploy.

In 360 the Huns invaded Europe.

In 364 the Eastern half of the Roman Empire was under the Emperor Valens, and Unitarian. At this time the Church was mainly Unitarian, except for a paganised faction in Rome.

It is a fact that there was no Trinitarian emperor on the throne until 381 CE. when the Trinity was formulated.

The Unitarian creed is based on the theology expressed in Psalm 45:6,7 and Hebrews 1:8,9. This theology was held by Irenaeus in the second century, and the Goths, Vandals, Alans, Suevi, Heruli, Britons, Lombards, Germans and all the northern tribes, and was already centuries old before the Council of Nicea in 325 CE, where many of these bishops were present.

Their silence at Nicea was the result of a cohort of Roman troops under Constantine, and the Athanasian Hosius of Cordova who used military force to ascertain some doctrinal outcomes.

The Trinitarians accuse Arius of holding that Christ created the Holy Spirit. This doctrine of "Filoque" was advanced at the Council of Toledo by the Catholics themselves in the sixth century.

The Visigoths and Frisians introduced Unitarian Christianity to the Hermunduri tribe of the Germans.

Alaric, King of the Visigoths, invaded Greece in 396 CE and in obedience to God’s Law, destroyed the pagan statues and idols abounding there. He captured and sacked Rome in 410 CE.

Through the fourth and fifth centuries the religious wars were rampant between the Athanasians and the Unitarians, and each side had troubles amongst their own. The lands of Europe were occupied, overrun, retaken, and settled.

In 429 the Picts and Scots were expelled from Southern England by the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. In 436 the last Romans left Britain. In 457 the Jutes defeated the Britons in Kent and there remain.

In 443 a Vandal Kingdom was founded in North Africa, the Romans ousted, and the land was under Unitarian domination again.

In 455 the Vandals sacked Rome, and their name has become associated with plunder and destruction, as Vandalism. This appellation is entirely unworthy, as these Unitarians were destroying pagan idols that had been given Christian names, in breach of the Second Commandment.

The battles were for the acquisition of the fertile lands, and regardless of doctrines, the rulers were uncommitted avaricious men.

Thus the Western Roman Empire closed at the end of the fifth century.

In the Eastern Roman Empire the Trinitarian schools were extensive, and the Trinity had been formalised with the Council of Chalcedon in 451 CE.

Thus began oppression of the Sabbath-keeping sects in the east – the Nestorians and Armenians, and the Church became progressively paganised.

The Armenians secured religious and political freedom from the revolt of 481-484. The Sabbath-keeping church of the Paulicians was established in the Taurus mountains, and was found there in the nineteenth century, and operational into the twentieth century. Extermination of these peoples after WW1, and in 1927, continued through the Holocaust to 1953 and the death of Stalin.

Late in the fifth and into the sixth century, the consolidation of Europe continued, with intermarriages in the royal families.

The Visigothic Kingdom of Old Castille continued until 711 CE, and remained a major area of the Sabbatati right through the Albigensian Crusade and the Inquisition. The Visigoths taught that Joseph and Mary had other children (Mat. 13:55,56; Mk. 6:3. See paper No. 232).

The British did not accept Catholicism until after the Synod of Whitby in 664 CE, where they met to discuss: "the latest papal way of dating Easter as a symbol of Christian Rome’s general authority" (David L. Edwards, Christian England, vol. 1.p.57).

It is misleading to assume this was a discussion regarding Easter. It was a dispute over the biblical injunctions regarding a rotating Passover, or to adopt the pagan festival in connection with Ishtar the Chaldean Goddess, with its Friday Death and Sunday Resurrection, in honour of the pagan deities Attis and Adonis.

Other changes included the Sabbath, the biblical Feasts, the alteration to the Calendar, and abolition of the Food Laws. See papers 235, 222, and 170 dealing with these matters.

Britain was fully Catholic by 716, although with "pagan practices." The practices based on biblical laws had still survived by 786, as papal legates record.

Spain, under Unitarianism and Islam became a haven for Jews and Christians up to the Inquisitions of the thirteenth century. By 590 Rome had forged its empirical system.

Meanwhile, Milan remained Sabbath-keeping from ancient times, and in 510 the "Provence" of South East France went to Italian Ostrogoths until 563. That is why the Sabbatati were all over Southern France, Northern Spain, and Northern Italy.

It is the most important turn of European history that the Franks became Trinitarians and helped establish the Catholic Church in Europe.

The Holy Roman Empire was declared by Gregory, called the Great, in 590 and lasted 1260 years until disbanded in 1850.

In the sixth century Persia became the centre of learning when Islam was formed in the next century in reaction to the Trinitarian advances of Constantinople.

During this century Rome was reconquered and again Unitarian. Turkish Avars were migrating west, and different tribes were moving about in Europe, settling on their chosen lands. The Khazars formed their empire in Europe, and so Europe became more or less stabilised.

The prophet (called Muhammad), founder of Islam, was born in 570, and Islam, a Unitarian system, established by 632, and the political divisions that will ultimately lead to WWIII were set.

In 600 Gregory began a program for the "peaceful conversion" of the Jews. The Bible was devalued, finally being effectively removed from the general public by Rome, until after the dispersal of the Holy Roman Empire from 1850 to 1872.

Christian Trinitarianism penetrated Russian people at the end of the tenth century. As the Khazars, the Bulgars, and the Paulicians were all Sabbath-Keeping Unitarians, it may be that all decisions of the European Christian system have been political, devoid of faith in Christ, and certainly non-biblical.

By building its theology on false premises, based on pagan systems and Greek Philosophy, the Trinitarian system is in conflict with every tribe and people who read and study the Bible, and obey the Law of God.

In order to preserve its authority it has resorted to persecution and extermination of millions of peaceful law abiding citizens.

The Crusades incurred the hatred of Islam, and now the world is polarised and heading for WWIII and destruction of the planet, except Christ return.

Matthew 24:21,22: "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved (alive); but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened".
