Christian Churches of God
No. 229z
Arche of the Creation of God as Alpha and Omega
(Edition 1.0 19971217-19971217)
Some of the biblical texts in English have been mistranslated to conceal the intent and structure of the application of these terms because they run counter to Trinitarian theology. The application of the terms Arche, Alpha and Omega, first and last, beginning and end, are explained taking into account the various texts.
Christian Churches of God
(Copyright ã 1997 Wade Cox)
(Summary edited by Wade Cox)
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Arche of the Creation of God as Alpha and Omega
In this paper the application of the terms Arche and Omega, first and last, beginning and end are explained taking into account the various texts, because the arguments of modern Christianity regarding Christ are rooted in Greek philosophy and practices contrary to the Bible. Also texts in the Bible have been mistranslated to conceal the true intent of the words to bolster Trinitarian theology.
A reading of the Statement of Beliefs of this Church will show that God the Father is properly the One True God and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that this understanding is the prerequisite to eternal life (Jn. 17:3).
It is not generally understood why Christ should address the comment in Revelation 3:14 to the Laodicean Church, except that the argument should arise in that Church and era, that Christ was NOT THE ARCHE 0F THE CREATION 0F God. "Arche" means "beginning" and Christ was pointing out that He was in fact the beginning of God’s creation. He is the "prototokos" of Colossians 1:15-18, the firstborn over all creation, the first born from the dead, having pre-eminence over all things.
There was a philosophical discussion extant in the Middle East, arguing the theory of the origin of the world. John was addressing this. Also Christ was prophesying that at the end time, and in the Laodicean Church, the argument would arise, and that Church, because of lack of understanding of Christ’s unique position, would indeed forfeit its right to the first resurrection.
So Christ was saying that He was the beginning of the creation of God, and could create by delegation from God the Father.
The whole argument is presented in the full paper (No. 229). Clement maintained God is the only true arche to prevent the concept of Christ being the beginning of an activity of God. But the Platonists were saying that matter itself was an arche - i.e. that it was always there and not created, thus moving from the biblical to the Platonic in the second century. Thus, they had matter with an eternality in its own right, and possessing qualities of God. This leads to Trinitarianism where Christ existed alongside God with eternality in His own right and was not dependent on God for it.
This is in contradiction of 1Timothy 6:16, which states that God alone has immortality (cf. 1Tim. 6:12-16 and Deut. 32:15,17). This God is Eloah (singular) SHD 433.
See the paper Eternal Life (No. 133) where in part of the section on "Time and Immortality", Augustine in City of God asserts "the concept of time only occurs when there is a relationship between objects". "Thus time could only begin with the existence of two or more objects." God existed before time. The generation of the elohim was in fact the beginning of time: The beginning of the creation of God (Rev. 3:14). Colossians 1:15 says that Christ was the first begotten of the Creation.
Revelation 1:8 explains that the Alpha and Omega refer to the God and Father of Christ in Revelation 1:6. The KJV omits ho theos - The God - and uses only kurios or "Lord" and distorts the meaning of verse 8. It was a deliberate attempt by Trinitarians at concealing the true nature of the position of Christ in relation to His God, and elevating Christ in the false structure of the Trinity.
The use of the phrase, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last" in Revelation 1:11 in the KJV is an insert to support Trinitarianism, and to negate the intent of Revelation in this matter.
The Greek words in Revelation 1:17 and 2:8 are protos and eschatos, which imply another concept in distinction to Alpha and Omega. These terms carry the concepts of Christ in Revelation 3:14 as arche - beginning of the creation of God, and prototokos (Col. 1:15), the firstborn spiritual son. In John 1:18 He became the only born God (monogenes theos).
The function is increased. At Messiah’s return and in the end process with the advent of the City of God, Messiah has the titles of Alpha and Omega. He was delegated these titles by His Father, where once He was not Alpha and Omega, and this destroys the Trinitarian argument of Christ’s inherent immortality. So they made additions, misquotations and forgeries to the Bible (all documented) to hold up the Trinitarian doctrine.
Revelation 22:13: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first (protos) and the last (eschatos) the beginning (arche) and the end (telos)", and also verses 14-16. Messiah is given these titles as delegated titles from God.
Revelation 21:6 reveals the point when this happens. The translation is, "It has occurred" not "It is done". See SGD 1096. Also Revelation 16:17: "It has occurred" – (Marshall’s Intelinear). "It has occurred" denotes that it is an event that has come to pass. To translate "It is done" conceals the concept that this process of God becoming all in all commences with Christ, who was not that way in the beginning. We are thus dealing with a progressive concept of the activities of Messiah and the elect. God is becoming all in all (Eph. 4:6; 1Cor. 15:28).
The above arguments in relation to the message to the Laodicean Church show that that Church era was in error regarding Christ’s position and this same error has destroyed the Church in the latter days.
In Revelation 3:14 Christ is telling the Church who He is in relation to God the Father - that He is not co-eternal, or co-equal, but a generation of the Father.
The Trinitarians do not want that position, as they want Messiah to be regarded as God Himself, as a Binitarian structure, on which Trinitarianism can be built with the Holy Spirit as the third person.
The other heresy is the soul doctrine, whereby one lives on to become Godlike, and denies the Scriptures regarding resurrections and the calling of God the Father. Eternal life is a gift from God (Rom. 6:23). Ezekiel 18:4 and 20 declare that the soul that sins shall die, and all have sinned (Rom. 3:23) and the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23), therefore all men die once (Heb. 9:27).
The Holy Spirit was the first power of God, extant with God at Creation and is the means by which Christ and all the Host and the elect are tied to God, in order that there be an absolute Monotheism as a unified whole, with God as the centre of all beings, and Christ as the arche of that Creation.