Christian Churches of God

No. 221z




Respect of Persons


(Edition 2.0 19970823-19991206)

Many do not understand that being in respect of persons is a sin. What does the Bible say about it and how do we tell if we are in respect of persons?






Christian Churches of God





(Copyright ã 1997, 1999 Wade Cox)

(Summary edited by Wade Cox)


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Respect of Persons

The Bible is most emphatic that God is not a respecter of persons. If that is the case then neither should we be respecters of persons. See 2Samuel 14:14.

This promise from God of redemption is to the sinners of earth and the fallen host, and should be an encouragement to all.

The Law of God in Leviticus 19:15 and Deuteronomy 1:17 covers rightful and unbiased judgment towards rich and poor alike.

The Bible has a great deal to say regarding respect of persons, because it is a natural tendency in all nations and especially where power is concentrated in an elite class, as in a theocracy or any society.

God spoke about this matter through His servants the prophets and set His kingship to ensure just and righteous judgment, in both judge and priest. See 2Chronicles 19:4-11, and note especially verse 7.

The beautiful prayer of Solomon (2Chron. 6:17-42) asks God to regard everyone - Israelite, the stranger in the congregation, priests and saints - all who turn to Him in repentance, to hear and restore such ones. There is no respect of persons with God.

Respect of persons strikes at the concept of the justice of God and the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

A primary cause of respect of persons is from a desire to reserve power and money to a priesthood or an elite class.

Our respect should be to the Law of God and His covenant. See Psalms 74:20 and 119:6-17.

We must render due respect and consideration to all people. Not the "respect of persons" as the Gentiles do; lording it over others  (Lk. 22:25,26).

God has respect for the lowly - i.e. the meek and humble (Pro. 3:34), and so should we.  The Pharisees loved the high places at synagogues and feasts, and despised the penitents. Malachi addresses the priests directly in Malachi 2:1-12. Here God says the priests should give knowledge and law to the people, but have actually departed from the law and caused others to sin, as does mainstream Christianity.

The truth of God is the central theme of the just and the righteous  (cf. Rom. 1:18).

Any person who is repentant is able to stand before God, and there is no respect of persons in the way in which God hears or deals with them.

There must be no respect of persons in Judgment (Pro. 24:23; 28:21).

Once respect of persons is admitted to a congregation it leads to the corruption of judgment, equity and truth. Mark 12:38-44 condemns the Pharisees, but shows that God considers the attitudes of the hearts of men.

Salvation is granted to all men and God judges all even-handedly according to truth (Acts 10:34; Rom. 2:1-11). Many leaders of mainstream Christianity do not even know that respect of persons is a sin, and respect the person of Christ above the laws of God,
saying the Law is done away, and preach about Christ, instead of the "gospel of the Kingdom of God".

Any appeal to these leaders to preach what the Bible actually says, is not truthfully researched, but rather their congregations are told to ascertain WHO presented such appeal. All speakers must be judged on the merits of what they say. Men and women, elders, deacons or any form of labourer in the service of God, write papers for our Church.

In Acts 17:10-14 we see the people of Berea searched for the truth from the Scriptures, but others wanted to kill Paul for preaching truth. 

Teachers are not to threaten or intimidate those under their control (Eph. 6:9; Col. 3:25).

James, the brother of Jesus Christ, had this to say about the problem of respect of persons in the Church in James 2:1-20, especially verse 9.

Peter takes this theme on to the development of the mind of the elect (1Pet. 1:13-25).

We perceive that with God, there is no respect of persons at all. Those whom He has chosen to call are saved by His grace and redeemed by His intervention through the activities of His Son and the Holy Spirit. Hold fast to that which is true (Phil. 4:6-9).
