Christian Churches of God
No. 293
in the Bible and the Koran
(Edition 2.0
The Bible has clear instances of polygamy over the millennia. The purpose here is to ascertain what it is that God wants from us and why it has been evident over the centuries both in the Old and New Testaments.
Christian Churches of God
(Copyright © 2006, 2008 W.K.
Wong and Wade Cox)
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in the Bible and the Koran
The Bible and the Koran show
clear and distinct examples of polygamy. Many of our modern nations permit
polygamy particularly those under Shari’a law and in
some African nations that are of tribal religious systems.
Some nations outlaw polygamy but,
where there are sizeable Muslim populations, the Shari’a Courts permit it and
the authorities turn a blind eye to the practice.
We propose to examine the correct
biblical position and establish guidelines regarding polygamy and the families
Definitions and
Polygyny is one man married to
several women.
Polyandry is one woman married to several men.
Polygamy refers to either
We are now seeing instances of polygamy with people coming into contact with the Church. Many people have legal families by two or more wives. Many nations allow it. The Bible says that an Elder should be the husband of one wife but is apparently silent about the rest, or is there no other guidance for the rest of the people other than for the Elders? CCG will see how we can formulate procedures based on scriptural principles to deal with it.
There are divergent views on polygamy. The Bible clearly has examples of polygamous relationships among the patriarchs and clearly the kings, particularly David and Solomon, had many wives. Israel is the result of twelve tribes originating from the twelve sons of Jacob born to two wives and two concubines.
The relationship of the
first-born of the mother and the spiritual first-fruits of the womb is examined
in the paper Tithing (No.
161). In that text the Jewish position on multiple marriages, according
to the Mishnah and the Talmud, is examined.
“Redemption is both physical and spiritual. Israel was enslaved to Egypt both physically and spiritually being under bondage to sin. Man’s redemption is thus tied to his spiritual life and his social order. The whole creation is finally to be redeemed (Rom. 8:20-21) and that is why the millennial reign of Jesus Christ must also involve physical human beings within the social order, as laid down at Sinai. That Law from Sinai was perfect. Some aspects (such as divorce) were allowed because of the hardness of the hearts of Israel.
The first-born is that of the mother and
not the father as we have seen (Ex. 13:2). More than one wife was traditionally
allowed to the common man, and the king was allowed even more (four (mYeb 4:11;
mKet. 10:1-6; and also the Koran) or five (mKer. 3:7) wives depending upon
authorities (see also mKid. 2:7; mBkh. 8:4); and eighteen for the king (mSanh.
2:4)). The Qumran sect held that both king and commoners should be monogamous
(see Schürer, The
History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ, Vol. I, p. 320, n.
125). The New Testament limits Elders and Deacons to one wife (1Tim. 3:2,12).
The first-born is thus sanctified and dedicated, even if of a polygamous
marriage and/or born also under the law of family duty to a brother’s wife
(Deut. 25:5-6). Zerubbabel was thus sanctified because he was born of that
relationship (see the paper Genealogy of the Messiah (No.
It is important that Zerubbabel was listed there because of his significance in the structure of the building of the Temple.”
It is thus beyond doubt that
polygamy occurs in and was understood to have occurred in Scriptures, under
God’s Law. The concept of marriage to brothers of the family within the tribal
system sometimes was polygamous. The concept, whether polygamous or not, is
essential to the maintaining of the tribal systems of inheritance under the Law
using the Levirate system.
A number of Christians argue that
God sanctions polygamy. The views are based on the clear precedents set down in
Scripture. The Law deals with it in the following text in Deuteronomy 21:15
"If a man has two wives, and he loves one but not the other, and both bear him sons...."
There is thus no doubt in
the Law that polygamy (polygyny) is envisaged.
David had many wives and
concubines (cf. 2Sam. 15:16; 19:5; 20:3). Initially, he had at least two wives
in Abigail and Ahinoam of Jezreel, as well as Michal whom Saul gave to Phalti
(1Sam. 25:42-44). When Saul was killed, God gave David all that was Saul’s including
all his wives (2Sam. 12:8).
Solomon had seven hundred wives
and three hundred concubines. These women came from the Moabites, Ammonites,
Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites (1Kgs. 11:3).
Rehoboam had eighteen wives and
sixty concubines (2Chr. 11:21). This line in Judah may have been the origin of
the Talmudic limitation of the eighteen wives to the king.
The father of the Prophet Samuel
had two wives (1Sam. 1:2). The sons of Issachar are recorded as having many
wives and sons (1Chr. 7:4).
The lineage of Christ is
descended from the second wife of Zerubbabel, who was
a Persian princess and daughter of Darius.
It is thus understandable that
any student of the Bible would be persuaded by such prolific texts. At the time
of the Apostles the Church had one law regarding polygamy and that was that an
Elder and a Deacon of the Church had to be the husband of one wife (1Tim.
3:2,12, Tit. 1:6).
It thus follows that God has laid down through His servants the prophets and the Apostles that there are limitations on the Law as it was given to Moses in its application in regard to the elect. The use of people in the Church as Bishops and Deacons is confined to those who are monogamous and that needs to be understood as we deal with this subject. There will be more concerning this aspect later.
It should also be noted
Brief history of the origin of
Polygamy and the consequences
It is beyond doubt that the
Scriptures deal with and permit polygyny, but God’s Law and the Testimony do
not mention polyandry other than when a woman’s husband dies she is free to
remarry. If she sleeps with another man while married it is treated as
Does the biblical recording of
such incidents of polygamy constitute a divine will from God? There are many
practices covered in the texts of the Law of God that are human institutions
that are regulated in God’s Law. For example: slavery, the avenger of blood,
and other practices that are regulated or prohibited in more modern societies.
God permits divorce under the Law through the hardness of our hearts, but
Christ gives us a higher Law as members of the Church.
When studying the Scriptures, a
very important point to bear in mind is that not everything recorded in the
Bible is an activity approved by God as an ideal activity. If we look at the
origin, we will note that polygamy originated first in the line of the murderer
Cain and not the godly line of Seth. The first recorded polygamist was Lamech
(Gen. 4:23–24).
This point marks a deterioration
in the spiritual capacity of the sons of Adam. Cain murdered Abel. Lamech took
this view on and enlarged on the concept. In Genesis 4:23-24, we read the
mental condition of Lamech. It is usually rendered as follows:
“And Lamech said unto his wives,
Ada and Zillah, Hear my voice;
Ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: For I have slain a man to my wounding,
And a young man to my hurt.
If Cain shall be avenged seven fold,
Truly Lamech seventy and seven fold.”
However, the text is in the
continuous present and may be rendered thus:
“I can kill a man for wounding me and a young man for hurting me” (cf. Bullinger’s fn. to v. 23)
His attitude of mind thus had
degenerated from Cain’s situation to this standard of more than an ‘eye for an
eye’, but rather exacted excessive revenge.
The mindset of the planet thus
began to degenerate in many ways in six generations, resulting later in God’s
intervention in the Flood.
Abraham had two wives, Sarah and
Keturah, and the concubine Hagar. We are told that Keturah was first a
concubine and then she is listed as a wife.
Then Esau, who despised his
birthright, also caused much grief to his parents by marrying two pagan wives
(Gen. 26:34).
polygamy were the divine will, then it might be argued that God contradicted
Himself when He forbade the kings of Israel to multiply wives (Deut. 17:16-17).
Look at the recorded history when they disobeyed, including deadly sibling
rivalry between David’s sons from his different wives; and Solomon’s hundreds
of wives helped lead him to idolatry (1Kgs. 11:1–3). The prohibition in
Deuteronomy 17:16-17 goes to the multiplication of weapons of war in chariots,
i.e. horses, of wealth, and of women. These three steps were the steps to
Solomon’s downfall (see also Bullinger’s notes to the text). Yet God had
endorsed David marrying a number of women and taking concubines and said if he had
wanted more He would have given them to him. God was
effectively saying that he did not need to sin in this way. The problem seems
to have been in the attitude of mind. However, Solomon was allowed to build the
Temple of God where David was not allowed to do that as he was a man of blood.
Hannah, Samuel’s mother, was
humiliated by Peninnah, her husband Elkanah’s other wife (1Sam. 1:1–7). Samuel, God’s anointed,
was the product of a polygamous situation.
Monogamy was an ongoing situation
in many nations throughout the world: the Chinese Han people in ancient China,
the Dong, the Manchus and the Yao.
It will come as a surprise to
many that the ancient Han Chinese people actually practised monogamy,
notwithstanding the popular belief and practices of the ancient Chinese
emperors who had hundreds and perhaps thousands of wives and concubines.
"The Han nationality is the
principal group in China. The Hans are said to have originated some five
thousand years ago. The majority of their YDNA is Haplogroup O, which is similar
to the Indo-Malays and some Polynesians, and is related to the other Japhethite
tribes. In their long history, they absorbed other minority nationalities. The
Han were the dominant group in economy, culture and politics. The costumes have
changed greatly, now their clothes are inclining to multi-styles. Concept of a
family was similar to the country in days of old. Father was the controlling
centre in the long history. A wife and all the children must obey him, but now
the system has changed greatly throughout their area of influence. The members
of a family are often equal in status. The father will do housework with his
wife and children; they supposedly live a more happy life than ever before.
Monogamy is the only system for a marriage in their origin. Now fire burial is
advocated and carried on. They take good convention of supporting the elders
and care for the young children."
(Adapted and edited from ).
During the time of Confucius
(traditionally 551-479 BCE), monogamy was encouraged as the ideal condition,
but the maintenance of secondary wives known as concubines was not forbidden.
Confucius and other great sages held that there was nothing shameful in taking
a concubine for the sake of bearing sons. It was recommended when the true wife
failed to bear male children and was too much loved to be divorced. There were
seven causes justifying the repudiation of a wife besides infidelity, and one
of these was the absence of male offspring.
See also:
The equivalent today would be the
recommendation of artificial insemination, and fertility treatments also.
There is another group known as
the Dong in China and their families also practise monogamy. The Dong choose
their own mate and usually marry in their late teens.
Monogamy has always been practised by the Manchus, with young people engaged at
the age of 16 or 17 by parental will.
There is another tribe in China known as the Yao people. "More than two
million Yao people live scattered throughout the mountainous regions of
southern China, where they have dwelled for the past 2000 years. Yao tribes
also live in Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand, and often refer to themselves as Kim
Mien, or "men of the mountains”. The family unit is very important to the
Yao, and divorce is a rare occurrence among them. Monogamy (marriage to one
partner) is the rule, but polygamy (multiple marriage partners) exists as well.
Although some marriages are still arranged by parents, that choice is now
generally left up to the young couple. The groom is usually 16 or 17 years old
and his bride is perhaps four years older."
Polygamy within nations not enforcing Monogamy
In studying this practice of polygamy, we note that in the nations that
prohibit polygamy it can be practised because of the lack of legal enforcement
of their own national laws. For example, in Malaysia, it is illegal for a
non-Muslim to marry a second spouse and the marriage is not recognised by the
Malaysian civil court and the Registrar of Marriage in Malaysia. Bigamy and
polygamy are therefore not allowed by the civil law for the non-Muslim Malaysians
whether they are of Chinese, Indian or other ethnic origin. These are governed
by Malaysia's Penal Code Chapter XX "Of Offences Relating To
Marriage". The affected spouse can sue for divorce on obvious grounds of
adultery. However, even though the civil laws in Malaysia do not allow polygamy
for the non-Muslims, we will find polygamy being practised by non-Muslims in
Malaysia. In effect, this is perpetuated because of the lack of legal
enforcement due to majority custom under the Shari’a law system. We will find
similar occurrence in other countries.
Malaysia, being a Muslim nation,
also has another system of Islamic laws, which are interpreted by the Syariah
or Shari’a Court. This allows a Muslim man to have up to four wives, which as
we have seen above is also the derived custom from the biblical
experiences as interpreted under the Mishnah and Talmudic system within
Judaism, which is no doubt where the Muslim practice or limit was inspired.
We find that the more spiritual ones generally believe the divine will of Allah is depicted in the Garden, i.e. one spouse per person. There was Adam and one Eve, not multiple wives, no bigamy or polygamy, either polygyny or polyandry.
Singapore has similar civil
laws to Malaysia, both being part of the Commonweath. Marrying a second spouse
as bigamy is illegal and is not recognised by the civil courts or the
Registrar of Marriages in Malaysia and Singapore. Bigamy and polygamy are
therefore not allowed by the civil law for the non-Muslim Malaysians and Singaporeans
whether they are of Chinese, Indian or other ethnic origin.
However, even in Singapore the
Shari’a system and multiple wives have some tolerance and quasi-legal status.
"While Singapore is a non-Muslim
nation, Singaporean Muslim personal status is governed by the Muslims
Ordinance 1957 covering registration, Shari’a Courts and property matters, and
repealing the previous applicable Ordinance. It
contained very limited substantive provisions, but the ordinance did transfer
jurisdiction over Muslim personal status to Shari’a Courts from the regular
judiciary. It was replaced by the Administration of Muslim Law Act 1966,
providing more detailed regulations. The 1966 Act established the Majlis Ugama
Islam Singapore (Singapore Islamic Council) to administer endowments and
execute wills. The Council also has a Legal Committee consisting of the Mufti
of Singapore, two other member of the Majlis and two non-members; the function
of the Legal Committee is to issue fatawa on any point of Muslim law. The 1966 legislation
also contains more substantive provisions than its predecessor. The
Women’s Charter, passed in 1961, superseded non-Muslim family law systems
applied in Singapore. It imposed a monogamous marriage regime on all
Singaporeans except Muslims, although Muslim men married to non-Muslims under
the terms of the Women’s Charter are prohibited from marrying polygamously. Muslims are expressly exempted from certain provisions of
the Women’s Charter, for example, those relating to solemnisation, nullity, divorce,
etc. The regular court system has jurisdiction over adoption, succession, and
custody even for those married under Muslim law, and the Muslim wife may choose
to go to the regular or the Shari'a judicial
system to obtain a maintenance order.
Constitutional Status of Islam(ic Law): The Constitution was adopted on 3rd
June 1959 and amended in 1965 when the Malaysian State of Singapore left
Malaysia. The Constitution contains a number of provisions enshrining freedom
of religion and prohibiting discrimination on grounds of religion. Article 153
under General Provisions states that "the Legislature shall by law make
provision for regulating Muslim religious affairs and for constituting a
Council to advise the President in matters relating to the Muslim religion".
Court System: There is one Shari’a Court in
Singapore; it may hear and determine actions in which
all parties are Muslims or in which the parties involved were married under
Muslim law (i.e., the husband is Muslim). The Shari’a Court has jurisdiction
over cases related to marriage, divorce, betrothal, nullity of marriage,
judicial separation, division of property on divorce, payment of dowry,
maintenance, and mut’a. Appeals from Shari’a Court decisions or decisions of
kathis lie with an Appeal Board, comprised of three Muslims chosen by the
Registrar of the Supreme Court from a panel of seven nominated by the President
annually. Appeal Board decisions are final."
While polygamy is prohibited for civil marriages in Singapore under
the Women’s Charter, polygamous marriages are permitted under the
Administration of Muslim Law Act. That is an example of the right of
the minorities to practise their personal and religious laws.
So Singapore appears to be even more unique than Malaysia. While Singapore is a
non-Muslim nation, it has another set of laws for the Muslims. It could not
charge a Muslim man for the practice of polygamy because of the presence of
these other laws. Also, being multi-racial and democratic countries, Malaysia
and Singapore both practise freedom of religion. Religion involves a system of beliefs
and values. Where those beliefs are corrupted by traditions and wrong ideas,
problems will arise.
The problem is in the mindset and
the incorrect underlying belief/value or premise in an individual.
Muslims believe they can have more than one wife and up to four wives. We become tolerant and liberal for the sake of harmony. The man who was recently sentenced to 32 years and 24 strokes of the cane in Singapore went beyond that norm. He had ten wives and committed serious crimes.
The activity we are seeing is
perhaps the manifestation of tolerance when another aspect needs to be
considered, which in the process becomes neglected. Also, it is doubtful
whether any nation having similar legislation against polygamy for that matter
could enforce their own laws given the fact that such nations also have many
instances of polygamy being practised even though their own civil laws
prohibit such activity.
We know that Mormonism had
allowed polygamy and the practice, whilst outlawed in the United States, is
still practised in some areas of Utah and Arizona in a de facto or sequential
There are certainly many groups besides
various Mormon sects and many Muslim sects that do argue for the practice of
polygamy. Some of the advocates for polygamy put
forward their views and contentions as follows:
1. The view is that Old Testament
Law encouraged and endorsed polygamy and was practised by Lamech, Abraham, and
Jacob, including some of the prophets. Jesus Christ did not destroy the Law or
the prophets (Mat. 5:17-18). Thus the Law stands and polygamy is legal. This is
a basic fundamental argument.
2. They argue that God portrays Himself as a
polygamist in Ezekiel 23:4, that is in being the husband of two nations, Israel
and Judah.
3. They say Jesus portrays himself as a
polygamist in being the husband of each individual Christian (2Cor. 11:2).
4. They say that nowhere does the Bible condemn
the practice of polygamy.
5. They use other reasons to
support their contention as outlined above.
It has been argued that the Ten
Commandments were given to Israel only, so they are not binding on Christians
or the Muslims. The correct answer is they were given to the stranger as
well. Scripture is clear that there were not two Laws, but the same Law applied
to both Israel (as the twelves tribes including Judah) and to strangers (Ex.
12:49, Isa. 56:6, Num. 9:14; 15:15-16, 29-30, Psa. 18:44). There is one
Law-Giver who is our God Eloah, creator of the human race and the heavenly Host
(Jas. 4:12).
Leviticus 24:22 "Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the
stranger, as for one of your own country: for I am the LORD your God."
This is unlike some nations where
there are two different sets of laws.
For example, God told the
Philistine king of Gerar, King Abimelech (i.e., a heathen, stranger or
foreigner), the following, "...Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the
woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man's wife. But Abimelech...said,
Lord, wilt thou slay also a righteous nation?" (Gen. 20:3-4).
If the laws contained in the Ten
Commandments, such as adultery, did not apply to the heathen, how did this
heathen king know it was a sin against God? Why did God threaten this man
with death if he did not let this married woman return to her husband (Gen.
20:7)? The answer is obvious there is one Law for both the heathen and for
believers, the same law, God's Law. He is the One True God, Eloah,
of the entire human Host and heavenly Host.
Polyandry is universally
prohibited by Jews, Christians and Muslims
It is noteworthy that groups that
claim to be Christian, and advocate polygamy, do not endorse a woman having
multiple husbands; they condemn that practice. We will examine this and see
whether there are other aspects which are not considered.
Let us look further into history,
the Scriptures and some established facts and questions to get to the point and
* After Adam and Eve sinned against
God, they became like Elohim knowing good and evil. This means we must discern
God's will between what is holy and unholy, clean and unclean. That is required
of us in the Faith.
* Adam was lonely and God gave
him a companion wife. There was no other humankind around; if divine will were
multiple wives Adam would be the one who needed more wives. But he was given
only one wife.
* God created man in his own
image; God is One.
* God took a rib out of Adam to
make one Eve. They were thus of one flesh.
* The practice of taking
concubines was for the sake of bearing sons, as we see from the historical
writers such as Confucius and the Bible texts. Tribal inheritance systems, and
sometimes survival itself in a warlike atmosphere, encouraged the practice.
Thus the marriage model
originally was demonstrated as being one husband and one wife.
* Marriage is a divine institution and a covenant between a man and a woman. Another woman is seen as taking away from that covenant. It is no longer special between the two people in the original covenant. It requires a review of that covenant.
There are certain things that are
made manifest from nature, one source for study is Romans chapter 1.
* The first physical Adam in the
Garden of Eden had one wife. Christ being the spiritual last Adam was also
spiritually married to one wife, physical Israel. Israel went into whoring and
disobedience. Sin is transgression of God's Laws (1Jn. 3:4) and the penalty is
death. To redeem the human race and the fallen Host, Christ had to die first
and this dissolved the first marriage of Christ to physical Israel. In his
coming marriage supper of the Lamb of God, Christ
being the one spiritual husband (2Cor. 11:2) is going to marry symbolically one
wife, spiritual Israel, which is the one Church that he has built.
God declared,
"It is not good for man to be alone. I will make him a fitting
helper" (Gen. 2:18). God created animals
with mates and few mate for life but some do so. The word “family” is not
applied to the animal kingdom. After the creation and naming of animals, God
caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam and removed his rib. God created the woman
from the rib and declared, "Therefore a man shall leave his mother and
father and cleave onto his wife and they shall be one flesh" (Gen. 2:24).
In this way the responsibility of
the human male is virtually unique in the animal kingdom.
In this way also sexual
discipline stands at the centre of the Bible vision of family life.
The genetic imperative to produce
more offspring found in animals, by multiple mating, even to the killing of
other offspring, is not permitted and is to be overcome in humans.
Polygamy has been permitted in
biblical times but, from the argument of the original condition in the Garden
of Eden, it is not the ideal. In fact, one can argue that the biblical stories
of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar, or Jacob, Rachel, and Leah, are polemics against
It is noteworthy that two of the
great biblical religions have long outlawed polygamy even though Judaism allows
it technically in the Talmud. The Koran continues in polygamy because of
The Torah allows divorce and
remarriage due to the hardness of our hearts, but God says through the prophets
that He hates divorce. The Book of Deuteronomy, recognising the reality of
human weakness, does permit divorce (see Deut. 24:1-4). But, it is considered a
sad, last resort, and far from the ideal. In fact, the prophet Malachi wrote:
"You have done this again, covering the altar of God with tears, weeping and moaning because He no longer regards your offering or receives it from you with good will. 14Yet you say why? Because the Lord is witness between you and the wife of your youth with whom you have broken faith, though she is your partner and covenanted spouse.15And did he not make one? Yet had He the residue of the spirit. And why One? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth. 16For the Lord the God of Israel, says that he hates putting away [divorce]; for one covers violence with his garment, says the Lord of Hosts therefore take heed to your spirit that you deal not treacherously." (Malachi 2:13-16)
Based on this
verse, the rabbis taught when a man divorces the wife of his youth, even the
altar of God cries tears (Gittin 90b). Lifelong marriage between one man and
one woman is the ideal, articulated by the Garden of Eden story. Jewish
tradition uses the term kiddushin, literally holiness, to
describe such a marriage. It is marriage, the commitment of a man and a woman
to a lifelong exclusive sexual relationship that helps us rise above the animal
Three bodies of legal traditions grew out of the Bible. These are: 1) Jewish
halakhah; 2) Christian rites and rituals, and from the Roman element came
church Canon law; and also 3) Moslem Shari'a law, which was based on the Bible
regulations and the traditions of the seventh-century Arabs and Jews. They are
all concerned with the legal procedures of marriage: Who may marry whom. How is
a marriage legally affected. What are the legal obligations of spouses towards
one another. May a marriage be dissolved, and if so how does that occur? Some elements of the Christian rituals
disagree that people can remarry on divorce. The Bible says that they may do
All three of the religions based
on the Bible agree that marriage is more than a mere legal contract. The Bible often
compares the relationship of husband and wife to the relationship between God
and Israel. Perhaps the best word is beryith
(SHD 1285) – covenant. The deity at Shechem of the northern ten tribes of
Israel was itself called Berith (al Berith) (SHD 1286) or The
Covenant. The word covenant implies something eternal and unbroken.
The word British is a Semitic derivation of the Hebrew words Beriyth
or Berith and ish (man) and means Man of the Covenant.
The Bible establishes two
purposes for marriage. The first purpose is companionship, for "it is not
good for man to be alone" (Gen. 2:18). The second purpose is in order to
fulfil God's Commandment to "be fruitful and multiply" (Gen. 1:28).
* The consequences which befell
David for his polygamy and adultery were extensive. Two of his sons competed
for the throne, one eventually executing and murdering the other. Another son
raped his half-sister and in turn was murdered by her full brother.
Later, the son who murdered his rapist brother fomented a rebellion against
David and almost succeeded. During this rebellion this same son cohabited
with David's concubines in the sight of all Israel. Earlier, David was used to
having so many wives that it did not smite his conscience to take another man's
wife after committing adultery with her, and having her husband who was David's
great general murdered. Refer to 2Samuel 11-13,15-18, for the
details. David suffered much pain for these episodes.
It is a false assertion to
conclude that God sanctioned or approved polygamy as the ideal state by merely
quoting Scriptures that mention incidents and practice of polygamy.
Human misery and suffering all
result from sin, which is the transgression of God's Laws (1Jn. 3:4).
In dealing with the text of 2Samuel 12:7-8, much effort is spent trying
to reconcile the apparent contradiction between this text and the text in the
Law at Deuteronomy 17:17.
The wording of this text is that
God sanctioned polygamy when He "gave" Saul's wives to David.
And Nathan said to David . . . Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I anointed thee king over Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul; And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things."
The Bible does not contradict
itself. The instruction for kings, found in Deuteronomy 17:17,
states: "Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart
turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and
gold." The context here is that God does not want kings to multiply
wives to themselves in the sense of being beyond the Law or their brethren. The
Law clearly allows two or more wives from the texts, as we have seen above (cf.
Deut. 21:15).
To get around the answer of God
through the prophet Nathan, some Christian theologians argue as we see in The
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (Vol. 1, p. 273, Harris, Archer,
and Waltke). It states this about the word bosom: "A variety of
abstract, figurative ideas are expressed by the term . . . . Giving the old
king's wives into the new king's bosom showed the new king's authority . . .
." In brief, the word "bosom" does not necessarily refer
to sexual relations.
That can hardly be argued from
the sense of the text and what Nathan is saying and clearly overlooks the text
in Deuteronomy 21:15.
It is argued that if polygamy
were divine will then God gave a contradictory instruction when He
instructed that the king was not to multiply wives to himself (e.g. in 2Sam.
However, this argument introduces
conflict into the Law. The Law covers many practices that are far from ideal
but if present in society require regulation, and polygamy as a social
institution is one of them.
The fact is that the Messiah’s
genealogy comes from polygamous relationships in the lines of the kings in
multiple instances (see the paper Genealogy of the Messiah (No.
It is argued that polygamy does
not appear in a positive light in the Old Testament, and never once does it
describe a truly happy polygamous marriage (Bible Knowledge Commentary on
Deut. 21:15-17).
Early Christian writers on
marriage in the Church
Records also show that the
post-NT Church became more generally anti-polygamy.
writing in the middle of the second century, rebukes the Jews for allowing
polygamy in his Dialogue with Trypho the Jew, which is a refutation of
Jewish practice and theology. In chapter 134 (cxxxiv) titled The Marriages
of Jacob are a Figure of the Church he explains:
If then the teachings of the prophets and of
Himself moves you, it is better for you to follow God than your imprudent and
blind masters who, even until this time permit each man to have four or five
wives; and if anyone see[s] a beautiful woman and desires to have her, they quote the doings of Jacob [called]
Israel, and of the other patriarchs, and maintain that it is not wrong to do
such things; for they are miserably ignorant in this matter.
He then
goes on to explain that:
“The Marriages of Jacob were types of that which Christ was about to accomplish. For it was not lawful for Jacob to marry two sisters at once. And he serves Laban for [one of] the daughters
And being deceived in [the obtaining of] the younger, he again served seven years. Now Leah is your people and synagogue; but Rachel is our church. And for these and for the servants in both Christ even now serves. For while Noah gave to the two sons the seed of the third as servants, now on the other hand Christ has come to restore both the free sons and the servants among them, conferring the same honour on all them who keep his commandments; even as the children of the free women and the children of the bond women born to Jacob were all sons and equal in dignity.”
(ANF, vol. 1, p. 266-267)
In the next two chapters, he
deals with the concept of Christ is King of Israel, And Christians Are The
Israelitic Race (cxxxv) and then The Jews In Rejecting Christ Rejected God Who
Sent Him (cxxxvi).
This is the understanding of the Churches of God to this day.
(120-202) in Against Heresies (ca. 182-188) condemns the Gnostics
for polygamy, among other things:
In chapter XXVIII, is dealing with the doctrines of Tatian, the Encratites (self-controlled) and others, who preached against marriage and thus he says they set aside the original creation of God. He says that Tatian, like Marcion and Saturninus, declared marriage was nothing else than corruption and fornication then went on to say:
“Others, again, following upon Basilides and Carpocrates, have introduced promiscuous intercourse and a plurality of wives and are indifferent about eating meats sacrificed to idols, maintaining the God does not greatly regard such matters” (ANF, vol. 1, p.353).
The heretical factions of the
Church also prohibited polygamy as they became established.
(145-220) was also explicit: -
Chapter II. Marriage Lawful, But Not Polygamy. We do not indeed forbid the union of man and woman, blest by God as the seminary of the human race, and devised for the replenishment of the earth and the furnishing of the world, and therefore permitted, yet singly. For Adam was the one husband of Eve, and Eve his one wife, one woman, one rib. We grant that among our ancestors and among the patriarchs themselves, it was lawful not only to marry but even to multiply wives [plurifariam matrimoniis]. There were concubines too, [in those days]. But although the church did come in figuratively in the synagogue, yet (to interpret simply) it was necessary to institute (certain things) which should afterwards deserve to be either lopped off or modified. For the law was (in due time) to supervene. (Nor was that enough:) for it was meet that causes for making up the deficiencies of the Law should have forerun (Him who was to supply those deficiencies). And so to the Law presently had to succeed the Word of God introducing the Spiritual circumcision. Therefore, by means of the wide licence of those days, materials for subsequent emendations were furnished beforehand, of which materials the Lord by his Gospel, and then the apostle in the last days of the (Jewish) age, either cut of the redundancies or regulated the disorders. (ANF, Vol, IV: Tertullian, IV, To His Wife, Bk. I, chapter II, pp. 39-40)
Tertullian explains more fully
the changes to the law in his work On Exhortation to Chastity (ANF,
Vol. IV, pp. 53,56-58) and also On Monogamy (ibid., pp.59-72). It
is written from a celibate point of view and is contrary to the teachings of
the Scriptures and the Law of God.
From Chapter VI (p. 53) he
“answers” the objection for the polygamy of the patriarchs. He argues that the
command to grow and multiply of Genesis 1:28 is already supervened by the
principle of enjoining continence. The time is already wound up and they who
had wives should behave as if they had not.
The wood of the old order is allegedly
being pruned down by the gospel and the axe has been laid at the roots. Eye for
an eye and tooth for tooth has grown old, where “let none render evil for evil”
grew young, as he sees it.
He then invents a text in
Leviticus not to pluralise marriages, which does not exist (Ch. VII ibid., p.
From Chapter VIII (ibid.) he
goes on to attack the concept of second marriages and this continues on into
the text On Monogamy.
He then attacks the entire
capacity for the women of the Church to be married again at all after the death of
their husbands and holds that the Levirate laws are done away and thus, as each
of the Church is the brother of the woman, she would be marrying her brother
which is now eliminated. This text is biblical nonsense. He argues strongly
that the male whose wife has died should not marry a fertile young woman or
have children, but rather marry an old woman purely for housekeeping. The
arguments are ascetic Montanist heresy and are to be dismissed.
Thus the Church gradually moved
from the Law to the spiritualisation of the Law. Tertullian was writing in
Africa in Latin on behalf of a defined and schismatic Montanism and reflected also
the changes inherent to the third century. These views suited the Monastics
that eventually took over the Catholic Church in Rome, and were thus supported
in these aspects by many.
(260-312) or Eubulius, was Bishop of Olympus and Patara simultaneously in
Lycia and was removed to the See of Tyre, according to Jerome, and was martyred
in ca. 312 at Chalcis. He argued that polygamy had stopped at the time of the
He does this in Chapter III
initially, quoting from Ecclesiasticus 18:30 and 19:2. He then uses Proverbs
5:18 and Jeremiah 5:8 and then uses Wisdom 4:3. He says:
“The contracting of marriage with several wives had been done away with from the times of the prophets. For we read, 'Do not go after your lusts, but refrain yourself from your appetites' for wine and women will make men of understanding fall away.”
In this text, he is quoting principally from apocryphal works. He is attempting to argue for celibacy over marriage and the producing of children using uninspired texts excluded from the Canon. He argued that the Bible first rejected marriage between brothers and sisters, and then went to monogamy and then to continence. He decides and argues that the 144,000 virgins in Revelation are physical virgins, entirely missing the message portrayed.
He also goes on to say:
...And in another place, 'Let your fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth' [Prov. V:18], manifestly forbidding a plurality of wives. And Jeremiah clearly gives the name of ‘fed horses’ [Jer. 5:8] to those who lust after other women.”…
Jeremiah is referring to adultery
pure and simple, and he misrepresents the sentiments of the prophet.
He returns to Wisdom 4:3 to
denounce bastardry as though it is in connection with multiple marriage when
neither texts concerns those things (Banquet of the Ten Virgins, or
Concerning Chastity, ANF, vol. 6, p.312).
It is in this period that the
errors of the Binitarian system are being established and Modalism had already
become established. The Laws of God are being attacked continually, and
especially by the celibate ascetics.
The Pseudo-Clementine Literature, which is a pseudepigraphical work written after 211 (i.e. after the extension of the Roman franchise which it mentions and which happened in the reign of Caracalla; and before 231 where the work is mentioned by Origen (Commentary on Genesis)), yet fictionally asserting much earlier periods and events boasts about how St. Thomas taught the Parthians [allegedly an Iranian culture] to abandon polygamy. But these are really continuous strands of the writer’s views woven together in a fictional tapestry.
“But I shall give a still stronger proof of the matters in hand. For, behold, scarcely seven years have yet passed since the advent of the righteous and true Prophet; and in the course of these, inert of all nations coming to Judaea, and moved both by the signs and miracles which they saw, and by the grandeur of His doctrine, received His faith; and then going back to their own countries, they rejected the lawless rites of the Gentiles, and their incestuous marriages. In short, among the Parthians -- as Thomas, who is preaching the Gospel amongst them, has written to us-not many now are addicted to polygamy; nor among the Medes do many throw their dead to dogs; nor are the Persians pleased with intercourse with their mothers, or incestuous marriages with their daughters; nor do the Susian women practise the adulteries that were allowed them; nor has Genesis been able to force those into crimes whom the teaching of religion restrained.” (ANF VIII: "Book IX: Chapter XXIX.-The Gospel More Powerful Than 'Genesis.'" p. 189)
From the Council of Elvira (ca.
295-302), absolute celibacy was imposed on the three higher orders of the Modalist or Binitarian system, on
bishops, priests and deacons.
If they continue to cohabit with
their wives after ordination they are to be deposed.
The Council of Ancyra in Galatia
(ca. 314) (Canon x) forbids even deacons to marry after ordination.
The Council of Neo-Caesarea in
Cappadocia (ca. 315) (Canon I) forbids priests to marry after ordination.
After the Council of Nicaea (ca.
325), no bishop, priest or deacon may live in the same house with a woman
unless it was his mother, sister or aunt. Celibacy is imposed on the Athanasian
system and monogamy is imposed on its laity.
In England, under the
Anglo-Saxons, the clergy were openly married. Roman Catholic objections to
these assertions are all based on the fact that the Anglo-Saxon word preost
can mean a cleric and may not refer to a priest. The term must be Mass
Priest (Maesse-proest) to refer to the sacerdotal rank and these are
alleged to be celibate (cf. Catholic Encyclopaedia, Vol. III, p, 486).
This was not so until the First Lateran Council enforced the strict orders.
It refers to a 'purification period' for polygamists. By that
time, sinners had to 'sit out' of Church activities until they had demonstrated
reformation. If a sin showed up on this list of Canons, it was considered a
'bad sin' – and polygamy shows up here.
Nestorian priests were always allowed to marry and could remarry a second or third time (CE ibid., p. 488).
In the Armenian Church, clerics
in minor orders are still free to marry (CE ibid.).
Basil, (329/330-379) bishop of Caesarea (370), mentioned polygamy in his letters, concerning the period for exclusion from church for polygamists. He calls polygamy 'limited fornication’. There is by this time digamy or bigamy and trigamy.
He writes:
IV. In the case of trigamy and polygamy they laid down the same rule, in proportion, as in the case of digamy; namely one year for digamy (some authorities say two years); for trigamy men are separated for three and often for four years; but this is no longer described as marriage at all, but as polygamy; nay rather as limited fornication. It is for this reason that the Lord said to the woman of Samaria, who had five husbands, "he whom thou now hast is not thy husband." He does not reckon those who had exceeded the limits of a second marriage as worthy of the title of husband or wife. In cases of trigamy we have accepted a seclusion of five years, not by the canons, but following the precept of our predecessors. Such offenders ought not to be altogether prohibited from the privileges of the Church; they should be considered deserving of hearing after two or three years, and afterwards of being permitted to stand in their place; but they must be kept from the communion of the good gift, and only restored to the place of communion after showing some fruit of repentance.”
In the same letter at VI he says:
“The fornication of canonical persons is not to be reckoned as wedlock, and their union is to be completely dissolved, for this is both profitable for the security of the church and will prevent the heretics from having a ground of attack against us, as though we induced men to join us by the attraction of liberty to sin.”
(Nicene and Post Nicene
Fathers Second Series, Vol. VIII, To Amphilochius, concerning the
Canons. Letter CLXXXVIII (Canonica Prima.) written ca. 347, pp. 223, 226.)
Now, this view is contrary even
to his own friend’s situation, namely Gregory of Nazianzus with whom he fell
out. Gregory was married to Nonna and had three children, Gregorius the Divine,
Ceasarius and Gorgonia. Basil’s family included St Macrina, Gregory, bishop of
Nyssa and Petrus, bishop of Sebasteia. His uncle was Bishop Gregorius.
Basil refers in these texts to
the examples of the pagan Roman system and seems to be introducing these over
the Bible texts. He refers to the Flamen and the Pontificus maximus and the
Vestals as examples.
Thus, by this time the Athanasian
faction had established a Binitarian system and was to go on with Basil and the
two Gregories to establish Trinitarianism. They were by now moving to exclude
all forms of marriage other than monogamy from the Church, and to deny it to
the officials of the Church; and to prohibit divorce and remarriage. In other
words, those divorced would remain unmarried, even when divorced from an
unconverted partner, which is contrary to Scripture. We see in this text that
Basil completely misinterprets the words of Christ to the woman at the well in
Polygamy has emerged in many
biblical sects and not just in Islam.
Polygamy emerged among the Aanabaptists of Munster, and they also allegedly held women
in common before the siege, according to Weber (CE, Vol. 1, p. 446).
Buddhism holds celibacy as the ideal, but tolerates polygamy and divorce. It speaks frankly of the many hundreds of wives of the Buddha before his conversion and also those of Bimbiassasa, its most distinguished royal convert. The King of Thailand in the early twentieth century openly maintained a harem (CE, ibid., p. 773).
Polygamy is maintained in North and Central Africa among the Congolese, and in the nations of the Lake Victoria region. It is common among Christians and is found among professing Sabbatarians in that area.
It is also common among many
Indian tribes.
Arguing from the singularity of
language, we see it argued that Genesis 2:23,24 says that: "a man is to
leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife." The text is not
plural, thus we are asked to deduce that God did not say that man was to be
joined to his "wives". He said that man was to be joined to his
The Apostle Paul compares the
husband and wife to Christ and the Church. "For the husband is the head of
the wife, as also Christ is head of the church..." (Eph. 5:23). In
Ephesians 1:22,23 we are told that the Church is the body of Christ. There is
only one body (Eph. 4:4); so there is only one church. It has been argued a man
can have as many wives as Christ has churches. Christ has only one body but
many members. Thus the argument for many brides of Christ is advanced. The
argument is made that there is one church so a man can have only one wife. The
NT does not speak of a man (one) being over wives (many) and that being right
with God. God said that a man is to love his wife as Christ loved the Church (Eph. 5).
Christ died for the Church. A man must be willing to die for his wife.
There appears to be a deal of
self-centredness in polygamy on the part of the male.
The following is a true story.
There is a Chinese man who has eight wives. He was well in his 50s when he
related during a lunch conversation among his colleagues about how he
encountered the problem and difficulty of deciding which wife's house he would
go back home to first during the Chinese New Year Eve for the family reunion
dinner. When asked why he needed eight wives, he proudly proclaimed that he had
no choice but to save these other seven wives because he asserted that these
seven women wanted to commit suicide if he didn't marry them.
In order to consider this polygamy issue properly and examine the problems it
has created for the families, it is logically wise to go back into the origin
of the human race and the relevant original sanctity of the marriage
institution. The original marriage institution was first established by the One
True God, Eloah, through the Elohim for the human host. The Host of Elohim who are the "morning stars" (see Lucifer: Light Bearer and Morning Star (No. 223)) or
the sons of God, or angels in Heaven do not marry and the human host through
the resurrection of the dead likewise do not marry.
It is therefore logically wise for us to seek the will of God and His created ministering spirits (angels or messengers) on this issue of polygamy and the resultant problems it has created. Where do we go from here to seek and establish the answers and guidance for this issue the nations are facing now?
The Adamic race, save Noah and
his family, was destroyed in the Flood because of the evils and corruption
during the time of Noah. As it was in Noah's time, so shall it be in the latter
2Peter 3:3-Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers
walking after their own lusts.
In the sixth chapter of Genesis, we find a
brief and short record on an event that occurred that often gets overlooked,
probably because it is confusing. The passage says:
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown (Gen. 6:1-4).
The offspring of these unions were called
Nephilim. Our English Bibles were translated from the Greek and the word
translated as "giants" in the English means "earth
dwellers" in Greek, which is strange because all men were earth dwellers.
So why the special distinction? It is because they were half human and half
angel, offspring of angels, who because they were half human, were bound to the
Earth. The Hebrew word Nephilim, which comes
from the root word nephal, means the fallen
ones. Hence, they were children of fallen angels and women who had some
supernatural powers but who were bound to Earth. It all comes together when we
look at the root words. So the fallen Host went
against divine will and committed fornication with our Adamic women (see
the paper The Nephilim (No. 154).
To show that the Last Days will bring apostasy, the Bible uses analogy as well as direct teaching. In the Olivet Discourse Christ says:
“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left (Mat. 24:36-41).
A question to ask is, “Does the marrying and giving in marriage spoken of by
our Lord Jesus denote that the women in that future day (or perhaps today) will
be accosted like they were back in Noah's day, or did he just mean that people
would be getting married as usual?” Jesus implies that his coming will coincide
with judgment and calamity on a scale comparable to the Flood, which destroyed
almost all life on the Earth. He says that the days of Noah resembled his
coming not only in their apocalyptic climax, but also in the condition of human
society just beforehand. In other words, men in the Last Days will descend to
the same deplorable wickedness that God saw in the world before the Flood.
Jesus highlights three prominent characteristics of Noah's age: (i) eating and
drinking; (ii) marriage and giving in marriage; and (iii) ignorance of
impending judgment.
The failure of the antediluvians to expect divine wrath in return for their sin revealed another vice prevalent among them, which was apostasy. The Genesis record leaves no doubt that apostasy had, by Noah's time, overtaken and infected the whole body of mankind. Adam had many sons and daughters, including Abel, the acceptable son who was slain by his brother Cain, but the Bible has nothing good to say about any of the surviving children except Seth. In the days of Seth's son Enos, men began "to call upon the name of the LORD" (Gen. 4:26).
Reading between the lines, we
surmise that Enos helped to stir up spiritual revival among the Sethites and
perhaps among others as well. It was in the line of Seth rather than in the
line of Cain that Enoch appeared, the man who obtained such favour with God
that God took him away and he did not see death. Yet, a few centuries later,
about 1500 years after man was created, righteousness had nearly disappeared
from the face of the Earth. Only one man, Noah, remained who was
"just" and “perfect" and who "walked with God" (Gen.
6:9). Noah "found grace in the eyes of the Lord" (Gen. 6:8), but the
rest of mankind earned only the Lord's regret that He had made them.
5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
Noah and his family were saved.
It is assumed that the eight persons or mouths were Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth
and their wives. So it is assumed that they all had one spouse. The argument is
then advanced that God established the marriage institution on a one husband
and one wife basis in the Garden of Eden, which is clear in the Scriptures. It
may, however, refer to the males only as women were not usually mentioned in
We then have to seek the divine will of God to determine whether monogamy is
what He has divinely intended for us; or is polygamy divinely intended?
There is another text of prophecy
that seems to infer a situation that envisages polygamy in the Last Days.
The prophet Isaiah says that in the Last Days the men of Israel shall fall in the war and the destruction shall be so great that there will be a shortage of men and severe distress among the women.
“And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, ‘We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach’” (Isa. 4:1).
This text is Scripture and
prophecy of the Last Days. It concerns the restoration of Israel in holiness.
Scripture cannot be broken and thus this situation will come to pass and will
be according to law for the restoration of Israel.
The remaining women realise the
fact of their sins, and the status of their offspring, and the necessity of
their marriage in a situation where there are not enough men to regularise
their position. Modern social norms regarding illegitimacy will be addressed
and corrected. The Knox translation attempts to claim this text to refer to the
shame as barrenness. However, the word at SHD 2781 conveys shame from the sense
of the female genitalia rather than its failure to simply reproduce. The shame
is from both concepts. The fact is that there are too many women and not enough
males and the children must be regularised in the biblical situation, and it
will be done as prophesied.
Thus the Law allows such
marriages in necessity and it will be allowed in the Last Days at the
restoration, as foretold through Isaiah the prophet. However, it is not the
ideal situation as intended from the beginning. Where necessity forces the
situation to exist, as it will do in the wars of the Last Days, God foretells
that it will occur and it is lawful otherwise the shame would not be removed
(see also the paper War of Hamon-Gog (No. 294)).
"For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." This mystery is a profound one, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church; however, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband." (Eph. 5:21-33)
The Tenth Commandment is in the
singular but that may be argued as a reference to the female concerned. ‘… You
shall not covet your neighbor’s wife [singular] …’ (Ex. 20:17) also is held to
presuppose the intended marriage is only one wife. It cannot be exclusive as
polygamy is covered by legislation in the Torah.
There is no doubt that polygamy
is forbidden for Church Elders (1Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:6). However, the very
presence of the text implies conversely that it was permitted for the laity
under the Law and the society prevailing at the time. The requirement for us
all to be kings and priests and able to become Elders or bishops of the Church
would, however, then argue for monogamy. The situation seems to imply that
those coming into the Church were not required to separate when multiple wives
were present.
The Apostle Paul says: "But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each
woman her own husband" (1Cor. 7:2). In this instance, monogamy is not
only just for the Elders, because Paul also wrote: “each man should have his
own wife, and each woman her own husband.”
Paul goes on to
explain marital duties in terms that place the ideal situation with one husband
to one wife. It is more like the case of divorce, which God tolerated for a
while under certain conditions because of the hardness of their hearts, but was
not the way it was intended from the beginning (Mat. 19:3-9).
Without doubt, the Mosaic Law had
provisions for polygamy. However, it can be argued that it was always
conditional, ‘If he takes another wife to himself …’ (Ex. 21:10), and not an
encouragement. The fact is, however, that the Law of God does permit polygamy.
The Koran refers to the wives of
the Prophet and it is beyond dispute that the Prophet referred to as Muhammad
married more than one wife. However, he was married to a single and older wife
for most of his life. He took the widows of his officers and in one case the
daughter of his friend (i.e. Aisha) who was a child at the time. The practice
was common among kings. These marriages appear to have been more for social
security reasons rather than anything else (see also Surahs 30-34 for the
It is widely believed by some Muslim that their 'martyrs' enjoy rich sensual rewards on reaching paradise with 72 virgins for each of them. “What will happen to us women?” so ask the ladies. “Are the women going to have 72 virgin men?”
One source has stated: "It is in the Islamic Traditions that we find the 72 virgins in heaven specified: in a Hadith (Islamic Tradition) collected by Al-Tirmidhi (died 892 CE [common era*]) in the Book of Sunan (volume IV, chapters on The Features of Paradise as described by the Messenger of Allah [Prophet Muhammad], chapter 21, About the Smallest Reward for the People of Paradise, (Hadith 2687). The same hadith is also quoted by Ibn Kathir (died 1373 CE) in his Koranic commentary (Tafsir) of Surah Al-Rahman (55), verse 72: "The Prophet Muhammad was heard saying: 'The smallest reward for the people of paradise is an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine, and ruby, as wide as the distance from Al-Jabiyyah [a Damascus suburb] to Sana'a [Yemen]'."
So, who are these 72
"virgins"? There are some Muslims who say there has been a
mistranslation, that "virgins" should be replaced by
"angels". The Prophet to the Arabs told his people to consult the
“People of the Book” if they were in doubt. Who the “People of the Book” are as
mentioned by the Islamic Prophet will become apparent as the One True God Eloah
reveals to us and we do His Will. The concept of virgin in the text denotes
We know as a matter of fact that Moses appointed 70 plus 2
elders in Israel (Num. 11:16,24-26) and Jesus Christ also appointed 72 and sent
out his disciples in a group of 2 by 2 (Lk. 10:1, 17). Also from the Bible we
can determine that 72 is the precise number of
sacrifices offered to the Lord in any one year of the Jubilee system. See also the paper The Harvests of God, the New Moon Sacrifices, and the
144,000 (No. 120).
God is the one who calls and reveals. So think about this in relation to what
the Hadith has said about the 72 virgins in Heaven. We know that the sons of
God or angels in Heaven do not marry, and the human host, through the
resurrection of the dead, likewise do not marry. The resurrection of the dead as contained in
Revelation chapter 20 is also fundamental to the Koran.
There is no sex in the Kingdom of God. That is Scripture and Scripture cannot be broken.
The reference to the 72 is to a
council of the virgins of the elect that are brought out over the 40 Jubilees
of the Church in the wilderness, one complete council each year for 2,000 years
to create the 144,000. None of these spiritual “virgins” goes to Heaven; they
are resurrected to be with Christ at his return and will rule the world. They
are both male and female. The Koran explains this concept in reference to the
144,000 prophets as we see from the texts (and especially from Surah 30-33
In conclusion, we have therefore
reviewed other aspects in addition to what has been explained and previously
examined in our various papers:
* Marriage and Monogamy are
reviewed in the papers Law
and the Seventh Commandment (No. 260) and Marriage (No. 289).
"The ideal estate of the
human creation is monogamy.” There is to be one Law for all in every nation as
part of the Israel of God.
Man and woman were created to be
one flesh (Gen. 2:18-24; Mat. 19:5).
All bishops of the Church must be
the husband of one wife (1Tim. 3:2).
The polygamous relationships of
the nation were allowed from the patriarchs, and they had multiple wives. The
king is not allowed to multiply wives to himself (Deut. 17:17) even though
David and Solomon had hundreds, and the Talmudic restrictions appear to be at
eighteen for the king and four or five for the ordinary man. Nevertheless,
every man should have his own wife and every woman her own husband (1Cor.
Monogamy is also shown as the
original principle and practice in its uncorrupted form in the Garden of Eden,
prior to the fall of Adam and Eve (Gen. 2:18-24; Mat. 19:5; Eph. 5:21-33).
We need to remember only the
elect of God are allowed to enter into the Kingdom of God, the City of God or
the Garden (Rev. 22:14, 12:17 and 14:12). The elect are defined in Revelation
12:17 and 14:12 as those who obey God's Commandments and the faith or testimony
of Jesus Christ.
Islam corrupts Scripture by the
Hadith and introduces the concepts of multiple virgins in Heaven for warriors
from the Hadith.
The practice of having many wives
has shown in some cases in history to lead to idolatry and has created strife
in families.
A small number escaped the Flood
but faith had not vanished altogether from the race of men. So it will be in
the years just before Christ's return. After a long period of spiritual zeal
and missionary enterprise, the Church will go into a steep decline, continuing
until the possessors of true Faith become alarmingly few. But, as in Noah's
day, a few will resist the pull of an evil world and stand firm in their
commitment to righteousness. When many others are deserting the ranks of true
Christianity, a few will remain loyal. How large will the remnant be? We do not
know. Perhaps hundreds, or thousands, or hundreds of thousands will still
espouse true Faith. But the Scriptures say there will be a multitude later.
In the final closing, let this
message act as a springboard for the stewards of the Mysteries to think about
this practice of polygamy and the resultant problems it has created. We will
have to consider how best to deal with the more problematic issue of those
families and children coming into the Church who are affected. We cannot refer
to the rest of the children as bastards just because these innocent children
were borne by the second and subsequent wives because of parental practice. As
we progress in dealing with Islam, which is “submission to God's Will”, we will
encounter the problem more and more.
We need to handle this matter
with care. Under the Law of God, and in some nations, polygamy is clearly
permitted and so the families need to be dealt with carefully. We are all called to be
kings and priests and so the Church cannot eliminate numbers of its people by
allowing polygamy and the consequent narrowing of the ministerial base of the
The first (physical) Adam in the Garden of
Eden had one wife; but Adam and Eve sinned and were banished from the Garden.
Christ being the second (spiritual) Adam is going to symbolically marry one
wife, spiritual Israel, which is the one Church or the Temple of God which
Temple we are (cf. 1Cor. 15:45-48; 2Cor. 11:2).
Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready (Rev. 19:7).
The fulfilment of the words, "the
wedding of the Lamb is come, and his wife (in the singular) hath made herself
ready" occurs at the end of the tribulation period when at his second
coming Christ defeats the wicked and establishes his kingdom.
Man is made in the image of God; God is ONE. Let us show love to
our wife by our faithfulness to the wife; and likewise the wife is to show
faithfulness to her husband.
the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (Lk. 18:8). The
question expresses the Bridegroom's tender concern for His Bride. God is ONE.
Deuteronomy 6:4 "Hear, O Israel: The LORD
our God is one."