Christian Churches of God



No. CB142_2





The Last Great Day and the Handover to the Father


(Edition 2.0 20090919-20210530)


In this lesson we will review the meaning and symbolism of the Last Great Day and how it looks forward to the completion of Eloah’s Plan of Salvation.




Christian Churches of God

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(Copyright © 2009, 2021 Christian Churches of God, ed. Wade Cox)


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The Last Great Day and the Handover to the Father

Goal:  To have the children develop an appreciation of the meaning of the Last Great Day



1. Children will identify the name of the last High Day of Eloah’s calendar.

2. Children will know what the Last Great Day symbolizes.

3. Children will be able to identify who has the potential to be part of the second resurrection.

4. Children will know what will happen at the end of the Last Great Day when there is no longer any sin.



The Last Great Day and Handover to the Father (No. CB142)


Memory Verses:

Leviticus 23:39 "On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered in the produce of the land, you shall keep the feast of the LORD seven days; on the first day shall be a solemn rest, and on the eighth day shall be a solemn rest. (RSV)


Nehemiah 8:18 And day by day, from the first day to the last day, he read from the book of the law of God. They kept the feast seven days; and on the eighth day there was a solemn assembly, according to the ordinance. (RSV)



Open with prayer.

Lesson on The Last Great Day and Handover to the Father (No. CB142).

Activity associated with the lesson.

Close with prayer.


1.      Read through the paper The Last Great Day and Handover to the Father (No. CB142) unless it is read as a sermonette with the children present.

2.      Children’s questions are in bold.  This is a general review of the material covered in the lesson.


Q1.      What is the last Holy Day in God’s Calendar?

A.        The Last Great Day is the seventh and final Holy Day in each yearly cycle. (Lev. 23:34-36,39; Num. 29:35)


Q2.      Do we give an offering on this Holy Day?

A.        We do not take up an offering on the Last Great Day. All things offered at Passover,        Pentecost and Ingathering (the Feast of Tabernacles) have been completed.


Q3.      Can we find any reference to the Last Great Day in the New Testament?        

A.        Yes, in John 7:37. Jesus Christ referred to it as the “last day of the feast, the great day…”


Q4.      What is the significance of the Last Great Day?

A.        The Last Great Day looks forward to the time immediately following the Millennium when the second resurrection of all mankind and fallen host will occur. The Last Great Day also includes the Kingdom of God being established here on earth. This is the final phase of the Plan of Salvation.


Q5.      The period of the second resurrection is also called something else, what is that?

A.        It is called the “Great White Throne Judgement” (Rev. 20:11-13).


Q6.      Who will be in the second resurrection?

A.        The second resurrection is for all mankind and the fallen host.


Q7.      What will happen when these people are resurrected?

 A.       The second resurrection is a physical resurrection.  The resurrection of judgment (Jn. 5:29) is one of correction and teaching so that all mankind and fallen host might be prepared to receive eternal life.


Q8.      What is going to happen to Satan and the rest of the fallen Host?

A.        Satan is mentioned as being a man and from the pit in Isaiah 14. His power as a spirit is removed from him at the end of the millennial system, after he is released for the last time (see Isa. 14:11-17). Satan and the fallen Host will be given a chance to repent while living in a human body.


Q9.      If the Millennium is for 1000 years how long is the period of the second resurrection?

A.        This process involves a period of judgment that appears to extend over 100 years (Isa. 65:20).


Q10.    What is the second death?

A.        If some do not repent after the period of training of 100 years allowed from the second resurrection, they will be allowed to die and their bodies will be destroyed (Rev 20:15).


Q11.    Will anyone die the second death?

A.        Since Eloah is all-merciful, He does not want anyone to perish (1Pet. 3:9; 1Tim. 2:4; Titus 2:11) or die the second death. Therefore, it appears all men and the fallen Host are restored to the Father.


Q12.    If anyone dies the second death do they have a chance to be resurrected again?

A.        No, there will be no resurrection from the second death.


Q13.    We see the 7th feast, the Last Great Day, completed in the 7th month. What is significant about the number 7?

A.        Seven (7) denotes spiritual perfection. It reflects the work of the Holy Spirit as the power of God. Spiritual perfection completes Eloah’s plan of Salvation.


Q14.    We also know that the Last Great Day falls on the 22nd of the 7th month. What is the significance of the number 22?

A.        Twenty-two (22) is the complete number of the Hebrew alphabet in consonants, and denotes completeness.


Q15.   We also see the Last Great Day referred to as the 8th day of the Feast in John 7:37. What does the number eight represent?

A.        Eight (8) denotes resurrection or regeneration. Thus we also see the symbolism of new beginnings and commencement.


Q16.    What is the next step after the completion of the activities of the Last Great Day?

A.        Through the completion of the activities of the Last Great Day we are all brought into eternal life.


Q17.    What does eternal life mean?

A.        The word for eternal is aionios (SGD 166) and has two meanings. It can mean without beginning and end, when referring to God the Father, or it can also mean without an end or everlasting. This is the type of eternal life that God gives to mankind and the Host.  Our eternal life has a beginning, but God’s eternal life is without beginning.


Q18.    There are three fundamentals to eternal life, what are they?

A.        1) Believing and knowing there is One True God and Jesus Christ whom He sent.

2) Faith in Jesus Christ through the knowledge of the One True God.

3) Participating in the Lord’s Supper, including foot-washing, eating the bread and drinking the wine, and obeying all the commandments.


Q19.    Another word that is used in the Bible that sometimes gets confused with eternal life is immortal.  What does immortal mean?

A.        Immortal (SGD 862, aphthartos) means imperishable or incorruptible.  It basically means something that cannot die.  Immortality (SGD 110, athanasia) similarly means undying or everlasting.


Q20.    Who alone possessed immortality?

A.        Since God the Father existed before time, He alone possessed immortality (1Tim. 6:16); time began with the creation. 


Q21.    Did God grant immortality to anyone else?

A.        Yes, when Messiah was resurrected and ascended to the Father on Wave Sheaf, Messiah was given immortality through faith and his obedience to the Father.


Q22.    Will God grant immortality to us also?

A.        We too must put on the promise of immortality (1Cor. 15:53-54) once we are baptized. We will only keep immortality through our faith in Jesus Christ and our obedience to the One True God and His laws. 


Q23.    When Messiah has finished his work on earth, will he hand things over to His Father?        

A.        Yes, when all enemies, which include the concepts of sin and all negative or hurtful thoughts and actions, are put down, Messiah will hand the Kingdom over to the Father, God Most High. (1Cor. 15:24-28)  


Q24.    The Bible tells us that the Almighty God, our Father, will bring His Kingdom to earth, and He will reign supreme here on earth. When will this occur?

A.        When all mankind and fallen host will have repented and turned to God’s way of life, and everyone has been changed to spirit beings and given immortality and eternal life.


Q25.    In this last phase will there be a new heaven and a new earth where former things are no longer remembered?

A.        Yes (see Isa. 65:17, Rev. 21).  Rev. 21:1-2 describes a new heaven and a new earth and a holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God as a bride adorned for her husband.


Q26.    What is the City of God and who built it?

A.        God is the builder of the City (Heb. 11:9). The Holy City is a spiritual building of immortal beings. It is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ being the Chief cornerstone (Eph. 2:19-22).  The Holy Spirit is the mortar or cement that builds and binds the City of God together as an edifice.


Q27.    Who will rule over the city?

A.        God will come to the earth and transfer the administration of the universe here. The world is then full of His glory (Isa. 6:3). God and the Lamb become the lights of this system (Rev 21:23). God himself shall be with men. No Temple is needed as God and Christ dwell in the entire structure.


Activity Options: 


Science experiment: clean and green pennies


            Drinking glass


            1 teaspoon salt

            Old penny

            Paper towel


How to make an old penny look new:

1.      Fill the glass ¼ full with vinegar

2.      Stir in salt, add the penny, and let it sit ½ hour

3.      Rinse with water


Analogy: we as people were created perfect and clean yet our sins cause us to appear dirty. Through the perfect acceptable sacrifice of Messiah we are made clean and restored to the Father.


As we obey Eloah’s laws more and more completely we become more and more like Him. We know His throne is in the 3rd heaven with an emerald rainbow around it (Rev.4:3). At a point in the future we will be made spirit and will see Him as He is. This will be an amazing time and is even difficult to imagine. In this next experiment we will see how to make a penny turn green.


Can you make a penny turn green?

1.      Fold a paper towel twice into a square, and place it on a glass saucer

2.      Put the penny between the folds of the paper towel. Soak the towel with vinegar and let it set for 24 hours


How it works:

In the first experiment, the salt and vinegar break apart the copper oxide coating that makes the penny look dirty.  This reminds us how the sacrifice of Jesus Christ cleanses us from our sins.  In the second experiment, when vinegar alone is used, it mixes with the copper on the penny and forms a green substance called copper acetate. This reminds us of the emerald rainbow around God’s throne.


Holy Day Game:

Materials:  7 small objects (can be balls, paper wads, bean bags, etc) and 7 receptacles (can be hula hoops, construction paper, rings, baskets, etc).

Label the 7 receptacles with the names of the seven annual Holy Days (1st Day UB, 2nd Day UB, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, Last Great Day).  Label the 7 small objects #1 - #7.  Have the children take turns throwing the correct numbered object into the corresponding Holy Day receptacle. For instance, if a child had a ball labeled #5 he would need to throw it into Atonement.  To make the game simple, place the receptacles in order. To make the game more difficult, scatter the receptacles out of order so the children will need to recite the Holy Days to figure out the order.


Close with prayer.