Tabernacles 15/07/47/120
Dear Friends
We are now at the Feast of Tabernacles 2024. On September 16 we begin Ingathering (No. 139) for the Feast as detailed in the texts of the law. We are required to celebrate each of the three feast seasons out of our gates (Deut 16:5-8) and we have done that continually and this year after Tabernacles we are about to see The Great Tribulation No. 141D_2) take place on an increasing scale. It commences soon in earnest. We have recorded a video covering the paper in two sections and we will view those on the first Holy Day of the Feast. and .
The Demons have worked on the Planned Destruction of Humanity (No. 141D_2b) for a long time now and the Four Great Angels in Tartaros will now move from the area of the Pit of Tartaros and destroy a third of mankind (Rev. 9:13-19 F066ii). The Demons have already planned and commenced the War of the Fifth Trumpet of Rev. 9:1-12). This constituted the First Woe. This was the initiation of the Planned Destruction and takes place over the last ten years from 2018 to 2028. They tested the vaxxes in 2018 from Wuhan China and released them in 2019. (see Wars of Amalek No. 141C). Humans will continue to die over the Biological Wars initiated by the Empire of The Beast over these last days (No. 299A). They have also planned the destruction of their creation for the deception of the world under the guise of a Church system, which they actually despise, and now in the last days, after it has served its purpose in the deception of humanity, they will proceed to destroy it. We saw that in the text released this last Sabbath as Sack of the Vatican (No.141D_3). It follows on and develops the text of the Last Pope (No. 288). The prophets of the Trinitarian system saw this end phase, and that the Last Pope would be replaced by the Messiah at his return (see Nos 288; 210A and 210B). They saw it as “the Terrible Judge will judge the people.” They phrased it that way because Malachy O'Morghaire, Archbishop of Armagh, who was given the vision ca 1181, knew it was the end of the Trinitarian and Roman Catholic Church system. The Bible is clear that this false system of the Whore and her harlot daughters, that served the Beast and its false system was to be destroyed ( Rev. ch 18; see No. 299B). The reality is that the entire system that was deceived and which the demons used to deceive and mislead humanity over the entire earth has now completed its use by date and served its purpose and is now to be destroyed. It has kept the majority of mankind out of the First Resurrection and must be destroyed to minimise the repentance of those still alive before the First Resurrection occurs at the Return of Messiah. That includes the Sardis and Laodicean systems of the Churches of God in the last days. That alone involves millions of people and there are over nine billion people that have to be destroyed. Remember Satan does not wish anyone to survive into the Millennium under the Christ. Nor will God allow these corrupted beings to go in. It is Satan and the demon's view that no human should become elohim and join the heavenly host in the government of the universe.
Our task now is to continue on to the arrival of the Witnesses and to support them over their mission and to baptise and train all those called into the faith over their ministry. The first elements will be the few of Sardis and Laodicea that repent after they see that they have begun to die and are mentally able to break the Stockholm syndrome of their brainwashing. Along with them will be those who finally are able to see that they have been lied to by the Trinitarian and Muslim structures all over the world and that their only chance of staying alive is to repent and to turn and be baptised. There will be some 500 million of them that will be sent to us to prepare them for the Messiah and the Millennium. These are the Holy Seed (Isa. 6:9-13; Am 9:1-15). Every person, including those of the Sardis and Laodicean and all other religions, that do not repent, will die before the Millennium commences. No person not keeping the Law and the Testimony and the Temple Calendar will be left alive. No person of Sardis or Laodicea will be allowed to teach their heresies from the Messiah onwards. There will be no popes or cardinals or bishops, or priests; no rabbis or imams or ayatollahs or sheiks or monks or Hindus or Buddhists or animists and ancestor worshippers or anyone else left alive on the planet. Keep the faith and prepare for the Witnesses (No. 141D).
Wade Cox
Coordinator General