Sabbath 25/10/46/120B


Dear Friends

Further to our message re the problems in Rwamwanja Camp in Uganda with the refugees we provide the Uganda Treasurers Report. It demonstrates a willing effort by the local CCG churches in Uganda. It is a good effort, and we will send some help also from the World Conference.

Wade Cox

Hi, Bukara Faustin

CCG Uganda conference noted your message report and reviewed it.

We noted that you were in need of $7,623 USD to assist 63 CCG Congolese fled their homes during October, November and December as happened while CCG Uganda conference were struggling with looking assistance of CCG Uganda members whom they crops submerged by water caused by Heavy rain distroyed their crops and distroyed some houses but CCG Uganda conference were able to raise food through sabbath message distributed to members around in Uganda at present donations are detailed below.

CCG sembabule churches contributed below Items:

400 kg of maize flour 

600 kg of cassava flour 

100 kg of beans 

500 kg of maize corn 

1 box of soap 


CCG Masaka contributed below Items:

250 kg of maize corn 

80 of cassava flour 

20 litres of cooking oil 

400,000 Uganda shillings as cash

CCG kasese contributed: 

300 kg of maize flour 

100 kg of beans 

600,000 Uganda shillings as cash to help to purchase clothes and shelters arrangements.

CCG kabale donations:

370000 Uganda shillings as cash to help to purchase clothes and shelters arrangements

CCG kisore provided:

190000 Uganda shillings to help them to get mosquito nets to protect them malaria.

CCG Jinja Privided:

630000 Uganda shillings to help them to get shelters and food.

We hope if God wishes more assistance will be available as we are assisting each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Also we noted that you were in need of $2300 USD for poultry projects and $9,900 USD required to fund seeing machines for vulnerable women Congolese refugees in the camps as total = $12200 USD all request are shared by to CCG members around in Uganda also noted by CCG members around the world.

CCG Uganda conference at present can not afford to fund more sewing machines as we are busy preparing feasts of Passover and  print facilities require $4800 USD to print sabbath message, sabbath sermon and bible study education, agriculture trainings and we have more projects development requested by CCG Uganda conference local members specially CCG members in Butaleja, Jinja and Masindi requested 7200 trees seeds for arabica coffee required CCG Uganda conference to fund $5,760 USD CCG Uganda conference is raising funds to deal with them.

We are praying for you always.

Yours in Christ Musiime Paulina

National Treasure

CCG Uganda conference