Sabbath 19/02/47/120

Dear Friends,

This is the Sabbath of the 19th day of the Second Month of the 47th year. It is the 35th day of the Omer Count. Judaism is now holding its Passover a month late as they do some six or seven times every 19 years.   This cycle will be the last time they are permitted to do it. So the Churches of God will cease following the Hillel calendar within four years or they also will die.

The times of playing games with God's Calendar (No. 156) will be terminated and the Temple Calendar will be reinstated as we saw in the The Temple Calendar from Adam, to Israel to the Early Church (No. 156H). See also the video at
This was prophesied through the prophet Isaiah at Isa. 66:23-24 (F023xvi and F023xvii).

The ancient Babylonian system was instituted under the influence of Satan and in Baal worship. It penetrated Israel and made a complete rout of the Calendar established in Post Temple Judaism. It resulted in the dispersal of Israel and Judah (see 212E and 212F).

The paper under study this week is Pentecost at Sinai (No. 115) and it is part of our study in the Omer Count up to the Feast of Weeks and Pentecost, This is the first sequence of the Sanctification to Passover and Pentecost  after the cessation of the Four Hundred Years of Abraham's Legacy (No. 212J)This Pentecost will see a watershed in the history of the faith.

As we stated last Sabbath we are watching the wars in the Middle East develop. From October 7 Iran commenced a move to wipe out Israel and the Satanists are using an anti-Israel Globalist system to attack Israel promoting Palestinian causes to advance the genocide against Israel. The Globalist Marxists all over the world and particularly in America, UK and Australia, NZ and the EU are being stirred against Israel and the western democratic alliances.   

Israel has now retaliated against Iran and has struck at two air bases tasked with defending the nearby nuclear facilities.  That is merely a preliminary action with more to come against the nuclear facilities and the oil production systems. Attacks will follow. So also Israeli commandos are attacking Hezbollah in Lebanon and Israel has now invaded Rafah and they are establishing a tent city near Khan Younis (the House of Jonah), to relocate the people at Rafah there so that they can eliminate Hamas on the Egyptian border and control the missiles coming into Gaza.

So also China is destabilising Taiwan and there have been 180 earthquakes in Taiwan in 24 hours this week.  Two of these were over 6 on the scale. The plan is to destabilise Taiwan and when Iran attacks Israel China will attack Taiwan. Russia will then follow up with the movement into EU. Russia will move into Italy also and carry out operations as the demons prophesied in the Fatima visions (see also No. 288)These actions will commence the destruction of the Trinitarian system. This will be followed by a new system of the Beast over the next three years. The Beast Power will emerge from these conflicts (see Nos. 299 299A; 299B)). The power of the King of the North will emerge out of these conflicts and we will face this final Empire of the Beast. Our task is to survive through that period.

If we wish to survive then we had all better repent and obey God and keep His Law and His Commandments.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General