It appears that the RCG had changed the doctrine on the Second Resurrection and teaches that the Second Resurrection does not occur at the end of the millennial system in accordance with the Plan of God as stated in Revelation 20:5 which states that the rest of the dead (i.e. those not in the First Resurrection of Rev. 20:4) did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. The text then reiterates that this was the First Resurrection. That is for those that were resurrected at the beginning of the Millennium at the return of Christ. This doctrine has been fundamental to the faith for almost 2000 years and even the WCG with all its heresies did not get that wrong.
We might expect these offshoots of the WCG to be infected with the heresies of Armstrong but it appears that this doctrine is entirely new and has never been seen in history and has rearranged the Plan of Salvation (No. 001A).
What appears to be the case is that the RCG has written off the entire millennial reign of Christ and consigned them to the so-called Third Resurrection at the end of the Millennium which is a system apparently designed to destroy all those who have lived under Messiah in his thousand-year rule. The only escape such people have is to be translated at the end of the Millennium in their entirety. The entire human creation from Adam that were not patriarchs and prophets and members of the body of Christ are alleged to be destroyed in the Lake of Fire instead of being retrained under the Saints to become elohim as stated in Scripture (e. g. Ps. 82; Jn. 10:34-36 and Rev. Ch. 20).
The Church of God has only One True God and He sent Jesus Christ (Jn 17:3). Anyone teaching that there were two true Gods and that Christ was coeternal with the One True God and who was not a member of the sons of God, who were all a product of the Father, is a heretic and not part of the faith. They are not allowed to keep the Temple Calendar. They keep another calendar, as does Judah in keeping Hillel, and are not allowed to keep the Temple Calendar (No. 156). Until they get rid of the heresy on the nature of God they are not allowed to keep the faith properly. For that reason the entire Sardis and Laodicean systems are hampered with false doctrine and consigned to the Second Resurrection. It appears that the heresies of the WCG system in Sardis are going to grow and if RCG is an example who knows where it will end if Messiah does not come to put a stop to it all.
The only real chance the WCG system now has is for the Witnesses (No. 141D) to arrive and begin to teach them the truth. When that happens they will have to repent and rid themselves of Hillel and their other false doctrines.
God has said that Sardis has the name that it is Living but it is dead (Rev. 3:1) and the only Church of God in history of that name came out of Global and formed itself in1998 as did the smaller RCG come from the same source with the same heresies. They have only one chance of making it to the First Resurrection and that is to be allowed to repent along with Laodicea which was also spewed from the Mouth of God (Rev. 3:16).
This is a very serious situation with the Churches of God in the Last Days and if they do not repent they have no chance of the First Resurrection (No. 143A). Repent in order that you may live.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General.