New Moon and Sabbath 01/05/47/120 

Dear Friends,

This is the New Moon of the Fifth Month called Ab in the Hebrew Calendar. It is a double Sabbath as it falls on a Sabbath Day also (6 July 2024).  The Babylonians intercalated in March 2024 and so they are a month out in every month this year for all those keeping the Hillel Calendar; thus they are holding this as the Fourth Month Tammuz and not the Fifth Month Ab.  God is not perturbed by their heresies and He will deal with them over this month as Ab regardless of what the Jews and the Sardis system call it.

We saw that the Fourth Month of Tammuz was called after the Babylonian month of Dumuzi (Heb. Tammuz). These false systems of the Sun and Mystery Cults that introduced false intercalations into the Jewish Calendar, and hence into the Sardis system from 1940 onwards through the false prophets Dugger and Armstrong (see No. 269), are serious heresies in both Israel and the Churches of God (see Nos. 156, 195 and 195C).  The offshoots of this system scattered by God to the four winds, after being measured and found wanting (No. 137), appear to be incapable of repentance and of taking any place in the First Resurrection.

We have delineated the sequence of prophecy and where we are in Scripture (see Nos. 001; 001A). We have now completed the final 400 years of Abraham's Legacy (No. 212J) and we are entering into The Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2). See also and

We are also now in the War of the Fifth Trumpet  and are in the buildup to the massive exchange developed by the Fallen Host to kill a third of mankind in the War of the Sixth Trumpet (Rev. 9:18) (No. 141C). We have explained the build up to the Advent of the Messiah (No. 210A and 210B) and also how that “Time was Cut Short” so that mankind and all flesh were not exterminated (No. 210C). See also the intro to 141E and 141E_2 at  .

Significance of the Fifth Month Ab in the Temple Calendar.
The time sequence to the build up to Ab is and always has been of significance to Israel and particularly to Judah as God has always used that month to punish the nation. Ab has been used twice as an example to Judah.  The sequence follows on from the New Moon of the First Month and the Sanctification of the Temple (Nos. 077, 241 and 291). The entire sequence goes from the Passover and Unleavened Bread to Pentecost with the renewal of the Holy Spirit symbolised by, and delivered at, Pentecost (No. 117). The Churches of God and Judah were required to participate fully in the Sanctification and the Feasts and the Omer Count to Pentecost. Properly done the nations are protected and sanctified under the Seal of God.   That process has not been undertaken in Judah and Israel for millennia correctly and not in the Churches of God for two centuries and certainly not since 1940 with the introduction of Hillel into the Churches of God. This year, beginning the Great Tribulation, saw the Churches of God fail in all offshoots, except the CCG system. The Sanctification process was not undertaken at all in Sardis or Laodicea.  

God is about to deal with Judah and Israel because of their heresies and especially with Sardis and Laodicea. They failed to correct their heresies after these trials and warnings, and they are now about to be brought to repentance. The traditional way is that God warned them through His servants the prophets, and in this case, it was through CCG as the focal point of the Warning of the Last Days (No. 044). From the New Moon of Ab on a Sabbath we will proceed from 1 Ab to Sabbath 8 Ab. That sequence will develop the crisis in Israel all over the world. Their political system is being destabilised everywhere. From 9 Ab, at the evening, we will enter a period of crisis and God will deal with the nations of Israel and Judah over 15 July (10 Ab), which will begin at Dark on Sunday 14 July and go on into Monday 15 July 2024. These crises appear to be developing everywhere.  We will see the tribulations come upon Israel and Judah and it appears that they will begin to suffer financially, economically and militarily and the sword will not depart from them for some four years as explained in The Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2). It is important that you listen to both those tapes above and also the other Wars of the End series 141 and also 141D and 141E; 141E_2). The video covers the series of the Wars of the End.

After the War of the Sixth Trumpet (No. 141C), God will send Enoch and Elijah (Nos. 135;141D) to the Temple Mount and they will begin to deal with Judah and Israel and the entire world. Judah will be dealt with first, and the Witnesses will commence with the Rabbinical authorities in Judah and the Spiritual authorities in Israel. They will commence with the Ministry of the Churches of God. They will begin to die from the ministry down until they repent and correct their heresies on the Nature of God (No. 002; 002B) and they restore the Temple Calendar (No. 156). The Holy Spirit (No. 117) will be poured out on the people on an as required basis, and those that refuse to repent will die.    The Khazar (R1a) Jewish authorities will repent, as will the North African and Canaanite Sephardi (E1a; E3b), and the  Oral Traditions and the Talmud and Hillel will be abolished (No. 195 and 195C). Those not repenting of Hillel and the Traditions will be banished from Israel and Jerusalem, as will all Shia and Sunni Islam not repenting (Nos. 053; 274).  Their spiritual leaders and the people refusing to repent will not live on into the Millennium.

The example of what the world will experience, commencing with Israel, both in Judah and the nations globally, can be seen from what God did with Jerusalem under the Babylonians (No. 250B) at 587 BCE and then under the Romans, mostly at their own hands, from 66-70 CE and the Destruction of the Temple and subjugation (No. 298). The dispersal was effected in 135 CE.  It is important that we study those papers to realise what God is about to undertake.
The Great Tribulation will commence from Ab 2024 to the Sanctification and the Passover and Pentecost of 2028. The three Years from Ab 2024 to Ab 2026 will see the years 2024-2026 increase the Time of Jacob's Trouble such that the nations will be brought to their knees and the Messiah will finally take control and the Law of God and the Testimony and the Temple Calendar that flows from the law will be reintroduced by force of arms under Christ and the Loyal Host to Pentecost 2028. The elect of the First Resurrection will come into the rulership of the planet and the control of the people of those Satanic systems that killed and persecuted them.

At the arrival of Messiah and the Host, Christ will assume rulership of all nations and their kingships will come under Christ as High Priest of the Order of Melchisedek (Ps. 110 (No. 128; F019_5); Heb. Ch. 8 (F058) and the Resurrected David as king of Israel (Zech. 12:8). The Nations will resist this rule and march against Christ and the Host at Jerusalem after Armageddon (No. 141E) using the Eastern nations that were not at Armageddon (No. 141E_2). Republics will cease to exist, and all authority is descended from God through Christ and David at Jerusalem for the Millennium (F038).  The administration will be through the 144,000 at Jerusalem in the Temple system and the Great Multitude of the First Resurrection (No. 143A) spread around the world. The Sabbaths, New Moons and Feasts will be kept on pain of death (Isa. 66:23-24; (F023xvi); Zech 14:16-21) (F038). All national representatives will present themselves before Christ at Tabernacles each year of the Millennial system.  Nations not complying will get no rain in due season and die of the plagues of Egypt as so plainly stated in Isaiah and Zechariah above. Those claiming that the Law of God is done away with the OT text will be the first to die.  God will no longer tolerate this gross insubordination.

Financial Bubble to Collapse.
The Financial system is now building up to collapse in and from Ab.

The elections set up for France and UK will see them collapse into Globalist rule and an insane mess. Our officers in Europe report that the Globalists are creating another avian flu scamdemic. The wars will then be developed under the Demons over the remainder of 2024 and we should see the Witnesses in the month following the Beast system and the war. The Christ will follow the death of the Witnesses in end 2027/8. We will now go on with the further explanations over Ab and Elul to Trumpets.   Keep the Faith.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General