New Moon Message 01/06/47/120
Dear Friends,
Today is the New Moon of the Sixth Month named Elul of 47/120. We will continue on now to examine the text on the Judgment of the Demons (No. 080). Then next Sabbath we will examine the text of the Prodigal Son (No. 199). We intend to complete Part B of the Doctrines of Demons in the Last Days (No. 048B) in the weeks ahead.
We have dealt with the sequence of the Last Days over many papers covering the prophecies of the Latter Prophets from Isaiah (F023-F023xvii)) to Malachi (F039). We saw in the prophecies of Ezekiel and Daniel that the sequence of the Last Days covered the period from the Fall of Egypt from 605 BCE to 525 BCE with Cambyses’ invasion on to the Last Days commencing from 1916 over 2520 years (605 BCE-1916 CE) or seven times and then extending from 1916 to 1997 (525 BCE-1996/7 CE) as detailed in The Fall of Egypt papers (No. 036) and No 036_2) and as detailed in the Prophecies of Daniel (F027xi, xii, xiii).
The 111 years of the Time of Jacob’s Trouble was detailed in the texts covering the last days also in the Last Thirty Years the Final Struggle (No. 219) and the last four years of that sequence was covered in The Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2). In those texts we saw the brackets of eighty years in sets of two forty-year periods. One bracket was from 1916 to 1996/7. There was another bracket of three thirty-year periods from 1937 to 1967, 1967-1997 and 1997 to 2027. These three periods were set out on a year for day basis from the Mourning for Mariam, Aaron and Moses in the year prior to the entry to the Promised Land at the end of the Exodus.
The time frames of the wars ran from 1916-1918 and again from 1939-1945. We also saw that the Holocaust went from 1941-1945 over 1260 days which was God’s allowed punishment for Judah and the structure of Sardis and Laodicea for the adoption of the Hillel Calendar under Judaism. From 1940-1946 Sardis had begun to adopt Hillel when the Church had never done so previously over the two millennia of the Church's existence.
Another eighty-year period over this time was from 1939 with the commencement of WWII in 1939 to the period of the commencement of WWIII with the War of the Fifth Trumpet in 2019 with the release of the Plandemics commencing with the weaponised Covid Virus from the Lab in Wuhan, where it was developed by the Chinese under subsidised development through the US, Canada, AU and France. The Wars of the Last Days will go from 2019 to 2027 and the first phase was the War of the Fifth Trumpet which was commenced in 2019 with the release of the first of what are thought to be some eight or more viruses. That was developed to 2024 by the NWO Globalists operating out of Davos with the WEF, and the EU and the US and other nations around the world.
It is most probable that the final phase of the WWIII conflict of the Sixth Trumpet will develop over 2024 to the Sixth Month and that conflict will escalate and continue to Passover 2025 (No. 141C; F066ii). The Empire of the Beast will form and emerge full blown into the open in 2024, escalating through 2025. We will then commence to see the Witnesses (141D) anytime from Trumpets to Passover 2025. See Rev. 9:13-19 for the War of the Sixth Trumpet (F066ii). These Wars will not cease until the Empire of the Beast is in control of the world. All world powers will be consolidated within its grasp, from the sacred year 2024-5 onwards (see F066ii, iii, iv). It will be destroyed at the coming of the Messiah (F066v). The Beast Power (No. 299A) itself will destroy the Whore of Babylon and the Harlot Daughters of the Whore (No. 299B). The Armies of the Kings of the East will operate onwards until the Messiah and the Host destroy the Armies of the Northen power at Armageddon (No. 141E) and then at the end of the Vials of the Wrath of God the armies of the Kings of the East will be brought down to the Holy Land and destroyed once they cross the Euphrates. The wars will commence at the end of 2027 and the nations will be subjugated over the period of the 43rd month and the 45 days of the 1335 days of the prophecy of Daniel (see F027xii, xiii and No. 141D_2 above).
The Western “democracies” are being lied to by the Globalist media on a continual basis as should now be evident from the previous Sabbath Messages of the Fifth Month and the Links attached to them. Anyone telling the truth is accused of issuing Russian and Putin propaganda. That is being done to discourage people speaking against the Globalist narrative. Over the Sixth Month ahead we will issue the anticipated activities and conflicts over the Empire of the Beast and just how horrific it appears the conflicts will be, and we will try to issue a calendar of what we might expect up until the Coming of the Messiah and the Loyal Host and what we might expect up until Tabernacles 2028.
Scripture is quite clear that the Beast power emerges in the major conflict now emerging (No. 299A; F066iii; iv; v).
The US has just intercepted a force of Bombers of Russian and Chinese origin that had entered the Alaskan Intercept zone. A joint Russian and Chinese force has not been seen previously.
The commencement of the war will most likely commence from the Middle East after Iran and its running mates in Hamas and Hezbollah, the Yemeni Houthis; and also Syria, prompt hostilities involving the eradication of Damascus and Tehran (see F017iii; F023v).
No-one seems to understand what it is they are doing and are about to bring about. Just as the world stumbled on onto WWI and then WWII, they are blindly stumbling into WWIII. Finally, it will end in Armageddon and the subjugation of the planet under Messiah and the Host (No. 141E and 141E_2).
The undermining of the security of the Western democracies continues in the US and among all those nations. The Services are now trying to blame the assassination attempt on Trump’s own people. The Secret Service refused a police offer of a drone for Trump’s rally and the assassination attempt. This entire situation was disgraceful.
This situation will increase now and after the war, and the death of over a third of mankind, the world will blame the US and its associate nations for its destruction. That will establish the end of the Beast system’s credibility also.
We are about to face persecution by the Beast and it is most important that all of our people all over the world now get thumb drives of all our web sites and papers so that they can be copied and handed on to all people seeking the papers and the background to the faith. Each household should aim at having up to a dozen or more copies on hand to distribute as necessary.
The capacity for the faith to survive under the Empire of the Beast will depend on all of us everywhere.
It is not necessary that anyone die. It is all avoidable. All the world needs to do is repent and keep the Laws of God and the Testimony of Christ and the prophets and apostles and to keep the Temple Calendar (No. 156). The entire world can survive without loss. If we turn our backs on sin and false religion and keep the Law and the Testimony we need not die and all our families and children can live.
Keep the Faith
Wade Cox
Coordinator General