New Moon 010347120 (8May24)

Dear Friends,

This New Moon of the Third Month is the 46th day of the Omer Count to the Feast of Weeks and Pentecost 47/120 in the Roman Month May of 2024. In this year the Hillel calendar using the Babylonian intercalations postpones the Feast to 6 Sivan, in their calendar, which is actually the Fourth Month of Tammuz in the Temple Calendar. The heretical offshoots of WCG then postpone further again to 16 June.  If these people wish to keep a fictitious date, then they have an obligation to explain why they disobey the Law of God and the Temple Calendar kept by Christ and the Churches of God over the Millennia. We know without doubt what that was and the Jews acknowledge that is what we do. The WCG offshoots keep a Hillel Calendar which falsifies the calendar on the grounds that it is what the Jews do; but not until 358 CE and later. They then refuse to keep the Jewish date for Pentecost, yet they refuse to give a proper account. Also they do not even follow the Trinitarian calendar at Rome because that does not intercalate in accord with the Babylonian and Hillel errors either, as there is no valid reason for intercalation in 2024.  That occasion for an Adar II does not occur until Feb./Mar. 2025. The punishment is the spiritual death of the Second Resurrection and also the physical death at the return of the Messiah, if they have not repented of this heresy. There is no valid logical reason to what they do.  They will be forced to pay for this wilful disobedience of God and the Law.

This New Moon we will study the paper Ascents of Moses (No. 070). This text covers the period from Sivan at Sinai to the month of Elul when Moses came down to celebrate the Days and Feast of the Seventh Month under the Law of God.  Last week we saw how Baal worship under the Mystery and Sun Cults came in from Egypt into Sinai with Israel and the Mixed Multitude and it cost the lives of 3000 priests of Levi at the commands of the Christ as the Angel of the Presence there using Moses and the loyal priests. So it will be in the last days also at the 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D) and the return of the Messiah under WWIII: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E; and The War Against Christ 141E_2; see also F023xvi and F023xvii).

We get the line thrust at us that Christ is not like that, and he would not do such things to the people. Also it is asserted that it is not in Christ's Nature to inflict such violence on the people. The simple fact is that Christ does what God tells him to do. It was he that killed the disobedient of Egypt (see Moses and the Gods of Egypt (No. 105); The Passover (No. 98) and Fall of Jericho (No.142)). He killed its first born and he slew the army in the Red Sea. He ordered the death of the 3000 heretical Levites (see The Golden Calf (No. 222)). He ordered the death of the man gathering sticks on the Sabbath as an example to Israel (Num. 15:32-36). He ordered the deaths of the Canaanites and associated tribes (see Commentary on Joshua (No. F006) to (F006v). He killed up  to 175,000 Syrians and also the enslavement and deaths of the Israelites and the Jews of Judah, Levi and Benjamin. 

He stood by and watched the Holocaust kill millions of Jews because they simply will not keep the Law and the Testimony (Isa. 8:20). When Christ returns he will kill hundreds of millions of the nations that refuse to keep the law of God and the Temple Calendar and that will include the Churches of God of Sardis and Laodicea that refuse to keep the Law and the Temple Calendar (Isa. 66:23-24).  

This Pentecost we will take this on further to examine what is before us. Keep the Faith and Serve God.


Wade Cox
Coordinator General