
Dear Friends,

This is the 35th day of the Omer Count. Keep progressing in prayer and faith. The subject for study is the end of Jeremiah (F024xiii). We will then round off the Commentary with the Summary.

We explained last week that the Latter Prophets are far more important and comprehensive than has previously been understood or explained. The significance of these prophets from Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel on to Malachi have massive implications for the Bible text on to the return of the Messiah. They show why God removed Judah and Levi from the Temple Priesthood. It was through Judah and Levi's blatant idolatry and their adoption of the Babylonian heresies and their corruption of the Temple Calendar saw them banished and their heretical Calendar of Hillel II of 358 CE saw them dispersed and the Sardis system that adopted their Babylonian Calendar lose their position in the COG, along with the Laodicean system also due to their complete heretical idolatry. Virtually a complete hundred years has been lost to the Churches of God through the heresy of Armstrongism and the heresies of Ellen G. White and the Jesuits under the Adventists. Their entire ministry will be punished from the Witnesses onwards (see No. 141D);  although most will be dead by then.

The next five years to 1 Abib 2027 will see the final transfer of power from Satan to Messiah and the establishment of the Millennium. No one that has not purged themselves of Satanic Doctrines and Armstrong's heresies will enter the First Resurrection. Most will have to battle through as humans to even enter the Millennium. Most do not even realise how corrupt mankind is at the end of this age. Most are simply trying to keep pace with an appallingly low standard, which they do not realise will be inadequate to ensure their survival. 

The most astounding thing we face now is that King Charles III has betrayed his own people and involved himself with the NWO and UN 2030 system as per the URL.  https://leohohmann.com/2023/05/02/king-charles-and-the-globalists-set-meeting-for-september-at-which-they-will-plot-how-to-accelerate-goals-of-u-n-agenda-2030-and-the-complete-digitization-of-humanity/.

It appears that Charles has no option but to abdicate as his position will be rejected by the entire Commonwealth. So also has he tainted William with this Globalist idiocy and may well have destroyed the dynasty.

Remember, the voice of the Last Days is defined by God through Jeremiah (F024). God set us apart in Jeremiah ch. 4.  If you have not repented and corrected your errors then you will not succeed.
Love one another, whom we have seen, and show thereby that we love God, whom we have not seen.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General