Sabbath 23/10/45/120
Dear Friends,
Today we are coming to the point where the people of the world are starting to wake up to the fact that they have been lied to, misused, abused and robbed by the wealthy of the world over the last century or so. The people will no longer stand for it and the political system will be destroyed systematically over the next five years.
More and more evidence is being uncovered to stop these vaxxes. They must be stopped.
The US administration, military and pharmaceutical companies are involved with the production and use of poisonous injections and vaccines and the manipulation of the people in all nations for the manipulation, death and control of the international systems. Slowly the world is getting to see the truth about the vaxxes and the poisons being injected into our people. The vaxxed are dying in massive numbers and the Main Stream Media are no longer able to completely suppress the facts and truth. It has now been revealed that the West was involved in establishing 46 bio-weapons labs in Ukraine and not the 35 labs previously reported. These are massive Crimes Against Humanity and breaches of the Geneva Convention and the Nuremburg Code. So we can see the extent of where it is now the following urls are listed for your information and perusal.
Nigel Farage has just revealed on his program that there are now over 1000 deaths a week in the UK and even that is a suppressed figure. UK figures now show that heart attacks are excessive and are directly related to COVID vaccines.
Statistically that will carry over to AU at over 300 per week. This is but more evidence to stop these vaxxes. The vaxxes must be stopped. These CDC findings require an immediate investigation.
This link again demonstrates the seriousness and culpability of the officials in the “vaxx” Crime Against Humanity. Do they act on the evidence: No! The head of German Ethics Council has also just said that those who wanted an investigation into the crime and justice were “enemies of Democracy.”
The PfizerGate Disaster: The link between COVID Vaccines, Millions of Excess Deaths & Lower Mortality Rates among the Unvaccinated.
It is now undeniable and South Africa has announced it will commence investigations soon.
CDC Finally Releases VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses For COVID Vaccines | ZeroHedge
So also this report from Mercola shows how serious it is getting.
From January 2021 to now, 1101 athletes have died from cardiac arrest. Compare this to a 38-year period (1966-2004), where 1101 athletes under the age of 35 died due to various heart conditions. AFL report this week 2023.
So do they stop the vaxxes like any sane person would? No they then use the result of that serious criminal act to produce another pseudo vaccine for the heart failure patients they created in the first place.
Recent AU stats:
No one in their right mind would take the “vaxx”.
So also the calls to withdraw the vaxx continue.
Dr. Malone: mRNA Vaccines Are Being Injected Into Our Food Supply - Truth Press
This is the state’s playbook on how to handle anything that erodes trust in the shots. It even has guides on what to say. Every public statement by a journalist/politician is scripted by the WHO. What to say if people refuse; what to say if a baby dies from the vaccine… it’s all in there.
We told the world that this would happen in the 141 series and messages as early as the end of the last century. In 2018 we told the world about this COVID poison that was to be developed in China for the War of the Fifth Trumpet (see Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C)). We also warned about the Thermo-nuclear war of the Sixth Trumpet that would be developed by the NWO that is about to erupt upon us over the coming years.
The absolutely spineless behaviour of the churches in the last days is simply astounding. Some churches have even been advising their people to go and get vaccinated so they can continue in their door to door recruiting from the populace. The Churches of God are dumb dogs simply out of their depth. They will be dealt with under the Witnesses very soon (see 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D)).
The US, UK, AU NZ and CA governments and the EU are all corrupt. Brazil is now in revolt as they have worked out and are acting on the belief that Lula was taken out of prison by the WEF so that they could rig the election and put him in control. Bolsinaro went to Orlando Florida and underwent surgery. That was fortunate and will keep him out of trouble. The revolution is now underway. They did the same election rigging in the US and around the world. The US now realise that the political situation is beyond salvation and both the Democrats and the GOP are incapable of reform and have to be purged by violence. The twenty Republicans that forced some reforms on the Congress at the start of this session were the only few that were not controlled by the swamp. Over the next few weeks the war situation will develop and the NWO will try to have the UN activate forces to establish military law in the US. It appears that civil war is inevitable and right throughout the British Commonwealth also.
The puzzling feature is concerning Israel. Why are Netanyahu and the Ashkenazi power groups pushing the COVID Vaxxes when they are known to be so dangerous? It makes no sense until one realises that the Khazzars are almost immune to the side effects and the E1a and E3b Sephardi are not immune, or so it is alleged. That has the effect of political genocide, if that proves to be the case.
The investigations are now getting underway. They are now being implemented in Japan, South Africa, Germany, UK, and reportedly they are sought in Canada, and the Republican house are pushing for an investigation in Congress. So also we may see them in Brazil, in Asia and elsewhere in Africa. As the Truth emerges the victims will become angry in the millions and it will not be the stoic conservatives that break first. It will be the emotional woke crew and the young parents that will break and commence to kill these NWO politicians and their FBI and CIA stooges. Over the next four years they will be opposed and they will then face the Messiah and the Loyal Host and these cretins will die en masse (see the Armageddon Series. The end result will be the total eradication of the UN and the NWO and the entire system opposed to the Messianic structure and the Kingdom of God. Make sure it is not you that falls by the wayside.
We have now almost completed the Commentary on Ezekiel and we deal with Part V as the weekly Sermon. Other parts are on the website. We will commence work on Jeremiah next week. Thank you all for the teams that have volunteered to work on the Psalms and we are now fairly confident that we will have them completed by Passover.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General