Sabbath Message 21/04/46/120
Dear Friends,
Today is the third Sabbath of the Fourth Month and we are to finish the study for the month with the Second or Exodus book of the Psalms. We will commence the Third Book or Leviticus Book on the First Sabbath of the Fifth Month and continue on to the Second Week of the Fifth Month.
The Psalms of the Exodus Book explain the nature of God and the place of Christ in the Elohim from Psalm 45. That explanation will continue on over all five of the Books of the Psalms. As we progress we will see that the Psalms are a sequence of prophecies that explain the Plan of God (No. 001A) right up to the Last Days. We will explain the Psalms in relation to the Latter Prophets and the Law of God (L1) from Isaiah to Malachi and on from the Gospels F040, F040i, F041, F042, F043 to the texts of Revelation F066, ii, iii, iv, v.
God has dealt with the Measuring of the Temple (No. 137) and we are now at the final phase of dealing with the nations and the removal of the sinful societies. The Churches of God have been judged and they have been scattered. Their ministries have been warned as of last week for the last time (see No. 159B) and their people also warned for the final sequence before the Witnesses Enoch and Elijah arrive for the commencement of the Final Empire of the Beast after the War of the Sixth Trumpet (see No. 141C) and they then begin to deal with the Empire of the Beast (No. 299A). (See No. 141D).
Messiah will destroy the systems of this world (see papers 141E; 141E_2).
There will be no false religion left on the planet under Messiah and the Host (see No. 141F).
There will be no second chances with the arrival of the Witnesses. If you have not repented and got rid of Hillel and those false doctrines by the end of the Second Year of the Witnesses, then you will not be in the First Resurrection (No. 143A). If you do not repent of Hillel and your false doctrines by the Messiah and the Jubilee then you will die by the commencement of the Millennium. Everyone then goes to the Second Resurrection of the Dead (No. 143B) after the Millennium.
It is your own personal responsibility to get the doctrines correct. Your ministers are no doubt teaching you false doctrines if they are pushing Hillel and the false God of Ditheism (No. 076B) or Binitarianism/Trinitarianism (No. 076). They will be judged severely (Jas. 3:1), but you are also responsible, and you cannot blame anyone else but yourself.
If they do not speak according to the Law and the Testimony there is no light in them. (Isa. 8:20)
Wade Cox
Coordinator General