Sabbath 14/08/46/120

Dear Friends,

Today we proceed to the Commentary on Isaiah Part IV (F023iv) chs. 13-16. The Chapters deal with the fall of Babylon and the Day of the Lord and the Great White Throne Judgment. The texts develop from there on to the Apocalypse sequence in the texts over chs. 24 on to the Rule of the Messiah at his return, which continued on into parts VIII and IX. Isaiah is the most important prophetic text of the OT and builds on Deuteronomy and Psalms.   The prophecies to the end days continue to the very last verses of Isaiah and there is nowhere to go with the texts. Those who teach that the Law of God is done away and do not keep the Law (L1) and  God's Calendar (No. 156) and keep anything else including Hillel (No. 195C) will be sent to the Second Resurrection (No. 143B) and will not be permitted entry to the millennial system at the return of the Messiah.   You only get one chance at the Kingdom of God through the First Resurrection (No. 143A). Anyone who thinks they are going to heaven simply has not read the Bible.

Today we will bring the church a report on the activities in the Congo DR and the events in the surrounding camps in the neighbouring countries.  One of our senior evangelists there Mr Mudimba Muhindo Lene has sent us an updated report that will be very informative for CCG around the world.

Hi, Dear Brother Wade Cox

The challenge CCG DRCONGO conference members are facing are conflicts mostly affected North Kivu, Ituli province and South Kivu provinces.

More [than] 1640 CCG members are in the camps around in North Kivu as Nyiragongo Health Zone camp, Kanyaruchinya camp, Munigi camp and Mudja camps around North Kivu province. Our people fled to the camps in the hope of finding of safety and protection, then 530 CCG members are surviving through CCG DRCongo conference assistance as CCG DRCongo conference is required to raise $ 9.86 USD per each person as most of them are vulnerable women and children as each month CCG DRCongo conference spent $5,225.8 USD to feed them the food are corrected through food and funds by CCG members DRCongo conference what we can as helping each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.

They are displaced persons live in collective centres (churches, schools, stadiums) and makeshift sites (camps), while the rest are hosted by host families they are in bad situation without food, shelter, protection, security and sanitation as CCG members depends on CCG DRCongo conference tithes, offering and donations.

Access to locally grown food in the camps is almost non-existent because inhabitants are likely to be attacked by militants if they venture too far outside in search of food.
Also 837 CCG members fled their homes in Ituli province, but they are assisted through hosting relatives and church members around in the province.

Also 2100 CCG members fled their homes from North Kivu and South Kivu into Uganda camps for finding safety since 2009 also those CCG members who fled to Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania they were suffered to get food some of them left those countries returned back to DRCongo others has gone to Uganda as at least in Uganda they get some assistance by CCG Uganda conference and CCG world conference but a lot of crying are there because they were overwhelmed to CCG Uganda conference for requesting different needs as food, clothes, evangelism materials. At present North Kivu province our people are in bad situation and hungry kill those who survived conflicts and violence.

Thousands of foreigners soldiers are here in our country to help our country to be stable but I see nothing done as Kenyaan soldiers,Burundi Soldiers, Uganda soldiers, South Sudan soldiers through East Africa support and others many countries through UN support but conflicts are continue.

During Passover CCG DRCongo conference has baptised 87 people in Ituli province, 54 in North Kivu province.

Also Ituli province we have established 6 poultry farm projects and we plan to fund more poultry projects in CCG members community as we have 4 proposal of 4 poultry projects of eggs each required $1800 USD to purchase chicks the total required to fund all 4 projects are $7200 USD.

Goats projects was established. Maize, beans, cassava etc.

Also in 2022 June we have received 4000 of arabica coffee seedings sent to us by CCG Uganda conference all seedings was planted and we are raising funds for purchase more coffee seedings we plan to plant 11000 arabica coffee seedings already we have planted 6000 arabica coffee seedings.

We still in need of 11,000 arabica coffee seedings. If we get funds we send it to CCG Uganda conference to purchase them for us.

Each young tree of arabica coffee seeding cost $ 0.80 USD x 11000 arabica coffee seedings = $ 8,800 USD

In summary we care about CCG members what we can through CCG local members and CCG world conference.

All who are providing assistance for our people to survive God bless you and a lot of thanks.

Continue to keep us so conflicts may be ended soon and our people may get back to their homes well.

Yours in Christ

Mudimba Muhindo
National Advisor
CCG DRCONGO Conference

We are trying to elevate the standard of living of the CCG congregations in the region by various projects. We have fish farms established in Uganda and bulk fish are transported into the Congo and supplement the diets in the various towns and villages.  We have branched into Arabica because of the improved prices for Arabica over Robusta in the West. So also we have micro-finance schemes for the Seamstress and Tailoring projects to own their own machines and they are taking on contracts for school uniforms etc.

We also need Bibles for the various national congregations. We send funds for Bibles to many countries including Zambia and TZ etc. We are consolidating the COGs throughout East and Central Africa on into the South Sudan. It appears God will only allow the restoration through CCG as all other groups are failing.

Send any and all funds to Leslie Hillburn General Secretary Administration or through the Donate button at

Keep the faith and work towards the Kingdom of the One True God and Jesus Christ whom He sent (Jn. 17:3).    

Wade Cox
Coordinator General