Sabbath 09/07/46/120
Dear Friends,
Today we conclude the Fifth (Deuteronomy) Book Part III (F019_5iii) in the second part. Book 5 is most important to the development of Biblical prophecy and deals with the future of the elect under Messiah in the priesthood of Melchizedek (No. 128) and their position as elohim (No. 001). The First section dealt with the Song of Ascents and their purpose and symbolism. It deals with the ascent of man as Elohim. The Second section deals with the praise of God in that ascent. The Summary then deals with the purpose of the Psalms and their use of the various names for the Lord and of God to enable understanding of the process. This has never been properly explained by other Christian commentaries due to the corrupted understanding of the Nature of God due to Ditheist, Binitarian or Trinitarian theology and the garbled structure of prophecy due to the heaven and hell doctrines that stop proper prophetic delineation.
Tomorrow we are about to celebrate the Day of Atonement. If we do not keep Atonement on the correct day we are cut off from our people. It cannot be postponed. We will then delineate the development of this final phase of the plan of God leading up to the millennial system in 2028. We will take that on with the Feast Message and develop it over the Feast where we will study Judges and then we will commence the study of Isaiah and its place in prophecy and how God acts in the Coming of the Messiah for the establishment of the millennial system.
Over the next six months we will most likely go through the catastrophe of WWIII caused by the Globalists and the madmen of the WEF for the Great Reset. Their insane plan is to reduce the world's populace to less than a billion people for the establishment of the NWO and the Empire of the Beast (see No. 299A). Initially they intended to aim for 500 million, as we saw from the Guidestones, but the more recent figure being touted is 800 million. No doubt they will get there as the whole world has been deceived by Satan as the god of this world (2Cor. 4:4) and they do not teach and keep the Laws of God and the Temple Calendar (No. 156) they are subject to Satan and the Demons and do not have God's protection.
We are also making significant progress in Africa putting the churches of God back together under CCG Constitution and doctrines. It appears that the WCG offshoots in the English speaking world have been brainwashed and cannot deal with truth and validity and will be much harder to deprogram and rehabilitate, although many are now starting to see the light and realise why the systems made little sense and why they were not allowed to reorganise. The fact is that God scattered them to four winds and the Sardis system will not be allowed to regroup and put itself back together. God will not allow them to recover. He had declared them dead and scattered them to the four winds.
The Congolese are seeing significant hostilities. 434 CCG families have fled into Uganda camps to our church
people there over six camps, with camps in Tanzania and also Bizimana is providing emergency rations etc to these families. Uganda needs over $12000 for emergency rations and $2300 for expenses to induct the significant number of Churches in South Sudan. These churches were from SDAs, Zion COG and some people with RCG connections. Over the last three months and by the feast we will have inducted church groups of UCG, LCG, CBCOG, Continuing COG, COG Eternal, COG (SD), RCG, as well as RC and Protestant denominations. We expect to have inducted and baptised well over 10,000 people of many different churches this year.
Please help us to help them recover and properly learn the faith and prepare for the troubles ahead.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General