Sabbath Message 07/04/46/120

Dear Friends,

In this message we examine a number of issues.
The first is that the paper for today is the text dealing with the Forgeries, Alterations and Mistranslations dealing with the Position of Christ (No. 164G). This is the most appropriate break in the texts dealing with the Psalms and we will continue with Book 2 after we deal with the Calendar issue in the Churches of God next week.

The sequence following deals with many other issues relating to these Last Days and the sins that are destroying our people and the Creation.

The next issue is the progress that has been made with Stem cells and the enormous progress being made under the professor at Cambridge University and with California.

This so-called advance in Science has raised serious ethical questions.
First synthetic human embryo raises ethical issues (

It is important that we realise that God created humans so that they are able to participate in the Plan of Salvation (No. 001A) and the demons have tried to interfere with the human structure over the last 6000 years. If the demons are successful then all those affected are prevented from involving their subsequent offspring in the plan. That is aside from their reincarnation in the Second Resurrection (No. 143B).

Also the use of language in English is becoming garbled and the ethics are seriously compromised

We also are looking at the issue of the Globalist perversion of human ethics and sexuality.
Fox Promotes LGBTQ Books, Child Sterilization to Employees (

The demons are also using the Globalists to advance thermonuclear war with Russia to diminish human population numbers. This is the way the Russians view the situation in the world and the probable necessity of nuclear exchange.

It is critical that the Churches of God repent and restore the Temple Calendar and clear out the corrupt and Judaising religious leadership. Remember: If they do not speak according to the Law and the Testimony there is no light in them (Isa. 8:20). They will be in the Second Resurrection. You will be there also if you follow them.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General