Sabbath 04/06/46/120

Dear Friends,

This is the First Sabbath of the Sixth month of the 46th year. Today we will continue the Fourth or Numbers Book of the Psalms. That will last for another Sabbath. Then the Fifth (Deuteronomy) Book will take over and we will be at the Feast. Book 5 is a significant follow on from Book 4 and both should be of great interest to the churches. The Psalms will be completed by the First Holy Day of Tabernacles. We will then go on with the Commentary on Judges at the Feast and then commence Isaiah at the end of the Feast.   We now proceed to the New Moon of the Seventh Month, and the Day of Trumpets. Please begin to prepare for the Feast of Tabernacles. 

We wish everyone good preparation for the feast. We are limited in the assistance we can give the African churches now they are growing so fast.  It is all we can do to keep up with the inductions of the new churches. We baptised 1,250 people last week from the COG groups coming to us, and this coming week we will baptise 3,250 odd new comers to the faith.

US stats increased this week and we hope to see more additions as a result of their studies.

Remember, hold fast to the faith and do not be discouraged by the minor adversities we face, especially in the Congo DR and South Sudan with the conflicts there. We have had requests for assistance from Uganda for the Congolese families that are fleeing into the camps there in Uganda.  I have asked the Africans to increase their tithing contributions as there is not enough Tithing (No. 161). Many do not seem to understand that it is a test by God of their faith and dedication (Mal. 3:6-12). Those earning a dollar or more a day see giving 10 cents of that as a great sacrifice but do not realise God will double, treble or quadruple that amount through faith and obedience.

Very soon the wars will escalate, and God will begin to deal with the Western World. There will be no funds available as we have warned for some time. What you do now will determine the survival of our people.

Pray for more people and funds to do the work in time. It should all be completed in five years’ time and the world stabilised under Messiah. That will also determine how many of us go into the First Resurrection and also into the Millennium. If you are not tithing to the Church with the Lampstand you may not live into the Millennial system, let alone go into the First Resurrection.

The next four years will test the faith of everyone and determine size and content of the Holy Seed (Isa. 6:9-13; Amos 9:1-15). Nothing of this world will be left unchanged by the Jubilee. 

Wade Cox
Coordinator General