New Moon 01/09/46/120

Dear Friends,

Today is the New Moon of the Ninth Month called Chislev in the later Hebrew system.  This month was significant when God foretold through the prophet Haggai the date, 24 Chislev, on which he would restore Jerusalem (F037).  He also foretold how it would occur through the prophet Habakkuk (F035).  The date was also significant in that the city of Jerusalem was conquered on 24 Chislev 1917 by the Australian Light Horse on 7 December 1917. The significance of the date was that 7 December was indeed the 24 Chislev in 1917 but that date was according to the Temple Calendar (No. 156) and not according to Hillel which fell two days later  on 9 December 1917. The only thing that occurred on 9 December was that responsibility was handed to a British garrison force that occupied the city on that date and the unscrupulous Jews claimed that it was the British Garrison that had taken Jerusalem on 24 Chislev.  This barefaced lie was adopted by the WCG ministry in support of Hillel and their adoption of it. The same lie is advanced by Wikipedia being written by Jews for the purpose of validating Hillel.

The reason we are dealing with this topic is because we are about to enter the final phase of the Last Days in the Wars of the End and that we are about to deal with the Churches of God and the nations in the Last Days that will see mankind dealt with once and for all. The Sardis and Laodicean systems are about to be eliminated completely and their ministry eliminated. Judah will be dealt with under the Witnesses, and they will repent or be crushed. They have to repent of Hillel and their traditions.

The various offshoots of the Churches of God also have to repent entirely of their false doctrines and false systems using Hillel and the false prophecies. If they do not they will forfeit the First Resurrection.

Also we are seeing the Globalists attempting to destroy the world's population and reduce it to between Five and Ten per cent of Nine Billion i.e. 450-900 Million. They are doing this with the wars of the Fifth and Sixth Trumpets (see No. 141C).  This is being done with the pharmakeia of Revelation. The Canadian Government has announced that Pfizer has used a false trial and then inserted another chemical as a vaccine with other additives not disclosed in the trial and the cancer levels are escalating astronomically. The democracies will react over time and by the return of the Messiah everyone involved in these genocidal scams and frauds will be imprisoned and executed including the politicians on both sides of the political spectrum in all nations. By the time Messiah is finished with them the world’s population will indeed be at the levels that they are aiming for, but it will include all of them in the death tolls with the enabling politicians as well.


Wade Cox
Coordinator General