New Moon 01/04/46/120

Dear Friends,

This is the New Moon of the Fourth Month called Tammuz by the later Temple system because of the worship of the god in ancient Israel and the place that idolatry played at Sinai when Moses was on the Mount. The practice continued and the idolatry was endemic and ongoing in Israel and Judah as we have seen in the examinations of Jeremiah and Ezekiel and will see with the release of Isaiah and Judges. Israel and Judah were sent into captivity because of their idolatry and they and their false Calendars including Hillel will finally be dealt with under the final phase of the prophets and the Messiah to the Millennium.

Today we are reissuing The Introduction to the Psalms (F019) with the additional texts of the Psalms in Temple Worship, and Hallel psalms for use on Holy Days in the Temple System, and also the Usage of the Books over the Sacred Year.

It is important that we use this study to full advantage so we are able to understand and use the RSV and the original texts to show the errors and forgeries in the later texts and especially those based on the Textus Receptus of the 15th century that we see especially in the KJV and NKJV and also such as the NIV etc.  Study also Forgeries Alterations and Mistranslations in the Bible (No. 164F) and also regarding the Position of Christ (No. 164G) and also Antinomian Attacks on the Law of God (No. 164D). 

 Keep the faith. If they do not speak according to the law and the testimony there is no light in them (Isa. 8:20)

Wade Cox
Coordinator General