New Moon 01/10/46/120

Dear Friends,

Today is the New Moon of the Tenth Month called Tebeth in the latter system. We will examine the Issue of Abraham's Legacy. This month past we reached the Four Hundred Years of Abraham's Legacy (No. 212J). The Implications of this milestone are enormous for the Nations involved with and associated as Israel in the Plan of Salvation (No. 001A) of the One True God. When God called Abraham out of Ur and made the Covenant (No. 152) with him he told him exactly what His plan for his descendants were when there were as yet none alive. He also gave the people a specific time frame of Four Hundred years or ten generations of forty years each to develop under the system of adversity and persecution which was what happened to Israel in Egypt. God brought them out of Egypt four hundred years to the very day, on the night of the Passover (No. 098).

We are now in the final period of the last days when God is about to send His chosen Witnesses and the Messiah and the Host to deal with mankind over the last period of the 42 months of the Beast (No. 299A) and the 1264 days of the Witnesses (No. 135; 141D) and the Messiah (141E; 141E_2) which will deal with mankind under the Vials of the Wrath of God, as we also see in the texts of Daniel Chs. 2 (F027ii) 11 (F027xi) and 12 (F027xii) and as summarised and outlined in the Summary on Daniel (F027xiii).

First we have to go through the Wars of the Last Days (No. 141C), and the War of the Sixth Trumpet which is about to happen in the few months ahead. The demons have been working towards this event and the four most powerful angels or Morning Stars have been released from Tartaros to prepare the wars and to kill a third of mankind (Rev. 9:13-19). The rest of mankind will not repent and God intervenes to deal with all mankind (Rev. 9:20-21).

God is about to send us into captivity to the Beast and then to the Messiah who will take captivity captive and we will establish the millennial system based at Jerusalem over the one thousand years of the final millennial system under the elect of the First Resurrection (No. 143A). Many of the Churches of God who expect to be in the First Resurrection may well be horrified to know they have fallen short in the tests of the faith over the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries and need to do a lot of catch-up work to make the First Resurrection or even to qualify to live into the Millennium.

It is important to get to work as we will only get one chance at it. Even to be part of the Holy Seed (Isa. 6:9-13; Am. 9:1-25) in the Millennium takes repentance and obedience to the Law of God and the Temple Calendar (No. 156) and Hillel will not get you there.

It is a tragedy to have come so far and to be deceived and misled by uneducated false prophets (No. 269). Three massive church systems comprising two eras of the Churches of God will fail. These are the Sardis and the Laodicean systems covering the Churches of God (SD) and the WCG offshoots that did not repent and the Adventists and the JWs. They are finished unless they repent and they do not realise it. Anyone that does not speak according to the Law and the Testimony has no light in them (Isa. 8:20 F023ii)) and will not enter the kingdom of God.

Continue to pray for them for they simply do not know what it is they do. Keep the faith.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General