Tabernacles 45/120

Dear Friends,

We all we should be safely at the Feast of Tabernacles 45/120.  This Feast we will deal with the Shepherd of Hermas (B10). This is a straightforward defence of the Law of God in the Church and a simple analysis of the effect of the law on the spiritualty of the church.  It was originally considered a Biblical text and was read in the Churches of God through to the end of the Fourth Century. The Antinomian Gnostics and Trinitarians, where they were not one and the same thing, tried to do away with it from Rome and among the Greeks, and succeeded after 381 and the Council of Constantinople. That was ratified in 451 from Chalcedon.

The Churches of God would do well to study the text so that they can see what importance the text has for the church in the last days as they will be faced with the Law of God (L1) over the next five years to the jubilee as the Church will be faced with the restoration of the First Century Faith for the millennial system. Christ is the same over the entire period yesterday, today and tomorrow. God is immutable. The Law proceeds from His nature and therefore the Law is unchangeable and permanent. Until heaven and earth pass away, not one iota or dot will pass from the law (Mat. 5:18). The elders of the church have no power to change the law.  All their requests must be in accordance with the Law of God. It is on this point that the Trinitarian Church claims to change times and the law and thus worship on Sunday, at Christmas and Easter. Whatever two or three decide will only be bound in heaven if it is in accord with the Law of God (L1).  Postponing the Holy Days and Feasts, such as adopting the Hillel Calendar, or the pagan system will not be accepted.  Christ will stamp such practices out when he returns. Our people died over the last two millennia, rather than disobey God, and at the last days over the last 80 years the Churches of God decided to abandon the Law and the Testimony over the Calendar and the Godhead, thus proving there is no light in them (Isa. 8:20). People who do such things will not be in the First Resurrection (No. 143A).

Pray that each of us has safe travel, as safe as is in your power. Enjoy each other’s company at the Feast and encourage one another. Study as much as you can and have safe travel home.

Make sure that the new churches and members coming in to the church learn as much as they can. May God bless you all in your new journey among the elect of God.

God bless and keep you all.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General