Sabbath 24/13/44/120
Dear Friends,
This is the Last Sabbath of the 44th year of the 120th Jubilee. We are about to undertake the Sanctification of the Nations (No. 077). That is the start of the New Year of 45/120 next Friday and the beginning of the Sanctification of the Temple of God (No. 241). Why is that so important? It is the very purpose of our existence as the Temple of God and you cannot understand the intent and purpose of the Church as the Temple of God if you do not keep the New Moons in accordance with God’s Calendar (No. 156) and if you keep the Babylonian system under the Hillel Calendar (Nos 195; 195B; 195C). The sad fact is that no member of the Churches of God in the 20th and 21st Centuries except for CCG has ever kept a New Moon and indeed never kept a Holy Day on the correct days, except by accident, in all their lives and because of that their ministry will not enter the First Resurrection and the Kingdom of God unless they repent. No one keeping that false system will enter the Millennium under Messiah. That system will be stamped out, with all false religion.
In the paper Sanctification of the Nations (No. 077) we see the explanation of the period of the Jubilee and the intent and purpose of the church in the last days. It is why the Sanctification is so important to your retention of your position in the Kingdom of God.
“The Jubilee also mirrors the Omer Count to Pentecost from the Wave-Sheaf Offering. It is the 50-year structure of the seven perfect Sabbaths we see in the Omer Count. It reflects the Holy Spirit developed in mankind over the human lifespan from twenty years of age to the seventy years allocated to mankind.
The year 2006 (or 29/120) commenced a very exciting prospect or process related to the Sanctification of the Temple as the Sanctification of the Elect, and also the Sanctification of the Nations, as part of the final sequence of the Plan of God.
When we go through the process of sanctification we start on the 1st of Abib with the sanctification of the Temple. On the 7th of Abib we have the sanctification of the ‘simple and erroneous’. We fast for that period in accordance with the texts in Joel and Ezekiel 45:20. That process of Sanctifying a Fast is the precursor to the calling of the Solemn Assembly of the congregation from 14 Abib through to the Last Holy Day of 21 Abib.
The seven days from 7 Abib to beginning of 14 Abib bring us to the Lord’s Supper, which is the sanctification of the individual and the Church in and through Jesus Christ, followed by the 1st Holy Day; and the 21st day is the last Holy Day of Unleavened Bread.
That sequence is in increments of three sets of seven days totalling 21 days. What we do each year, and have done each year for a long time, is very much ingrained into the Church’s thinking. For the last 100 years we have not fully understood this process. We have only understood the build-up to the Passover and not the Sanctification. This understanding was lost to the Church for nearly two hundred years, or perhaps even as much as five hundred years. This was over the entire period of the Sardis system.
The Jubilee cycle from the last Jubilee in 1977/8 incorporates the Sabbath Years (which require the Reading of the Law) 1984, 1991, 1998, 2005, 2012, 2019 and 2026. 2027 is a Jubilee year [from October 2026-October 2027]. This current Jubilee is the 120th Jubilee since the closure of Eden and the cursing of the Earth in 3974/5 BCE.
1984 was the first Sabbath year of this Jubilee cycle, and in that next Sabbath cycle we commenced another cycle of the end days from 1987 (a Third Year of the Cycle). This was the first year of the period referred to as “this generation”, which is a period of 40 years to 2027. 1997 is 30 years prior to 2027 and is another cycle of thirty years that is referred to as the period of the Mourning for Moses. The previous thirty year cycle was the Recovery of Jerusalem in 1967 at the Six Day War. This was the Mourning for Aaron in that the priesthood was not restored and will now continue on to the return of the Messiah and the Jubilee.
This 40-year period is the generation that Christ speaks of that shall not pass away until all these things are accomplished. This was when the Temple was ordered to be measured (see Measuring of the Temple (No. 137)). In 1987, Joseph W. Tkach, of the Worldwide Church of God, stated [around the world] that the Temple was being measured. The statement was correct; that was exactly where we were at that time.
This period from 1987 began the measuring of the Temple. The process went through the Sabbath year of 1991 to the beginning of the next cycle of the Last Days in 1997, which was the period of the “thirty days of the mourning” for Moses on a year-for-a-day principle or, in other words, the period 1997 to 2027. This was the end of the Time of the Gentiles. Thus the measuring of the Temple was brought in to coincide with the end of the age and the reduction of the nations.”
It should be obvious to any baptised person that the elect are being measured in accordance with their faith and behaviour, and must keep God’s Calendar and that refusing, or neglecting to do so, renders the individual unfit for the Kingdom of God and the First Resurrection (No. 143A).
God is simply setting about drawing the attention of the elect to the fact that they are part of a class that is declared dead (Sardis; Rev. 3:1), and spewed out of the Mouth of God (Laodicea; Rev. 3:16). Only individuals from these two groups will be allowed into the Resurrection, and Scripture cannot be broken.
Ask yourself this question: How do I expect to enter the Kingdom of God when I am not keeping God’s Calendar and am keeping a calendar based on the Babylonian intercalations that was only released in rabbinical Judaism from 358CE and was never kept in the Temple period, while it stood, and was never kept by Christ and the Apostles and which was rejected completely by the Churches of God over two millennia, until two Judaisers (Herbert Armstrong and A.N. Dugger) brought it into the Churches of God in the 1940s, and one, Armstrong, was not properly baptised. Unless you repent and obey God you will be rejected.
One cannot obstinately refuse to obey God and expect Him to accept you.
Repent and be saved.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General