Sabbath 21/02/45/120

Dear Friends,

Today on 21 May 2022 the Australians go to the polls to elect another government.  This time it is not simply another phoney election, in which the people are fooled into complacency, and then they are betrayed by their governments, no matter who is in charge. The major parties have now reached the stage where the Globalists are ready to take over the world and establish the NWO. In fact, one might say they are overconfident.

The parties are now so brazen that the Liberal Party of Australia has announced, three days before the election, that they are going to send a medical rep to hand over the Australian Medical system to the WHO, if they are elected  to government.

The ALP has also announced that it will be establishing a home ownership system where they will take part in household ownership and with house owners.  It is a not so subtle way of establishing the Davos idea of the system owning everything and the individual owning nothing. The Greens will back this system and both will back the handover to the NWO of all health matters.

The Australian people have been betrayed by these pseudo-political traitors. So what happens now?  If we do not get rid of them in this election, this week what can the people do?

This problem is not confined to Australia. It will be faced by the US as it is placed under martial Law from sometime after this month, if they do not act now. So also will we see NZ, Canada and UK also placed under martial law and then under the NWO.

Our people have been so incredibly stupid and complacent that we have allowed these traitors to be bribed and to undermine us, as totally corrupt entities and organisations. We as a people are starting to wake up now but it seems to be too little too late. It does not appear to be enough to stop the destruction of our national sovereignty.

If the people place enough of the Freedom parties in enough seats in both houses the nation may be able to fight the treason. Unless we start to fight, we will go into captivity.  We have no chance of survival unless we repent and turn to God around the world. God will send Messiah to save us who eagerly await him.

It is important that the traitors, that sold us out in the parliaments of the nations, understand that their people will hold them responsible. For example Morrison and Albanese and all their party officials will face the wrath of their people first, and if they are not hanged for the treason they have committed, or killed, they will face the Wrath of God under the Messiah and the Loyal Host, if they even make it alive through the Witnesses, which is doubtful.

At the end of the NWO, when Messiah and the Armies of God arrive in the 43rd month, there will be not much left standing to corrupt. Until then, our people will track down their leaders, and punish them severely, either through what is left of the legal system or through a degenerate system of sheer frustration and rage. The fact that the religious system has allowed this to happen, without raising their voices in protest, will see them all destroyed and right soon. They will not survive the Empire of the Beast (cf. 299B).
Today we issue the final Part VI of the Commentary on Matthew (F040vi).

Wade Cox
Coordinator General