Sabbath 19/12/44/120

Dear Friends,

Last week we examined the paper Forgeries, Additions and Mistranslations in the Bible (No. 164F). This week we will continue on and deal with the serious forgeries and mistranslations relating to the position of Christ in the paper Forgeries and Mistranslations relating to the position of Christ (No. 164G).

This work is important in understanding how the doctrines of the worship of the god Attis entered the church from the sun and mystery cults in the Second century but more importantly how they undermined the Churches of God in the Sardis and the Laodicean systems from the reformation and more importantly and fatally in the Twentieth century.  It cost many their positions in both the First Resurrection (No. 143A) and even in the Churches of God and the Millennium generally. This lesson must not be ignored.

This week we will go on to view the matters surrounding the conflicts in the Middle East, Russia and Ukraine and in the South China Sea.  Russia has stated it is withdrawing troops from the Ukraine border area, but remember the old saying: “Do not believe anything until it has been officially denied by the Kremlin.”  The reality is that Russia has not withdrawn any troops, as the US and NATO have stated, but rather it is moving troops into position and it will exceed 175,000 troops to initiate the campaign.  The US is also providing misinformation regarding the conflict.  Hopefully sanity will prevail. Russia has already commenced preliminary operations with cyber attacks on the commercial banks and also the Ukrainian Defence Headquarters. There will also be general attacks on all NATO systems but that will not happen in earnest until the period from H-Hour.  It is anticipated H-Hour will be on Sabbath 19 February 2022 (over 20 February 2022 in the East). This would then be on the Sabbath and in the winter as Christ indicated (Mat. 24:20). The preliminary events will be in the Middle East with a coincidental activation of the Muslim sleepers in Europe. Attacks against Israel will most probably occur from Syria via the Golan, and from Hezbollah in the North and Gaza in the East and perhaps from Egypt in the South. Russian Tank Armies will enter Ukraine from the border in Belarus and over the Russian border over the frozen ground. China will then initiate attacks on Taiwan and the US and allied states, both surrounding the South China Sea and beyond to AU, and NZ. Pakistan may attack India, however, it appears some agreement has been struck between Russia and India and that attack may not occur (until later), to limit reaction from the Sub continent.

The attacks will precipitate nuclear strikes from both sides and the destruction will be massive.  The Globalist traitors in the western nations will then declare martial law to facilitate the imposition of the NWO, as they have planned for years. They will face the wrath of their own people, once the truth is fully known.  This system will last 42 months as defined by prophecy.  The sequence of the wars and conflicts will be further discussed over the next few weeks. The war should be over quickly, but it may stretch out in conflicts for many months (cf. Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C)).

Please prepare, as we asked you to do some time ago.  Make sure you have oils and water and food dry-goods including rice, beans, pasta and cans of key food items.  Sow and grow what you can.

Remember, this is the final phase of the Last Days and the Witnesses will be here soon (cf. Wars of the End Part II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D)).  Christ will then arrive with the Host. We have issued the papers Wars of the End Part III: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E); Part IIIB: War Against Christ (No. 141E_2); and will soon issue Wars of the End Part IIIC: UFO’s and Aliens (No. 141E_2B).

Wade Cox
Coordinator General