Sabbath 14/02/45/120

Dear Friends,

This Sabbath we are issuing the Commentary on Mathew Part V (F040v).  This text takes us up to the last week of the life of the Messiah and his final texts regarding the Kingdom of Heaven and his triumphal entry to Jerusalem to be set aside as the lamb of God. The next section (Part VI) will take us through the trials and sacrifice and the finalisation of his mission. These final parts are essential to understanding the purpose of the gospel and the prophecy of Christ regarding the last days as we are now in those last days.

We are in the War of the Fifth Trumpet and now about to accelerate into the War of the Sixth Trumpet as detailed in the text Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C). It is important that we understand what is to happen and how God will determine the outcome and when He will act to save us.

Remember there is only one Sign given to the Church of God and that is the Sign of Jonah ... (No. 013) and that Sign was to cover the entire period up to the last days and it is tied into all prophecy. See Completion of the Sign of Jonah (No. 013B). One of the fascinating aspects of the last days is that most people of the developed countries have been dumbed down to the extent they have no understanding of what the demons and their Globalist stooges are doing to them, and that our people are about to lose their sovereignty. They seem to have no idea of the danger in which they find themselves. It is important that they follow the texts at to gain a better and more comprehensive understanding.

The War in Europe is designed to crush Russia and the Russians know it and they will resort to escalate the conflicts into WWIII and a third of mankind will be killed from that alone and the world will begin to die. Once that happens we will see God intervene and He will place the Two Witnesses on the Temple Mount to restore all things, as Christ said in the Gospels (see Wars of the End Part II:1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D)).  The world is about to get a very straight lesson in the Laws of God and what is expected of them over the next four years. By the time the Witnesses and Messiah have finished (No. 141E) and (No. 141E_2) the world will be in complete subjection and every false religion set up by the demons will be destroyed and purged from each and every nation, and especially Israel and Judah. See Wars of the End Part IV: End of False Religion (No. 141F). There is only one True God and His Law (L1) is absolute and He will send the Elohim host to enforce it. 

The message is simple.  Repent and change and follow God’s Law, if you wish to live. Only those doing so will be left alive in the Millennium. These will be the Holy Seed of Isaiah 6:9-13.


Wade Cox
Coordinator General