Sabbath 2/5/45/120

Dear Friends,

We saw Cairns News reporting The Vancouver Times.
“The Vancouver Times has reported the arrest of World Health Organisation director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus by Interpol as he was boarding a plane for Africa.
The newspaper says he was charged with crimes against humanity. It has since been refuted as a satire by other news “fact” checkers. That sort of problem will continue now with misreporting everywhere. The reality is that these “vaccines” are seriously problematic and causing serious harm to people all over the world..  The reality is that these serious problems need action taken on a world level. A body of NZ doctors are reported as requesting serious police investigations into the massive side effects and deaths occurring from these poisons.

It is our hope and prayer that arrests will occur to all the Politicians, Media and Health Officials involved in this Genocide, both State and Federal, as well as those around the world from Biden and the US administration with Fauci and Gates to Canada and UK and France and the EU as well as these UN and WEF Monsters. There is no room for them among the free human species.

This is the greatest Crime Against Humanity ever committed. It puts Hitler, Stalin and Mao into a sideshow. These people must be punished severely. The amazing thing is that the people simply went along with it on the say so of corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen and ridiculed those who refused the poisons.

The ABC appears to have been complicit in the scam and murder, or at the very least silent. They have to be defunded and placed on trial where applicable along with the mainstream media everywhere.

The real problem was that the public simply could not believe that their own leaders would have done this to them on such a massive scale, and are still in denial, but the rage is yet to erupt all over the world. It will be massive and all consuming. The health profession will never recover from this crime and betrayal of trust. At least God has revealed the evil of these demon inspired humans. In spite of the demon influence, the humans are still responsible and carry the guilt and transgression of the law. Over the next five years the cleaning out of the species will continue and the world will be cleansed and restored to the Laws of God. Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower the investigators to obtain successful convictions all over the world to ensure this crime never happens again anywhere.

In that process the paper for study this week is the Commentary on Luke Part V. (F042v).  Next week we will finish Part VI (F042vi). By the Third week of the Fifth Month we will have started on John and by September 17th we should have completed the Harmony and the entire NT.

We may take some rest from that, but we will see what we can issue for Tabernacles from Ezekiel and on into the OT texts of the prophets.

Pray for our success.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General