Feast of the Passover and Unleavened Bread 45/120

Dear Friends,

This Feast of the Passover and Unleavened Bread of the 45th Year we are watching the Globalists pick a fight with Russia and China. God says that the powerful demons that have been released from Tartaros have prepared a war that will kill a third of mankind. God has allowed that because mankind has become opposed to all that is healthy and accords with God’s Law (L1).  This Passover we will study the faith as we usually do and ask for God’s Intervention.  We will place our emphasis on the Gospel of Matthew in this Feast and also the papers that are relevant to the Gospel and continue on to the finish of the Gospel after the feast and hopefully complete the other gospels of Mark, Luke and John over Pentecost and hopefully publish the printed NT afterwards.

 It is important that we understand what is happening also in relation to the Wars currently being waged and where it is all taking us.   We hope to publish and update at the feast which will give us all further guidance.
Remember the text that says God works all things together for the good for those that love God and are called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28).  The key elements are that we were all called by the predestination and foreknowledge of God (v. 29; cf. Predestination (296)).

 As of last Sabbath the Russians were consolidated in the East in order to take the Donbas. The attacks are scheduled over the Passover. Russia had sent troops from Georgia and they were so unsuccessful they are reported to have become combat refusals. The experts of US and UK say that NATO is not supplying the correct heavy weapons and aircraft to assist Ukraine, nor do they have serious sanctions against Russia. NATO in EU has been dull witted and gutless and has failed to take advantage of the situation.  They have failed to use the situation to destroy the Russian Army in Ukraine, rather than allow them to invade Europe. NATO must be ready for the worst case - war | NATO former Commander - YouTube.  Putin’s best objectives are to target and destroy, with nukes, every Globalist pawn in Europe from the EU HQ at Brussels, to all Rothschild holdings down to Macron and the Germans and the bureaucrats in EU, and to target the US Globalists also. He should target Washington DC, Langley, Boca Raton, Ft. Detrick, Canberra AU and the centres of the state capitals, Ottowa CA, London UK, and Wellington NZ and all National Media and political HQs in each of the five eyes, and all Globalist centres. That will also tell the world if he is genuine. He must punish the Globalists everywhere so that we all realise what they have done to the population of the world with their poisons and pseudo “vaxxes” and their deliberate depopulation under the wars of the Trumpets (141C). Chinese are reported as landing planes in Serbia with 110 paratroops with each plane. Is China Moving Troops Into Europe? - YouTube

The weaponised viruses are being produced en masse and the most recent being prepared now at the Globalist centre in Wuhan is Nipah virus developed from pigs in Malaysia which produces a deadly virus developing human encephalitis, which is from 80%-90% lethal. So also the globalists are poisoning our water supplies using our own socialist administrations. The enemies of our people are Satanists within our midst and there will be no peace until they are eliminated.

We will produce an up to date report over the feast and hopefully we will keep all informed. Every church in CCG around the world will have received, or should have received, the Passover and UB programs and the papers for study.

We have given the areas hardest hit assistance for the Passover rations so they may have an enjoyable Feast.
Pray for one another and help our people.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General