Fast of 7/1/45/120
Dear Friends,
Today is the Fast of 7 Abib, 45th year of the 120th Jubilee. The Churches of God have kept this fast for centuries under Christ and the Apostles and the various administrations of the Churches of God. Only the Sardis and Laodicean systems failed to keep the Sanctification process as part of the Passover process from the New Moon of Abib. Sardis kept the Passover half heartedly and without understanding and Laodicea did not keep the Passover at all. The Fast was commanded by God through the prophet Ezekiel (45:20) and it was a mandatory part of the Sanctification process, which was the reason why Christ made a whip and scourged the Temple of money lenders, and the profane.
The reasons and history are covered in the paper Sanctification of the Simple and Erroneous (No. 291). At the appendix to the paper we see the history that ties the Fast directly back to Christ and the Apostles in the early church and proves they were doing it as well through into the Third century at that time and recorded by Eusebius in the Fifth century. It is the means of making Atonement for the people in the Churches of God that do not understand the important issues and who make erroneous judgments or who fail to keep the laws of God in the nations at all. It is we in the Churches of God that sanctify all the nations, from the Temple of God to the ends of the earth, and, through our prayers and fasting, help to bring understanding to the world.
This Fast in the third year of the Final cycle is in the early stages of the Wars of the Fifth Trumpet and the Sixth Trumpet and will see a third of mankind killed and then the Great Holocaust continue over the forty two months of the Empire of the Beast (No. 299A) and the 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D). This is the Empire of the Ten Toes foretold by the prophet Daniel (F027ii, xi, xii, xiii). Unless God intervenes and sends the Messiah and the Heavenly Host no flesh would be left alive (Mat. 24:22; Mk. 13:20). It is for this reason that God has told us what is to occur through His servants the prophets, and we are thus able to understand and to endure to the end and they shall believe and be saved (Mat. 10:22; Mk. 24:13; Lk. 8:12).
The process of Salvation is according to the Plan of Salvation (No. 001A). God calls you when He wants you and you stand the most chance of success. If He does not wish you in the First Resurrection (No. 143A) He will simply blind you to the faith and either send you into the millennial system under Christ or let you die in the Holocaust ahead and retrain you in the Second Resurrection (No.143B). It is not God’s will that any flesh should perish (2Pet. 3:9). Thus all mankind and the Fallen Host (No. 080) shall be given the opportunity to reach Salvation.
One of the most difficult sins to deal with is self righteousness and for that reason, among many other sins, the Sardis and Laodicean systems were declared dead and spewed from the mouth of God (Rev. Chapter 3:1, 16). We all have to be teachable and to correct error and come before God through His servants and learn in the Holy Spirit. Do not be discouraged if they fail to see and hear and turn and be saved. God has allocated the time for them to be dealt with and we will all see them come to God in the proper time of their calling.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General