Tabernacles 15/07/44/120
Dear Friends,
We are now at the Feast of Tabernacles and this Feast represents the millennial reign of the Messiah and the elect of God.
As we have said previously we are now in the war of the Fifth Trumpet with the Globalists in the EU, US, UK and China. Our people are now starting to wake up and there will soon be revolt or even civil war in the US and then here. The people will start killing Globalists in the Congress and Parliaments and then in the Universities and the Deep State. The sequence is detailed in the Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C).
God acts according to His own Laws (L1) and Calendar (No. 156). Many assume that Trumpets refers to the coming of Messiah. However, the Bible indicates otherwise. Each year we hold the Feast of the Passover and at the Night of the Passover we all spend our time on the night of observation watching. For what is it that we are watching? The Bible is quite clear that we are watching for the Coming of the Messiah as we experienced at Jericho when Christ came as the Captain of the Army of the Lord (cf. Fall of Jericho (No. 142)). He met Joshua son of Nun and gave him instructions regarding the fall of Jericho over the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Joshua complied and the walls of Jericho fell and the people who had committed themselves to Israel were saved.
We will look at the hypothetical scenario of the coming of the Messiah according to prophecy. If we are now in the War of the Fifth Trumpet, then we are about to move into the next phase and that is the thermo-nuclear war of the Sixth Trumpet. What sort of time frame are we looking at for this sequence to occur?
The end of this sequence is to occur by the Jubilee in 2027. The Jubilee year begins in 2026 at Atonement and ends in Atonement 2027. The Treble harvest year is in 2025 from March to March (Lev. 25:18-28). Thus, for this sequence to occur, Messiah must be here by Passover 2025 at the probable latest. The time sequences are listed in the prophecy of Daniel (cf. Commentary on Daniel (F027xii and xiii). If we assume that this sequence is correct then Trumpets in fact signifies God’s intervention in these Last Days and the end time sequence. Prophecy tells us that we have a set time frame of 1335 days. If the sequence goes until the 14 Abib then the period from end of Tabernacles 2021 to 14 Abib 2025 is 1290 days. It is a week to the New Moon of the Eight month and then 22 days to 27 October which is exactly 1264 days to the Passover of 2025 and the arrival of Messiah. Thus according to prophecy we should see the arrival of the Witnesses Enoch and Elijah by 27 October 2021.
We should then see the War of the Sixth Trumpet break out in this sequence. From The beginning of Tabernacles on evening September 20 to the Last Great Day 28 September the Globalists will become alarmed and try to disrupt communication and especially Internet communications from the US. From the end of Tabernacles we will see the Globalists become alarmed as the citizenry become more and more aware of the horrendous genocidal plot that has been inflicted on them through the Coronavirus bioweapons and especially the mutant causing poisonous vaccines. They will revolt and perhaps even be forced to civil war. This of itself will cause the Globalists to attack the US and AU and it seems UK.
We can expect the Communications shutdowns from perhaps as early as within Tabernacles but certainly from the last week of September to the New Moon on 5 October. Being thermonuclear the WWIII will not last long at all and the chaos will last over the Middle East and Russia to the South China Sea (SCS). If Enoch and Elijah are here by 27 October that is exactly 1264 days to the Passover of 2025 and we could then expect the Arrival of Messiah and the Host. That period is covered in Wars of the End Part II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (P141D). One Third of the World will be dead by the arrival of the Witnesses. When the Witnesses arrive as promised by God they will begin to deal with the Satanists, Trinitarians, pseudo Muslims and the Rabbis and leaders of Judah and the Churches of God. All the leaders of the Churches of God that are not keeping the Temple Calendar but keep Hillel and the Babylonian Intercalations (No. 195C), and teach the worship of a coeternal coequal Christ or any other being other than the one true God, the Father of the Creation, and who do not keep the Temple Calendar (God’s Calendar (No. 156)) as kept by Christ and the Early Church, will commence to die from the leaders down. That will stop only when they repent. God may decide to allow satan more time if they repent but there is no sign of that as yet.
When Messiah and the Host arrive the Demons are placed in Tartaros for 1000 years and we are all risen from the dead or translated and taken to Jerusalem to be with the Messiah and to remain as the 144,000, or, as the Great Multitude of the elect we are sent out to our positions in the nations to educate and control the societies and some will be our own children and grandchildren. Christ and the sons of God will establish the last war before the Millennium (cf. Wars of the End Part III: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God (No. 141E) and then deal with the first War Against Christ (No. 141E_2). The Adventists and the JW systems will die systematically until they correct their doctrines and keep God’s Calendar. If they do not abandon the false doctrines and False Prophecy (No. 269) of their former leaders they will simply continue to die until there are none left and their false prophecy is wiped from the earth, as were the Sardis system of the WCG and COG (SD) and other offshoots. None of their false doctrines and idolatry will survive into the Millennium and nor will their ministry and heretical followers. The whole world will be wiped clean of idolatry by the Jubilee of 2027. By Passover of 2028 only those who have repented will be allowed to live into the Millennium. Then we will clean up the earth so it is fit to live on and in.
Remember that when you come across people who say they are Christians and that when they die they go to heaven, do not believe them. They are not Christians. That is a doctrine of Baal worship.
Enjoy the Feast and learn so that we may live.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General.
Att: Mercola report re COVID.