Sabbath 28/06/44/120

Dear Friends,

We now have a very serious problem among the Holy People and we are watching the destruction of our capacity to survive and keep our people safe.  We have to face the fact that our people are being undermined by the Globalist Communists.  The Destruction of the Holy People is prophesied through the prophet Daniel in Dan. 12:7.  We have examined that in Commentary on Daniel chapter 12 (F027 xii) and in Daniel Part xiii Epilogue (F027xiii).  This week we also release Commentary on  Acts F044iii).

We have to realise that the Globalist Communists have taken over the US using the Democrats and the Entertainment Industry, and the people are just starting to wake up to the fact that they have been subverted by their religious groups and they have to destroy the Globalists in both the Democrats and the RINOs who have badly damaged the GOP. So also the Tories and the Labour movements and the Liberals and ALP in Australia and in NZ and also in Canada. The Media has been destroyed both in North America, in the US and Canada, and also the BBC in UK and also the ABC and others in AU and NZ. They are now blatant Globalist Communist traitors and they will be destroyed very soon and their media will be disbanded and replaced.

We are now in the War of the Fifth Trumpet and the actions of the Globalists will see the West invade the Middle East again and occupy the Holy Land. The War of the Fifth Trumpet will extend  into the thermonuclear war of the Sixth Trumpet (cf. Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C)). See also No. 141A and No. 141B).  The Holy People will not have finished fleeing through the cities of Israel until the son of man comes (Mat. 10:23). There will be no Place of Safety (No. 194) for the cowards of the Armstrong Offshoots and they will be persecuted until they go on past the First Resurrection and they will have to fight to enter the millennial system as humans unless they repent before the Witnesses Enoch and Elijah take their positions on the Temple Mount (cf. Wars of the End Pt. II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No: 141D). The West will get outraged by the biological war instigated by the Globalist and the CCP and they will go to war against the Middle East and the Chinese in the SCS in the actions against Taiwan and Japan. (See also Commentary on Daniel (F027xi))

The US and Canada have very little time to impeach Biden, Harris and Pelosi in order to save their system and also NATO. Nigel Farage stated recently that we do yet know whether NATO will survive Biden’s treachery over Afghanistan and no one trusts Biden or the Democrats and all suspect the US alliances now. Biden is seen as an open and senile tool of the CCP and working against the US and AU, NZ alliances.

The lies coming from Biden and the US General Staff are quite incredible. The fighting in Afghanistan was being done by an army of 45,000 Afghans with US and UK support and AU and NATO assistance.  No consultation was made by Biden and the US Joint Chiefs with NATO or ANZUS and what we witnessed was the greatest rout in the history of our people. They just deserted their places. More importantly we watched the church betray our people and equally importantly the COGs allowed the support of Abortion and Infanticide (No. 259B) through cowardice and an abdication of moral and ethical principles and responsibilities. They will not inherit the kingdom of God until after the Second Resurrection (No. 143B). The Churches of God will be held responsible in the next few months for their cowardice and failure.  CCG was raised up by God through the prophecies of the prophet Jeremiah 4:15-27 and they issued the Warning of the Last Days (No. 044).  Their tasks will join under the Witnesses when they arrive. If the COG Offshoots do not abandon the Hillel Calendar (No. 195C) and Ditheism (No. 076B), they will be killed by Messiah and the Host as will the Trinitarians and Pseudo Islam and the other false religions (Wars of the End Part IV: End of False Religion (No141F). The possibility exists that the Offshoots might even march to War Against Christ (No. 141E_2).

Wade Cox
Coordinator General