Sabbath 140644120

Dear Friends,

This Sabbath we will continue on with the Commentary on Acts Part II (F044ii).  This is an important section of the Commentary on Acts.

We have seen this week the scandalous disaster in Afghanistan under the Biden Administration. This simply cannot be allowed to be ignored. The reality is that the result in Afghanistan is one of gross criminal negligence. The opponent of President Ford in the relief of Vietnam was Biden and his actions in the Congress. 30,000 refugees were left without support. The officers in the White House in charge of this matter should stand trial of gross criminal negligence immediately. Certainly Biden should be impeached and face trial under the 25th Amendment.

The U.S. Embassy flag was lowered Sunday, signifying the end of the U.S. presence in Afghanistan, according to CNN. This is the most recent poll:

Is this disaster President Joe Biden's fault?
Yes: 99% (7271 Votes)
No: 1% (48 Votes)

As late as Thursday, State Department spokesman Ned Price had said there was no such thing as an evacuation either in the works or taking place.“This is not abandonment. This is not an evacuation. This is not the wholesale withdrawal. What this is (is) a reduction in the size of our civilian footprint,” Price told reporters Thursday, according to ABC News. “The embassy remains open and we plan to continue our diplomatic work in Afghanistan.”

However, reflecting the fact that times have changed, the emergency notice posted by the embassy Sunday said anyone with questions should not bother phoning. In fact, it said in boldface type:

Report: Biden Admin to Accept Up to 30,000 Afghan Refugees in 'Immediate Future'

Do not call the U.S. Embassy in Kabul for details or updates about the flight. This form is the only way to communicate interest in flight options.” As of Sunday afternoon, it was unclear who would even be able to flee the country. CNN was reporting as of Sunday afternoon that most diplomatic personnel who had not yet left were at the Kabul airport waiting to flee.

President Biden’s lack of reality was exemplified by his short speech. He seems to have no grasp of what might happen. Nor did he consult with AU over what might happen should he take this course of action. No junior NCO would make these errors in any NATO force, let alone at this level.

"It is wrong to order American troops to step up when Afghanistan’s own armed forces would not," Biden said of the collapse of the Afghan military, a fighting force Biden assured Americans last was prepared for the absence of the U.S. military. Biden assured Americans that he "squarely stands behind" his decision to leave Afghanistan, though he admitted that the pace of the Taliban's offensive did catch his administration off guard.

"This did unfold more quickly than we anticipated," Biden said, noting that the U.S. "could not provide them with the will to fight for that future."
The president then directed his attention to the Taliban, telling Americans he has communicated that the U.S. will use force if the group attempts to disrupt the evacuation mission at Kabul's airport.

They have been there for twenty years and have proven themselves impotent. He has no military training and the Joint Chiefs under Milley appear grossly incompetent given the outcome.

Biden's words haunt him: President said a month ago there's 'no circumstance where Americans will be lifted out of the U.S. embassy in Kabul by helicopter'


PUBLISHED: 23:35 AEST, 15 August 2021 | UPDATED: 21:24 AEST, 16 August 2021

These actions constitute gross criminal negligence of such nature that it is tantamount to treason. He should be arrested immediately along with his staff. 

We have been at war in Afghanistan for 20 long years and I sincerely believe that it’s time for us to leave. But with that said, Joe Biden’s implementation of this withdrawal has been an abject disaster.

From abandoning Bagram Air Base before we got all of our citizens out of the country to leaving our high-tech weapon systems for the Taliban’s taking, to unnecessarily pushing President Trump’s withdrawal date from May to the middle of “fighting season” in Afghanistan, Joe Biden and our generals have failed us all.

Now, the same failed leaders who just weeks ago falsely assured us that, after 20 years and billions of dollars from American taxpayers that the Afghanistan national army would be able to hold their country, want the American people to accept thousands of unvetted people from Afghanistan into our country.

While many of the Afghanistan people are good people, there are bad ones too who do not like Americans or our Western way of life. Resettling them in the United States so that our country becomes a refugee camp is not the answer.

We must put our own American citizens first — in this situation and always. But the Biden Administration is unable to do that, and this example only exacerbates it. If elected to the US Senate, I will always put the needs and well-being of US citizens first. I will never stop working to achieve this, but I can’t get there without your support.

Please take action IMMEDIATELY to stand with me as I work to put the well-being of US citizens FIRST. >>

Senate GOP campaign chairman floats 25th Amendment, probe against Biden
BY JORDAIN CARNEY - 08/16/21 01:43 PM EDT 4,030

Just in...
Democrat on Biden's claim some Afghans didn't want to leave earlier: 'Utter BS'

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Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), who chairs the Senate GOP campaign arm, is raising the prospect of using the 25th Amendment to remove President Biden from office and calling for a congressional investigation into his handling of Afghanistan. 

"After the disastrous events in Afghanistan, we must confront a serious question: Is Joe Biden capable of discharging the duties of his office or has time come to exercise the provisions of the 25th Amendment?" Scott tweeted on Monday. 

 The idea of removing Biden from office through the 25th Amendment — which allows the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet or a group established by Congress to remove a president by declaring them unfit for office — is a non-starter.

But it marks the latest attempt by former President Trump and some of his closest allies to raise questions about Biden's mental fitness. Other Republicans have warned that personal attacks against Biden risk backfiring.  

Democrats, and some Republicans, called for Trump to be removed from office using the 25th Amendment after a mob of his supporters breached the Capitol when Congress was formally counting votes for Biden's Electoral College victory. Scott, as part of that process, supported a challenge to Pennsylvania's election results. He also voted, along with most GOP senators, against convicting Trump of inciting an insurrection during an impeachment trial that took place after the former president left office.  

Scott appears to be the first GOP senator to float removing Biden from office via the 25th Amendment over his handling of Afghanistan. But Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), who has previously made a similar push, revived his call on Monday, tweeting that "Something MUST be done," and Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr., tweeted a criticism of Biden's upcoming speech with the hashtag "#25Amendment."

But Republicans are launching fierce criticism against Biden over his handling of Afghanistan, where a chaotic scene is dominating headlines after the Taliban entered and recaptured Kabul. Biden is returning to Washington, D.C., on Monday and is expected to address the nation on Monday afternoon.  

Though Republicans struggled early in Biden's tenure to find a messaging foothold against him, Republicans view Afghanistan as a major misstep for Biden and an opening for GOP lawmakers that sparks broad unity in the party. The Republican National Committee knocked Biden on Monday over his "Afghanistan Disaster." 

"A proud superpower has been reduced to hoping the Taliban will not interfere with our efforts to flee Afghanistan. God knows what fate awaits vulnerable Afghans who cannot make it to Kabul to board one of the final flights out. Terrorists and major competitors like China are watching the embarrassment of a superpower laid low," Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in a statement over the weekend. 
Scott chairs the National Republican Senatorial Committee, putting him in charge of the Senate's GOP strategy for trying to win back the majority during next year's midterm election.  

In addition to his tweet floating the use of the 25th Amendment, Scott is calling for House and Senate leadership to start a bicameral investigation into Biden's handling of the Afghanistan drawdown.  

That, according to Scott, should include reviewing advice Biden received from military and intelligence leadership, how the administration prepared for the drawdown and what advice either from within the administration or internationally Biden rejected.  

Trump, as part of negotiations with the Taliban, had set a withdrawal deadline for U.S. troops in Afghanistan for May 1. Biden announced in April that the U.S. military would withdraw from Afghanistan by the 20th anniversary of Sept. 11, but has sped up that timeline. 

"Today, I’m calling for Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi to immediately launch a bipartisan and bicameral investigation into the Biden administration’s failed withdrawal of American forces. They must put partisan politics aside and demand accountability from the Biden administration," Scott said.

The democrat system is tearing us all apart with the experimental vaccination system and the world experts are now denouncing the vaccinations as poisonous.

Dr Ryan Cole has exposed the COVID Vaccinations as a poisonous attack on our population..  WATCH: Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole - Experimental COVID-19 Jabs Are a "Poisonous Attack on Our Population" (

Former U.S. Navy SEAL Rob O’Neill, who killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in 2011, tore apart the Biden administration over its debacle in Afghanistan, saying that resignations need to happen now, and that the men who died there would be ashamed of the president. O’Neill specifically called out General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a series of tweets calling on Milley to resign.

“There are Afghans falling to their deaths off of our retreating aircraft,” O’Neill said. “Has @thejointstaff resigned yet?” “Has this dude quit yet? @thejointstaff” he added as he tagged Milley’s office.

O’Neill added, “This is the worst loss in American history. Our most popular president has vanished. Prove me wrong. Everything Democrats touch turns to s**t. Prove me wrong.”

O’Neill continued, “My friends who died for no reason would be disgusted with this administration.”

Another former Navy Seal turned Wisconsin congressional candidate Derrick Van Orden called on top Biden advisors to resign amid the devastating failure. Van Orden, during an interview with “Fox & Friends” said, “I did two tours in Afghanistan in 2003 and 2009, and, unfortunately, the Biden administration is redefining the word incompetence.”

He continued, “You’ve got Secretary Blinken and Secretary Austin. They need to tender their resignations right now. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Milley, he needs to go peel potatoes in the galley for about a month and then resign also. These folks’ primary duty is to advise the president of the United States on diplomatic and military matters and they’ve abjectly failed that. The national security architecture of the United States of America is clearly broken right now.”

“And this is playing out in real time. People can’t pretend like this isn’t happening. We truly understand now that the emperor has no clothes. As a matter of fact, we don’t even know if he’s wearing clothes right now because he has disappeared from the public. The president of the United States, in clearly the most dramatic foreign policy crisis in the United States in a very, very long time, probably since Sept. 11, 2001, has disappeared. Jen Psaki has taken the week off too. This is unacceptable.”

High-Ranking Democrats Furious After Trump Leaks Biden's Darkest Secret
High ranking officials were enraged after learning what he'd been hiding all this time...

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz also shredded Joe Biden on Monday for his response to the chaos in Afghanistan before eventually attacking Gen. Mark Milley
“Just as President Biden has failed our country on COVID [Chinese coronavirus], at the border and economically — he has failed in Afghanistan. Since he was on vacation, I don’t know if he even noticed. We did,” Gaetz said in a statement.

While Gaetz said Biden’s decision to withdraw was “correct,” he noted the strategy and tactics were both “horrific and incompetent.”

“The fundamental error was ever believing that the Afghan ‘government’ and ‘military’ would ever fight for or win anything. They fled the country with whatever they could steal at the first whiff of the Taliban,” Gaetz said.

“It wasn’t exactly Valley Forge, Concord or Lexington. They were thugs and thieves, not patriots,” he continued, criticizing the Biden administration for believing in what he described as the “legitimacy of an illegitimate Afghan Government.”

Because of that mistaken belief, Gaetz continued, “the right precautions were not taken to ensure that military equipment, paid for by the U.S. Taxpayer, did not fall into the hands of the Taliban or Iran.”
“Sadly, that’s exactly what happened,” he said, sharing an interview of a Taliban spokesperson boasting that some of the Afghan forces the U.S. invested in joined the jihadist organization and delivered U.S. weapons:

Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who has prioritized Critical Race Theory, was “made a fool,” Gaetz continued.

“Days ago he was crowing about the additional work the U.S. would be doing in Afghanistan to protect the airport and embassy. More funding and support for the Afghan Security Forces was his recommendation,” he said, calling for Biden to fire Milley “today.”

Author: Matt Johnson

From a study of Military History the general staff of the English speaking people have never conducted themselves in such a disgraceful manner in our history. Australia failed to take the appropriate actions to ensure the safety of men and equipment and of the Afghan administration.  The President Ghani of Afghanistan spent more time in the US lobbying congress for money and using it for nefarious purposes and when the withdrawal occurred he fled from the country. Twenty Years wasted in the most scandalous and corrupt of manner. The joint chiefs were typified as fat, unfit incompetent morons under a senile fool.

Australia has not acquitted the British Commonwealth well either. These idiots in the US and in AU have undermined the West by feminist ideology which has completely alienated the Afghan populace and will see the slaughter of Afghan females due to their “woke” feminism introduced from the West. The one chance we had of introducing Scripture and Biblical law according to the Koran they squandered. The Demons undermined them using a corrupt administration from the US congress to the Afghan administration, and obliterated any chance of Repentance. Not only that, the socialist media are bringing in the Leftist Democrat  Obama agents on the ABC to mislead the AU people on a continual basis in the same way they did over their 2020 election frauds.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General.